English Diary 2021
Very cold recently so it may be that so many people don't go to the shrine etc. this year. Anyway, almost things in life depend on thought of oneself. I'd like to enjoy myself always. I have wakamizu (first water to drink every year) and see the first sunrise and kakizome (first shodou to write every year) of New year's resolution. I'd like to read many books this year.
Osechi is delicious which my wife cooked. Osechi Ryouri (dish) is cooked when originally five Sekku every year (e.g. momo no sekku), but nowadays it means usually dish to eat during O Shougatsu. Firstly sacred the dish are offered to gods of Shinto or so and then people have it together therefore they get gods' spiritual mysterious power or soul inside themselves.
People cook and put osechi into Juubako which is constructed double or triple for the double or triple fortunate of the year. It might be like superstition, but we don't think it as "superstition" and we do it as "Engi wo katsugu." It's a kind of action to pray for happiness. Offered to gods at Kamidana (a place like a shelve in the house for the gods), the food is called "shinsen." Shinsen is usually Sake, salt, water, or rice or vegetables or so. People call something to eat is Mike and something to drink is Miki in this case.
I enjoyed seeing a fighting sports called "RIZIN" to see especially Asakura Mikuru at Omisoka of 2021. He is great on YouTube. Of course every fighter as gentle person is great.
I remember it was October to finish the fifth wave of that virus media panic, but overseas it might take time more and more. I pray for everyone's happiness, directly checking data.
This year's winter is very cold. Much snow everywhere in Japan. It was very cold at Okuma on Omisoka. It was trouble a little when returning for shivering. Around the road of Rokkoku (National road No. 6), buildings are getting knocked down.
I thought old life once upon a time was great because it was very cold at a house which has many gaps to get the wind. I was wondering how people survive then. General people didn't have great bedding (futon). Usually everyone used an outer garment as bedding inside a shallow wooden box to sleep. That's why, people's lives were short then not global warming. Much wind and snow. I remember when I was a child, I made a kamakura by snow. Anyway, folklore of Japan let me feel great culture of general people. I pray for everyone's happiness.
Photo: Our Japanese pear fields got snow at Omisoka, 2021. Why there are not so many weeds is that we continue to mow by tractors all year long.
The 1st of January, 2022
We pray for your happiness.
Kuniyoshi, Hiroko
I baked two pacific sauries (Cololabis saira) with a frypan for breakfast and had natto with sliced Japanese leek, umeboshi, ginger with umezu (ume vinegar), kimchi, miso soup that I cook always, and brown rice. People call pacific saury "Sanma(さんま or 秋刀魚)" which is one of the most prominent seasonal foods. In Japan, to eat seasonal foods means cool or iki (いき).
I got a flat tire, found out cracking of the coat as deterioration of all of tires, so I ordered a mechanic at a car shop to changed them. The cost was about 400 bucks. I must order tire inflation check at GS once in every four months.
Time flies like an arrow. I got fine fruits of study about languages or basic lifestyle this year. I'd like to keep up doing like this and run up a slop to the blue sky among white clouds like Hiyodorigoe in reverse direction like Genji hearing Gionshouja of Heike because everything is in a state of flux.
In Yamanashi Pre. a little big earthquake happened 30 min ago, 6:30am. Have a really safe month. (Also, 9:30am, the same size earthquake did in Wakayama Pre.)
Coming back to my home in Iwaki, I baked two pacific sauries with a frypan eventually, not using this set of BBQ because the firepower this time was small without a fire starter as is usual, so it became just a small play with fire. In Aizu I used to do BBQ and made small charcoal of homemade. I'm wondering what I use this for. I may use it to bake vegetables here under the stars of the night.
We were glad to see, eat, talk with friends in 2 years, which reminded me of, "Veni, vidi, vici" of Gaius Julius Caesar.
It'd been 2 years to see friends, due to pandemic. Recently traveling we gathered in Aizu area to listen to a professor's lecture, Gakushuin University, Akasaka Norio prof.
I give a lecture about prof. Kito Shuichi' book of Environmental Ethics.
Environmental Ethics. #COP26
Roderick Frazier Nash (The Rights of Nature), John Passmore (Man's Responsibility for Nature), George Perkins Marsh, John Muir, Arne Næss, Peter Singer, Christopher D. Stone, Frederick Jackson Turner, Gifford Pinchot.
We were in Aizu two days. First time in two years. Aizu castle has an inverted cross.
2017 - 2021
15,000km ran in 5 years. So, I jogged in Fukushima as the same distance as summing Siberian railway and crossing the US.
Congrats on wedding of Komuro Mako san and Komuro Kei san. I empathize with their feeling.
English diary
Finally this year is getting finished in two months. I don't remember well what did I do this week. Time flies like an arrow.
Not only exercise but, recently after getting up early I immediately read 3 books as my routine in the morning.
Old testament. Quran and Richard Bell's ABC book of it from a publisher Chikuma in Japan. Kojiki of Japan's oldest historical gods book. All in Japanese, but Quran's book are written in Arabic, English, and Japanese (but Japanese sentences of this are sometimes not so easy to understand perfectly, maybe translation on kindle? I'm not sure anyway for the time being until when I find out translated books of Quran by a professional translator of Japan in my book shelves' room soon).
By the way, some of protesters in modern news seemed to use a shepherd's sling. Its how to use it is shown on YouTube. However, it must be too dangerous, so it'd be better never to play with it.
Also, actually I plan to read Japanese folklore everyday, but for the time being well begun is half done. Anyway, I'd like to do that more.
I see the news like kidney transplantation is on the way of medical progress in the US recently. I hope to see everyone's smile ASAP.
How delicious croissants are! It's been several years for me to eat it.
Of course, I have yet to read his book, "The Complete Sonnets and Poems (The Oxford Shakespeare)." but anyway I have this thick book to read someday with Japanese translation.
The writer called, Colin Burrow says below. London Review of Books@LRB quoted, ‘Civilisation isn’t about conquering planets or travelling faster than the speed of light. It’s about keeping going even when you think you’re lost.’ from here, "Vol. 43 No. 2 · 21 January 2021
It’s not Jung’s, it’s mine Colin Burrow" (https://www.lrb.co.uk/.../colin.../it-s-not-jung-s-it-s-mine ) (https://www.english.ox.ac.uk/.../professor-colin-burrow...)
Some people might feel hurry frustrated toward the last of this year. It's because of the calendar. Originally, each person's time in life is different. Diversity. We don't have the same destiny and lifespan. It might be sometimes no equal.
Just we feel a moment like the same one everyday, having a sense of time about days and years. We don't see the same perspective. Usually very diversity. But when we know memories or stories or music or movies and so on, we see the same things. It'd be great.
Reading in English (I wrote my impression in Japanese)
"The Best of Andersen's Fairy Tales" by H. C. Andersen/ Hans Christian Andersen, Adapted by David Orivier
The Little Mermaid
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Мультики: Стойкий оловянный солдатик
The ugly duckling
We must not forget this pandemic sadness. Our peaceful circumstances for the time being might be actually for a moment. Under this very long pandemic disaster, I really pray for people's peace, health, and happiness. Let's go to vote if can.
It's already time to have a car inspection. It was suddenly application but I got a replacement vehicle called TOYOTA PRIUS at TOYOPET where is a big TOYOTA's car dealership. Recently I work on study, job, and exercise. Additionally I really worked on put away many things at my original room to got reformed very well. Then, I found myself having a sign of tiredness that is really rare. So, I'm taking a rest for several days never to have a flu. I will get some relaxing days.
Beautiful autumn.
My wife's bento is delicious.
I'm so relieved to see becoming pandemic is smaller. Before this we were under a kind of despair. Now we feel freedom. We must remember this sense of freedom even if that happens again in winter.
I'd like to have the time to practice speak in English everyday. Among 4 skills of language I practice 3 ones, so need to speak it. Seeing some English speakers who are Japanese on Internet, they do for 10 or 15 minutes everyday, so I'm gonna do 60 minutes. But actually I felt it was long. I thought how little I spoke in English so far.
For example, if I finish practicing speaking English for 60 minutes everyday for 10 months, it might be the same as great students for 7 years of high school and university because if a student has 20 minutes to speak every week (not conversation), it's 80 minutes per month, and then, it's 960 minutes a year in total. So, 40 hours every year. Then, 280 hours for 7 years.
Also, I began to study at BBC learning where has much information and the transcripts are different from actual spoken words, but it's really helpful for me to gain vocabulary and listening practice time with native English.
Photo: Mamedaifuku at Akebono. Kanule etc. at Nippori. Gomokusoba.
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To improve abs workout
This book has several stories. For example, "The wise men of Gotham" was funny and let me think a little. The name is also a real village in the UK.
Especially I liked the first tale. Two men fought and another man showed left in his bag to teach them how much they waste by fight after let them help bring the heavy bag over the bridge and throw it away. The peaceful is precious.
The third tale was funny. The man let cheese to seek for another cheese, so he threw it away. There might be such things in the world. For example, some fans who have not played football at all want to teach football players how to play it well.
I read "The Story of The Three Little Pigs" and "Jack And The Beanstalk" and "The History Of Jack And The Giants." Especially, I liked the latter two stories.
Jack of Beanstalk was seen as an idiot, but he struggled with his destiny. Also, about Jack the Giant Killer I thought about the other groups in those days around English people group because the Giants' names were "Thunderdel" or "Galligantus." King Arthur is on the story. By the way, "Jack" was also my another name when I was 19 or 20 in Tokyo for only 1 day at midnight. I came up with it from a movie called "Taitanic."
I thought that there might be many stories exciting and fun in the world that we should read or experience in practice.
Though rainy very much, I had chores to do in Yumoto town in Iwaki city, so I drove to there and bought a set of MANJU called Karinto Manju at Shiraishi in Yumoto, taking an Ashiyu onsen for free in the middle of the town. Then we had Kaisen don (Sashimi etc. seafood with rice, soy sauce). Also, Ogawa town is famous as a productive land of Japanese pears, so we often buy especially since I know how much farmers work every year.
NHK BS broadcasts in each language of the several countries each for 5 or so minutes almost everyday. I think it's like homestay at several countries at the same time. Of course, I don't understand all of them, but it's really helpful to practice listening. Also, usually on Internet I tend to only see English, but this is TV, so automatically broadcasts regardless of whether I want or not. One button of the remote controller.
Surely there are ones on Internet, so I'm sure NHK world is also helpful. I'd like to jot down if seeing Internet's ones. The number of tweets in English that I saw the leads as a part of the news is 1500 this year and videos in Japanese is 1500 the same approximately. I'll count the videos of NHK world in English into the video number together if there is not put a text below the video, if there is I put theme as tweet number.
I liked those artists this week, Jungsuk Lee, Jessica Hayllar, Alexei Savrasov. Even if I don't art works at all in a week, I see them because there are some people on Twitter who like paintings tweets with them.
About COVID, I'm so relieved to see new cases in Tokyo decline. Surely, its disaster will come many times, but for now people in Japan feel safe. I hope people in the world stay safe too.
But this circumstances of pandemic, I guess women generally must feel it's difficult to say like "I'm not good. I feel dizzy or fever something like that" and it must be difficult to live in society still not understanding about female or gender sufficient, as is usual before. Originally it's really difficult for mankind to perfectly avoid generally "flu."
Also, I feel very small quakes for these two or three days because 2011 since 1 year ago I have felt so many quakes so that I can feel by very small change of air pressure and small sound to ear.
photo: homemade TSUKEMONO of three turnips that I cooked. I guess it's salty for some people oversea, but some people in Japan who think of healthy think it is delicious and healthy. Because about salt there are two kinds. Cafe Renoir in Tokyo where I rarely came when I was a student, so I came here this time. I cooked an eggplant stir fry.
We went to the capital Tokyo Metropolice Recently for my family reason. I'd learned a lot there, where is the most pandemic in Japan. Firstly, we went by limited train, because there is not a bullet train here, Hamadori area in Fukushima.
It took us 2 hours and 20 minutes to arrive at Ueno Station in Tokyo. I'm not sure, but for the first time in how many years to get to Ueno station where I have old memories. Actually, many people use a high way bus to Tokyo station or Shinjuku station, so many people think it's far from here to Tokyo, but it's very close to Tokyo from here by limited train. But the trains are fewer passengers than I thought. I guessed people refrain moving to anywhere far.
However, each big station in Tokyo Yamanote line, there were seen so many people walking and walking. I was surprised to see them on site. I eat hamburg steak at an Okonomiyaki restaurant called "Uchida (うちだ)" in Hiragana.
Beef was delicious. We came into the restaurant when it was about time to finish lunch time, so there was only one person then. We got lucky. Also, it was delicious to eat gyouza at a restaurant "Gyouza no Oushou" where is a franchise chain.
It seemed to me to be safer to using public vehicles trains because the ventilation felt better than I thought. According to the report of Nikkei newspaper in summer last year, the transmission routes of it are mainly, inside home, places to work, and meeting to eat and drink, and downtowns. I felt the same mentality of people in Tokyo a little this time. Anyway, it needs for me to refrain from thinking too much about pandemic. I'm fed up with "mandatory."
When coming back to Iwaki, Fukushima, there was almost zero passengers then (Surely, there are many students and salary men in the morning or evening). I guessed it was difference from population. People here have other problem surely, depopulation etc. Anyway, tomorrow is another day. Heaven helps those who help themselves.
I read an article on Internet about a phenomenon called like "To become an invisible man after 50 years old." The magazine says like people learned beautiful about different skin colors, but about different age they don't yet. Paulina Porizkova says like so.
According an Internet magazine. Paulina encourages me who is like an invisible man because of my "politically moderate" about a topic of 11th of March, 2011 Fukushima (but almost residents in Fukushima are moderate).
Also, I read an article on Internet, about a professional death watch called Mitori shi (in Japanese) 看取り士. It's a problem where and how people will pass away. In Japan, those discussions are not done many times yet. Terminal care, hospice care, palliative care, and comfort care are really important for everyone. Then, it's clearly an inhumane way of zero visitation hour at hospitals etc. during pandemic. The world must think about these problems. To smile at last. https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/453336 (Japanese)
Speaking to liberty, comparatively less controlled a search engine called "duckduckgo" might be useful for the time being.
Then, I finished reading those in English this week, writing essays about them in Japanese.
3, 『Beauty and the Beast』(Xanthe Smith-Serafin)
4, 『The Albert Einstein Story』(Jake Ronaldson)
This week I read a children book called "Buying mittens" by Niimi Nankichi. Each experience of a mother fox and her child are different and she left a tweet like this; And she murmured to herself, “I wonder if human beings were really good. If human beings are really good...” What do you think about her tweet?
Here is the story;
Really delicious to eat dish cooked by my wife.
Hashed rice with steak.
I began to see several art works daily from this week. Firstly I mainly chose Tachisme. I liked their works this time; Jean Rene Bazaine, Ferruccio Bortoluzzi, Norman Bluhm, Hans Hartung, Serge Poliakoff, Denis Bowen, Beauford Delaney, Paul Jenkins. Also, Ines J. Pedras. Incidentally, I usually see works by Olafur Eliasson.
Mother Teresa's booklet was fun. I learned she got up at 4 everyday. Also, she didn't sleep long, but lived long. Great talent.
I usually see SHIBUYA in Tokyo through my computer. It's like a window everywhere nowadays. It's incredibly great. It's just a video, but real and smooth videos. I feel there are many people in Shibuya, but maybe it might be fewer than usual. Anyway, bringing back a good memory at a cafe in NAKANO in Tokyo more than 10 years ago.
About Fuji Rock festival this year, a rock musician called Gotou Masafumi wrote a note and I found a word "Ushiro metasa" in Japanese. If it's in English, it'd be "sense of shame" or "sense of guilty." Anyway, "justice" catches on SNS recently, but I think it's good to write "ushiro metasa." (Surely, justice is never bad).
Then I found a video on YouTube. It was 2014. He played a big flag written "Fukushima" in Katakana. I thought it was Rock music because Japanese katakana feels us something like rock music. In those days, Fukushima written in Katakana includes victims' anger or sadness etc. and since around 2016, politically many people stopped using the word by some reasons. It just reminds me a little.
If speaking "once upon a time," I feel I live long, but I only live half of Miura Yuichiro who is a famous climber now and 88 years old. There is a person who is called Avicii, DJ musician, 28 years old forever. But suddenly, there appears a whale who four legged in this world, it could be a lost memory. Therefore, my seeing scene is my age's one and it's changeable soon. Anyway, language or writing has this possibility. Round rocks in the river has their era when they are sharp.
"Once upon a time" is a kind of past, but it's not a simple past. Because it means that the one reminds a memory who says so. If in Japanese, it's "Mukashi." I think so. Because it sounds like mukiaeshi in Japanese, (it means like "face"). It's an action to remind a memory. So, it's arranged during the action because there is not the perfect memory of a human in the world. It's not possible for people to perfectly express smell, atmosphere, chemical circumstances, scene, time, place, etc. for the time being. So, past that one reminds is not the perfect past as the same as then. I think so.
When people live, the past is piled up. But when 100 years old, it's gradually not so easy to remind all memories. It's difficult, but it's about time to let people go from suffering in life. Perhaps, soul or spirit can do anything they hope about it. The past piled up would be left very much after life. 20s' happiness. 100s' happiness. What would we think about each of them. All were lives. All were perfectly lives. But just a body has time to live.
When sleeping, people don't have consciousness. Then, they can't get any memories (now, except for arrangement of memory as a brain working). Even young people also can't have any past and memories. when sleeping, speaking in a sense, because nobody can remind then. It might resemble. People say, "Sleeping is heaven" (Neru wa gokuraku in Japanese). Of course, during living everyone hopes to be in the heaven because it's to interpret that thinking this world as one of the heavens. There is not an answer in humans' world, but I also can tell each person has their own answer.
Early in August was rainy, but the recent weather has been getting like a tropical resort in the east Japan.
When I drove, I got a sign ticket because I overlooked a straight traffic sign. He took 2 points and 7000JPY from me. Very small one, though wasn't the price very high?
So I got frustrated around Iwaki station a little, but I thought twice and guessed it was a sacrifice for my bad luck at the day. It proved maybe because I was safe until going back home.
I finished watching all long version videos by Nas Daily. I learned so many great people in the world. Then I'll watch comedian videos on Facebook. It was delicious to eat hamburg steak with some sliced carrot fried, which were cooked by my wife. Thankful.
2 months passed from when I learned that. Now that I often look for information where has easier regulations about it in the world. In other countries not everyone wear a mask, everyone does a mask here. Especially, trends of the UK and the US and EU because they earlier than Japanese circumstances. Also, how to protect and avoid etc. So many "positive" recently in Japan, but deaths are getting fewer very much in Japan and Fukushima.
Surely, God only knows the future. We bumped into one of critical phenomenon for human being, having an experience the difference from our past life. It's time for democracy to grow up, othewise to bump into an opportunity to be stolen time of life by anxiety and peer pressure, being absorbed in virtual insanity.
Even living in the countryside, I also bought sliced meat by myself for yakiniku to refrain going a restaurant for a short period now, shouting liberty and Liberté inside our memories this summer, thinking that the spirits of everyone are gonna be free from the bodies someday.
I thought in this way, so it broke recent boring circumstances about myself as one of human being under news about that all day long or do a kind of conceptual world, and a traffic one broke my anything unfortunate, and this cafe where is called, "BREAK" let me take a break.
"Shizukasaya Iwanishimiiru seminokoe" by Matsuo Bashou
(Silence, voices of cicadas soaking into rocks - my translation)
At the beginning of July, we went an onsen at Kawauchi mura (mura means village like shi means city or machi means town), where is next to Ogawa town in Iwaki city, but there is a mountain between them, so we crossed the mountain by car.
However, there were several small cracked parts of the road on the way, feeling trouble a little. For 30 minutes to cross it and the total is 1 hour to the village. Because of the daytime, so we found only fewer people.
A small butterfly came to sip onsen and mantis was floating and I saved him/ her. It was delicious to eat blueberries and kashiwa mochi were grown at the village. We might went through that village, called, Bakugenjin mura (village) in Kawauchi mura (village), where is held Mangetsu sai (full moon festival).
We took a nap after onsen and then went back our home of for the time being, hearing higurashi cicada. Namikanta ruteeru, which are words by a picture book of Kaeru language (tree frog language), means like "Everyone is happy, we hope." I interpreted so.
A dish of grated radish was delicious. As I'm meditating every early morning, the top of the mountain is shining before the golden sun.
On Twitter I have finished reading 1200 leads of news on a lot of media in the world. It's getting easier for me to read writings in English than before. So, I'd like to challenge to read easy thin books in English from now on.
We went to the beach of Iwaki city and I swam a little. Swimming is banned now by Corona pandemic, so there is nobody at a working day, except for two surfers and two fishers. Feeling the ocean in a while, I felt better.
A picture, which is called, "TOROS Y TOREROS" by Pablo Ruiz Picasso is seen at a restaurant we sometimes come.
Red, blue, yellow. I remember this restaurant as a memorable place where I ate lunch with novelists. Hamburg, steak, and wine. Since I read a novel by Hemmingway, I've been interested in Spain.
Picasso's Gernica looks very blue and sad. The name was originally the town's. Also, Gernica painted by a Spanish. There was not Internet in those days, so nobody always sees it.
Going to the poet's memorial literature center (Kusano Shinpei), we read several books, taking a rest.
Horiguchi Daigaku, who is a poet and translator of French literature . The ages of him and Picasso both are just 100 years ago than me (1981 - ). I read his a short writing about a story of "L'Oiseau bleu (The Blue BIrd)" by Maurice Maeterlinck, who was born in Edo era.
His writing says in Japanese like this, "The Blue Bird tells us happiness there is beside oneself always ones seek anywhere else. "
Then I read a writing by Norio Awadu, who is the head of the building and art critic, about Pablo Ruiz Picasso. He says like this, "Picasso might think about a reason of his birth, so that's why Picasso's works as his teenager were great. "
Surely, I know per ardua ad astra; for instance, hardship makes people stronger.
It's the first time for me to operate a cultivator (power tiller) at our original kitchen garden. I felt it was small space to cultivate for 10 Min. because I use a tractor daily. We went an onsen for feet in Yumoto, Iwaki city as is usual with us.
Finally, I finished first 1000 videos by Nas Daily. Their videos mainly about traveling and social topics all over the world. Then, I'm gonna watch other long ones by them. I think how to think by Nas is typical in modern era, comparatively with Japanese people, because of the resemble.
I feel how they think well. It took me 7 months to see all of 1000 days. He said like it took 6 hours him to make a video every time, but now Nas makes a group. My video of Nature Fukushima takes me 1 or 2 hours.
I read a manga about Pascal and Newton. They are great and other scientists, too. Torricelli. René Descartes. Hooke. Especially, Newton was great. Newton read a Math book by Descartes in Latin and a long annotation book about the book by Descartes, by Schooten. They had many troubles among scientists like ordinary people.
Prof. Yourou Takeshi writes like there are too many papers or theses to read comparatively with older eras. Seeing my bookshelves, there are so many books of course. Sometimes I think, when I finished reading them all. But now, I'd like to continue to read many books like my daily marathon and muscle training.
Nature Fukushima No. 11
This is the law mountain that I has jogged marathon always when I do outside since 2019. But I jog inside during summer because it's too hot except for early morning. Sometimes some cars go around here, so feeling safety I can run. One round trip (one return) is 5km and I usually do 3 times with 5kg.
It's been very hot, so a workload that I can per day is getting lower on my hobby category, but I think it's thankful to live safe and do chores, praying for everyone's safety and health.
I cut sweet viburnum to avoid wind with an electric clipper for garden at Okuma town. I used a light truck and power generator. In Iwaki city, I put a garden parasol to make relaxed. Also, pulling weeds at our small garden with sweat. My wife cooked a bento of unagi (eel) one day (It's thought as expensive one in Japan).
I read several mangas of science history. It was fun to read especially Archimedes. Of course, already read a mangas "Eureka" in Japanese by Iwaaki Hitoshi. Archimedes came up with an idea of his theory in the bathtub in ancient Greece. Then he said like, "Eureka (ηὕρηκα)." (means like, "I have found.") (as briefly saying).
I see how he feels because it's difficult to answer or solve a question in the world.
Délicieux. Canele is a small traditional pastry in France. Cannelé de Bordeaux. Au café. In Fukushima prefecture. Even if sweltering, I'd prefer to live like a waterfowl.
Yesternight it was delicious to eat a piece of chiffon cake and have some water, reading a book. When I was about 20 years old etc., I've heard some people said some water "o hiya (like a "o daiji" as a more politely meaning) for several words in the restaurants etc. (Gari (shouga), and so on). I like hearing the word, o hiya, or o beer in summer reading because it sounds literature.
I zoomed with a teacher at university in the UK. I talked about a topic of where people want to go or drop in before the heaven because it was related to our hometown and the other was how we as humane should record about our 11th of March, 2011. and was a topic about people affected and who were involved.
Meanwhile, I have many memos about for these 10 years on the computer, but almost all of them were not useful nowadays. If a few people on the extremely wings found my memos, they might be arrogant again, feeling to know the secrets about the history.
I got it why Shirasu burnt documents finally after WW2 (at a TV drama as a fictional story related to the real) and our ancestors did, too. To record is important, but it's not all.
At the same time, for a half of this year, I had jotted down fires on Internet, but almost all of them were too difficult to include easily and I didn't feel calmer at all. I couldn't. It'd be useful to have a topic to talk freely on SNS, but it was no good to write as one of pages of a book. Therefore, I stopped try to do it basically. Life is too short to read flamings deeply. I deleted memos like a simple living called, "断捨離 (Dan Sha Ri).
According to an article of Fukushima minyu newspaper, the number, those who want to cheer for Fukushima, is the best in Japan comparatively with other prefectures. I was pleased to see it. Under the sweltering sky on SNS different topics of flaming go through. Everyone has their own pace. We walk our way.
photo: Long-headed poppy in Okuma town, it's said like which has a poison, from other countries.
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Yesterday Japan football team drew with Spain. The game let me to be encouraged. Kirin challenge cup 2021.
Meiji era, Japan learned football as Association Football, so we call it soccer as well as in the US. Of course, I pray for what everyone in the world will smile more in despite of the pandemic. Not only just consumption of sports, but if people think sportsmanship, Japan will be brighter.
The weather has diversity, but anyway it seems to be gonna be finished the rainy season earlier than usual. Althaea rosea (or hollyhock) is beautiful this year, too, that I see in Okuma and Iwaki, but saw in Aizuwakamatsu city before because the flower is the city's flower. It came from China, as a(n, the US pro.) herb.
A garbageman appeared our home and he said like, I can buy a lot, do you use this, bra bra. (Of course, I think its name should be changed the other name nowadays, it's just from a wiki). In Japanese people call them "廃品回収業者" or "ボロ屋" "クズ屋" etc. He can use a unic with a crane and speak in Japanese. He comes from Kanto area.
We took care of plants to avoid wind with an electric hedge clippers. It was really hot in the morning. My forearms got muscle pain suddenly, so it might be overtraining. I decided to reduce the times of training for forearms. Take it easy. While I sleeping in the car along the road, a guardman asked me are you okay because you don't use an air conditioner now?
A friend who I've seen in a while said to me like, you are strong willed. I was glad to be heard a compliment. I'll do my best. Other friend said like, your writing is deep. I was also glad. It's tough daily under the pandemic, so I'd like to treasure such words.
Meanwhile, a friend said like, let's take it easy, spending much time to take care of oneself. It let me relaxed very much. One can't live perfectly everyday. The perfect would be an ideal(εἶδος (eidos), idea, ideal, idee). An ideal triangle always crash into the real triangles because there are not ideal things in the world except for our mind. If our mind has too much ideals, It'd crash into anything real.
We as humane need to balance in life. Lǎozǐ (老子) had a thought about water. It's called, 上善若水 [ shàng shàn ruò shuǐ ](it means, "The best is like water. It gives everyone benefit, it never fight, and it changes its form with other things, it's humble). In Japanese people say it, Jou zen mizu no gotoshi (上善若水).
Or, baptisma uses water. Or Θαλής (Thalēs) says like the beginning of everything is water. Or, ablution or bathing. Pure water or power water in Japan. Anyway, water lets me think a lot, therefore, I named my private school "AQUA学習教室 (learning class)."
Buddhism has also a topic of whether everything in the space has the buddha nature or not all. Zen meditation group of buddhism tends to think everything. I feel so, too. It's also like a thought of Yaoyorozu no kami etc. in Shinto.
Photo: switch board before dispose.
I think a part of machinery to let rice got dried. The machine is a bib iron box with many switches, rice husk getting into the air and flavor of them, putting up many heavy bags of rice, 30kg. Then, hearing the big sound of the machinery and sleep before that day in 2011. I feel needless to say it, but we had used it previously and it was not broken (Seen, Mitsubishi, National, Matsushita Denko).
What a beautiful flower of Gladiolus in rainy season. It's been hot, so getting tired little by little. I bumped into a video on YouTube, Machiyama Tomohiro in California in the US, which is about a Jazz history.
Lois Armstrong expanded the world of Jazz, not only New Orleans where is permitted Jazz. Other areas were strict. Anyway, when difficult time for Jazz, Lois sang "What a wonderful world." It might sound paradoxical, but it meant deeply.
I'm not familiar with Jazz history yet, but I think it's important to cry sufficiently, but also more important to move forward, as much as we can, if possible.
This year is pandemic and also infodemic. People have been punched by many numbers everyday. But some numbers have not been seen hid for any objects of everyone. A whole benefit might have a part of people's sacrifice.
Training. Exercising. Learning. So many English videos on Internet. Taking a rest. endless repeated. But I treasure time with my family. Surely, I miss time with almost friends. However, originally I don't gather very much. Maybe, once a year or lesser. Anyway, I hope everyone's happiness.
The agri field where I planted sweet potatoes this year was a building for putting hay of cattle before and then the building changed as a house of grand mother and grand father called, "inkyo (ya)" and finally changed as my private school, but that accident let the building finish, so nowadays its place was firstly the field again. Some people say, "nothing," but there is not "nothing" precisely because there is the land, where has the future and possibility. Ancient Japanese people thought the space is able to make mysterious power.
The photo is taken by my wife. The yakiniku restaurant where is called Shokuraku inside is like Showa era. It reminds me, when I was 8 years old, Showa 64 (1989), I watched a 10 JPY coin, going to primary school. It's Reiwa now, but Showa's taste is delicious. Surely Heisei is our era though.
A half of 2021 passed.
We always thank you so much for caring about us. I know you are having productive days and thankfully for your time.
By the way, in Shizuoka prefecture something happens a big landslide among houses on the way of the slope by heavy rain. I really hope people achieve great reconstructions by great welfare of Japan and it'd be desirable for residents (evacuees) there.
Watching circumstances there through media and preparing evacuation of ourselves (flood), I think about how democracy will become better if there are any changes by people at this society.
Also, at a part of California in the US, it seems to be hottest daily, for instance 54 degree. It's Death Valley. Is it for climate change? Anyway, Death Valley's name sounds like a kind of symbolism because 1849 some people sought gold and faced serious difficulty. It's suggestive for all people in the world.
I think it's important to think of slow life or slow food always as much as I can in the countryside because if I don't think so, I always concentrate to continue to study or exercise too much etc. When I was 20 years old and 31 years old after 11th of March., 2011, I thought so. Therefore, I think about it sometimes.
It takes 2 hours from Tokyo station to Okutama station in Tokyo metropolis. It takes 2 hours from Iwaki station in Fukushima prefecture to Ueno station in Tokyo metropolis. So to speak, Fukushima is close to the same as inside Tokyo. It does 2 hours from Okuma town to Aizu, too.
Also, it takes 1 hour from Tokyo to Narita airport in Chiba, therefore, we can go to the world at least in 3 hours (not calculate about transfer). Fukushima is never far to the world. Why I thought like this is that I go to Okuma town to work from Iwaki city where there is my temporal house where I pay rent every month.
By the way, I improved my running form and more muscle training, so thankfully muscle pains now and sleep well.
Speaking "in the country," one of them would be Scotland. the part of the north of the island. Shakespeare from England might express him as a villain than his historical facts because Malcolm is also the same as his at the point to kill the king, not only Macbeth.
In Japan, Aterui and Otakimaru, were from Emishi and native north east Japanese who were not expressed as villains.
However, even if how we mention to country or city, nowadays, it takes 2 hours from Tokyo to Okutama station in Tokyo and the same time from Iwaki to Ueno station. That's why, if speaking just time to get, it's the same to say Fukushima is in Tokyo. It's also the same as from Tokyo to Izu peninsula or Nagoya station.
2 hours from Okuma town to Aizu area. 1 hours and half from Sapporo to Narita airport. 3 hours Okinawa to Narita Air. Why I think about such topic is that I sometimes go to Okuma from Iwaki to work and it takes 2 or 3 hours.
However, it's not general to operate a tractor with an electrical motor. If we don't have oil from the middle east, even if nuclear power plant or renewable energy system, we don't have so many such systems's tractors, so it'll be difficult to agriculture in a big size.
I'm glad to get muscle pain because of improving my running form in some years. Rooibos tea and camomile tea are delicious. I really like non caffeine tea. Often sleepy due to more muscle training. Of course, I do it inside an ordinary person, never a body builder. That's no way.
I planted sweet potatoes at my original home's kitchen garden in Okuma town this year and put an electric fence by solar energy system. It costs, but I'm relieved that wild boars can't enter anymore. I attempted to make a low ridding, not high. Also, easily laied black plastic mulch, not perfectly because did during other working time.
It was easy to use a tool called Sasuke to plant sweet potatoes. Anyway, I have not seen such electric fence when I was a child, so I feel the next generation nowadays. Also, a nationwide newspaper heard from me about finishing the off limits area next year.
Ordinary life. Usual conversation. General people's scenery. There is the depth of each life in their bottom and everyone protects their dignity not to be hurt. Therefore, to live slowly small is to see wide and an opportunity to recognize such things.
The Fourth of July is the independence day of the US. When I stayed in Maui island, everyone celebrated and I joined, too at family friends party, seeing fireworks. I ate eggplants and tacos, drinking, hearing family's and friends talks. Thank you so much for having us.
Nature Fukushima No. 7
Pteridophytes (Fern), Erigeron annuus (En: annual fleabane), to pass the river, and to imagine the old scenery. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle studied from experiences and observations.
Nature Fukushima No.6
"The bamboo forest and Japanese cedar"
The Nature Fukushima No. 6. that expresses wondering where is the bamboo from and Japanese cedar is Japanese incense. To sell the bamboo is an important source of income. One of my ancestors had sold it at one time. The bamboo is used to make a musical instrument, many tools, and about sterilization, literature etc. On the other hand, Japanese cedar is used to get the fire going under the bathtub, take a wood, to make an incense stick, and to avoid wind by planting. Sugi is Japanese cedar's Japanese name and the meaning is mainly thought like "straight" for the how to grow (Japanese word "Massugu" means like straight. "Ma" means like truly.
Nature Fukushima No.5
"The river"
The Nature of Fukushima No. 5. The rivers have many roles. Especially we must know the both sides. The one is blessed. The other one is horrible. Seeing it with awe, we need to think about it in the future.
It has been very hot in the daytime for 2 week. Craftsmen and apprentices looked feeling hot. The rainy season in Fukushima was late. It's cold in the night.
I was glad to harvest garlics at our kitchen garden of my original home. I also did at our kitchen garden in Iwaki city, but in Iwaki I only have some soil which I bought, so garlics were smaller than Okuma, where is the soil since hundred years.
Why I wear a mask outside is not to protect from corona virus in the fields where there are nobody and no to think of radiation that is including inside vegetables and the sun. It's because I want to protect myself from very small gravels.
I now found an article about Yourou Takeshi who is an anatomist. He said like this. Why people's lungs are colored black. He found there are very small garbage in old people's lungs that their lungs cells couldn't digest. Not smoking. (Of course, I'm already non smoker, but I'd like to say here, about very small garbage.)
Basically I haven't seen friends more than for 1 year. I miss. It depends on my mood whether I see friends or not each opportunity. Also, when and where should I eat or see friends is correct is difficult for me to think right. I think there is not the perfect right answer under the pandemic.
It'd be good to understand self-responsibility and free will to spread this thought to the world about this problem. I won't do any special actions. I'm gonna live through as is usual for this 1 years.
Yourou says like, it's important to live through by compromise with own anxiety because it's sure to be afraid of anything in life. He says like he doesn't come into the forest with some people who don't feel anxiety because he doesn't know what such people do there though there might be snakes.
Also, he says in 2012 like, the environment including human. Human including the environment. I agree with hime. Fukushima is a part of human being. Human bein g is a part of Fukushima. There is not the borderline between each other. Relatively it'd be possible to say.
His word about this is written on the website of a museum. Yourou is the head of Mushi mushi land (insects land of Tamura city in Fukushima) where is like a museum in Fukushima. Because Fukushima was famous to grow tobacco in those days.
My ancestors grew it a little. When I was a child, I enjoyed seeing beetles. In addition to, "Opposition" means like there is like being together in a bowl. I have written like this 2015 and 2019.
When I was a child, I liked insects; ants and fireflies, ladybugs, anotogaster sieboldii, crayfish, caterpillars, hornworms, butterflies, mantis, koganemushi, red dragonflies, ant ant lion... I have a writing by myself about ants, https://ameblo.jp/kknnyykknnyy/entry-12646772628.html
I came up with an idea that I spoke at Fukushima museum as a writer in Okuma town in Fukushima. It was about "Uncertainty" in the world today.
Also, I came up with a sentence of a book that I read when I was 20 years old 20 years ago. A bushi in Mino no Kuni (Gifu prefecture in edo period), whose name is Satou Issai writes like, You could rely on the hope which you have in the dark night in the space.
I get up at 4 am and leave for Okuma at 5 am and it takes 1 hours and 20 minutes one way. I drive on the national route No. 6 from the west side, but many workers of Fukushima No.1 power plant to finish it for several decades come from the east side. So, it's traffic jam around 4 or 5 pm and in the morning.
That's why, I take a nap on the side of the road close to the forest. Sleeping forests as for me. My job is, so to speak, agri lands in the village, so those make me relaxed. Alpha waves to reduce my stress level, feel me calmer, and make me creative. So much sunlight.
A flail mower. This week I learned how to operate. This is easy, but the land is not perfect plain, so it's unevenness. We must use a control lever finely many times and let it to adjust to the land always, driving a tractor.
A neighbor visited us at Okuma. She was thankful to us for her agri lands. We talked about a house or so. I was happy to meet her.
I study languages diligently everyday. Recently I was busy to work, but I study English, Chinese, Russian, and Latin. Also, my room of Okuma must be renovated, so I brought out so many books and the rest is 30%. It was hard to go up and down stairs.
She said like, "Thank you for digging my fields." So to speak, it might be an old word before plow by engine or so.
Engine tractors are used after 1955. Before that, people used cattle or horses to plow since Meiji era (1868). Dried rice fields (in autumn) are since Meiji era (after 1867). Cattle were in my home when I was a child (6 years old or so). Our cattle might be just pets or mowers.
Usually my legs are used very much by jogging marathon, so I did a small trampoline for at home a little, but I gave up it after all. Lying down under the kotatsu not switched on in before rainy season, I finished a short novel, which is called, "Firefly," but it's in Japanese, so "HOTARU." I'm gonna read "Firefly," too soon.
We, nuclear evacuees, are said like often, "Disappeared people, disappeared town" but we are here. We are doing good and busy for this decade. Also, so many workers here from the biggest companies or so in Japan. Surely, from a view point of residents, "Towns where nobody lives" is right, but could be used as a kind of stereotype in a sense.
Everyone's precious lands, everyone's precious houses. Everyone's precious memories. Everyone's precious life histories. Everyone's home. It's Fukushima.
Recently I learned how to mow (cut the grass) with an "Offset mower" of a tractor. It needs to look at the direction of right back many times and make many minor changes and operate a steering wheel many times. So, it's busy. But safety first.
I'm really happy to jog marathon outside situated in the nature, feeling good to train muscles. It makes me relaxed. However, recently it's becoming the rainy season this year already 10 days or 1 month easier than usual. So, I waiting for starting my job this year.
Devastating disasters happened in 2011, so I'd like to express what people can believe in being happier as much as they could including we're proud of everyone's efforts through our experience of this 10 years.
There is an article this year about our favorite SAKE Brewery (http://www.yauemon.co.jp/ayumi/). They made a long effort to reduce bad rumors or images of that nuclear accident. I couldn't agree with them more. I also would like to reduce them.
Recently moon bears (asian black bear, himalayan black bear) are seen not only in Aizu area, but in Nakadori area around Abukumagawa river (The both side) since some people say like, villages' power is getting weak to defend the boarder line from wild animals. According to Yomiuri newspaper.
The other things are working well. Fukushima is Fukushima. We spend time in having daily happy life and are not puzzled about other people's political big voices. We walk calmly.
It's about time to began to work as agri land public enterprise of Okuma town in 2021. My assignment will be increased 1.5 times (but the salary is not changed in some reasons). That's why, we've been checking agri land at Okuma town. For free. Working well is preparing well.
Happy to make a video of nature etc. in English (with Japanese). I jog 13000km in Fukushima those 4 years, seeing and feeling nature. I see my sensitivity to nature is increasing than before.
Surprisingly I bumped into an animal like a small monkey.
It was the first time to see a wild animal there. Yellow back and brown face. The one was cautious on the high position of the tall tree. I talked to the one. The one might have the one's house around there.
Fukushima was declared in the state of emergency COVID 19 the day before yesterday because Fukushima doesn't have so many beds of hospitals, so restaurants etc. are closed until 8 PM and people have to stay home spontaneously, not duty. This pandemic seems to be for very long period, so it'd be good to change our thought.
This rib was delicious at Stamina Horumon(Offal) Shokudou (Restaurant), where is called, "Shokuraku (食楽)" in front of Iwaki station. Smoke rose a little and interior seemed to be in Shouwa era(昭和時代), so it's good to think about cloths before coming. My family had this type of yakiniku tool. It reminds me my father likes delicacy a little.
The Yakiniku's restaurant website
スタミナホルモン食堂 食樂 いわき駅前店
Daily Fukushima. Precious Place.
Ogawa town in Iwaki city.
Daily Fukushima. Precious Place.
Ogawa town in Iwaki city, Fukushima.
Toufu dish was delicious at Toufu cafe naraya in Jouban Yumoto town, Iwaki city, where is close to Yumoto station. Soy sauce. Dried bonito. Japanese leek. If you want to speak "Toufu is important." in Tohoku dialect, it'd be good to say, "Toufu ha daizu danaa." because daizu means soy and importance in Japanese is daiji, so "daizu ga daizu" will be one of share as Tohoku dialect...
Recently I read a manga of Ito Hirobumi, who studied English very much. He negotiated with big countries, spoken in English. He is the first Prime minister (in those days there was Naimukyo before that, so correctly the first might be Okubo Toshimichi who is the first Naimukyo as Meiji era's government). That was why, English' position had been decided in Japan.
Piano solo of J-POP makes me heartwarming. Do you know recently a little old J-POP catch on in the world? I recommend especially, Makihara Noriyuki, when his music is played by piano, it's amazing. I really like instrumental.
Here is piano of Oasis.
I thought for several years. I wish I could eat Okinawan dish at a restaurant around here, so we finally found it out! It's "A家食堂(Eiya shokudou)"! I heard she learned how to cook in Okinawa. Her Okinawan dish is really delicious. The lunch we came was just for "to go" but we bought and enjoyed Okinawan noodle (Okinawa suba) at our house.
Thunderbolts and cloud discharge happened according to a weather map before we had a roll of thunder and evening shower like in summer. Before this, we had several strong windy days. I guessed this phenomenon might be a god of rice and spring. We had a thundersnow when we lived in Aizu.
While we work at home in Okuma town, some relatives in a white car passed by us. We talked for a short time, seeing faces each other. Glad to see what they are fine. We took a memorable photo. It's very important. Arriving at my house at Iwaki city, I printed them out and sent to them in the evening. I did it.
Beautiful sky. I cut my hair into a bob. I have cut several times for I was a high school student. That's because it's now under the pandemic, though there are really fewer positive cases in Fukushima than other areas for a long time, but I'm careful a little. Also, I don't have my favorite beauty salon yet because I just moved to here. I don't need to cut the bonds because of long hair. Now my hair is shoulder length. I'm wondering what was my endurance ever? You never know until you try like putting yourself into their shoes.
I studied a basic part of people who are Marcus Aurelius, and so on. Also, mainly listening to and reading English youtube.
Some strong carpenters come to our original house to reform almost all. I learned how to cut an iron plate with an electrical tool by him. Also, I also did how to cut a waved iron plate for a roof with a namikiri basami (Literally "wave cut scissors") by my father.
The latter one sounds silence. I found a convenience store Yamazaki moved into a new building in front of Okuma town officers building and They sell a new piece of bread including "anko" and whipped cream, so I bought 3 pieces as souvenir.
1990, it costed very much to learn English. For example, 5000 JPY for 2 cassette tapes of English. Expensive. But nowadays, some people in the earth can use Internet, so we study English on Internet, especially, on YouTube it's effective, I feel so, than reading a dictionary of English Japanese.
Of course, I continue to read it thought I begin to feel it's more effective to read a dictionary English English Japanese. Anyway, it's now a great era to learn languages.
I saw a TV channel about a bullying problem at SNS among children because nowadays children of 80% have a smartphone reported by a questionnaire. The scene seems to be changing at all comparatively with my private school 10 years ago.
Terrible words hurt people, so it's helpful to make a breakwater firstly at school by parents or have a class to defend children from bullying accidents.
I remember great children moved to our own when I was a child because Okuma's environment as a countryside is useful to grow up. I see the meaning nowadays. I have heard people in Okuma are good. I'm proud of it.
We enjoyed yakiniku at a restaurant Kagura in Iwaki city. I worked my small garlic field a little and studied agriculture, women's health, and environmental philosophy. Also, I watched and learned much information from many medias in the world in English, but on the other hand, to concentrate studying 20 languages it's no easy for me. I must do so. Knowledge is power.
It's not easy to catch up on the latest news all over the world. More than 150 years ago, Japanese government was changed from Tokugawa to the new government. Until that time, there were so many victims of bushi or so. Then, they got the imperial constitution. Also after WW2, there were so many victims and they got the new constitution. People were so busy. I recently study history of the last of Edo era.
The last day of March. I saw the light of the sky in the afternoon, gentle breeze, feeling so good, its light was impressing. It passed 10 days to recover my backache. It was a bit vacation.
I like not only a photobook, but also a manga.
Then, I read a manga of Minamoto no Yoritomo (1192, shogun). Also, Minamoto no Yoshitsune and Taira no Kiyomori. So to speak, I saw one history from 3 viewpoints.
Yoritomo and Yoshitsune were saved by Kiyomori. But they attacked Kiyomori finally. But Yoritomo attacked Yoshitsune although Yoshitsune won Kiyomori group (Heike, Heishi). Two winners might badly watch each other.
I studied there were priest soldiers called, "Souhei" but their original names were different in ancient era.
However, I know there is a culture called, "Cancel culture" that means like if many people find anyone who expressed in a kind of discrimination meaning, the person's everything must not be thought or the person must not express anymore at all as "You're cancelled." or not as it's not all.
I think, not being hurry, sorting clearly to be thought slowly in the future is useful. There would be many expressions of discrimination from a modern view. It'd be important for people in the future to know them correctly. Generally speaking, everyone has any big or small points unconscious in daily life.
My wife Hiroko and I saw famous cherry blossoms in Iwaki city, buying strawberries at Kusano Ichigo farm (Ichigo = strawberry). It's blooming 10 days earlier.
Reading a manga of Okubo Toshimichi, some children talked to me like:
"What are you reading?"
"Manga. What kind of manga are you reading?"
"Rekishi, rekishi, rekishi. He is reading rekishi." "Yeah, his one is rekishi."
I was wondering whether they know the word rekishi or not, giggling, seeing their smiles. It reminded me a memory when I smoked a pipe, a person was interested in my pipe in Okinawa.
The reason why Okubo Toshimichi who was a lower class samurai met with the feudal lord of his feudal domain Satsuma was that Okubo can play a game called, "GO" and he liked books very much. So he got an opportunity to write a letter to his lord.
His body is not strong, so he studied very much. His remark was like, "If you want to make it, don't let yourself to be controlled by irritation of human relationship." "He is he. Let's go to our own way. (like; LALL)"
He worked as the first Lords of Home Affairs in Meiji era, making the first national big agricultural water channel which is called, "Asaka Sosui" in Koriyama city in Fukushima. Also, his shrine (but just a stone monument) was built and enshrined.
Then, I was listening to English radio of "Fun kids" to study English, "The Delicious Food Walk in London," "The Great fire of London, 1666" or "Romans (London's history)(Londinion, Londinium AD1)." It was difficult for me to understand all.
It'd be effective for me to read many easier videos with English subtitles firstly on Youtube. And taking a nap, and marathon seeing the shining sun. I wonder what my study would look like at the moment. I guess it might be a kind of reberal arts.
For these two days my backache was terrible, but I positively tried to cure it by modern medical knowledge in cooperation with my wife. I'm now surprised to get well 60% already at the third day. While sleeping in the night and getting up, terrible backache has not been felt. I thought it might be thanks to my non "alcohol and tobacco," but this time is far better than my 14 years old, so I think it's for rehabilitation. Thank you so much for seeing my post on SNS.
I hurt my back by unusual movement right now, so can't run today. Internet says like it might take 3 days or 1 week to recover. Well, well, it could have been worse. This will bring me knowledge and a fortune never to have sick or serious injury. I can manage to slowly walk. I'm having the bathtub immediately and stretching to get rid of pain little by little. Health is wealth.
I have had a good sleep for 10 days. Actually I concentrate to work on anything interesting so much that I can't take a good rest for 3 months. I should have kept my legs good, but I forgot to take a rest. Human is not a robot. Well, I'm walking to the spring.
Are you all right? A little big earthquake happened in Miyagi and Fukushima. Don't go to the seashore for the tsunami 1m etc. 1m is really dangerous. Breathe deeply!
Dear friends
10 years ago. We had lots of disasters.
Those disasters were incredible ones that forcedly drove us away to other places. Local people, many friends, and even families were scattered. Everyone felt so sad. Nobody knew tomorrow at all. (I hope you interpret my English well. I continue to study English everyday.)
However, immediately before the summer, great friends in Maui in Hawaii began a big project to really help us, which was called, "Aloha Initiative Project" and "Pray for Japan." We were truly welcomed and their hospitability was tremendously great. Their kindness and friendship were amazing. Chris, Mila, and Sherry, (of course it's "typically" and I remember many friends), I really thank you all.
I was not a writer in those days yet, but I jotted down a memo very much, so I remember all friends' names in Maui. Because I thought I wanted to remember "welcome" and "smiles" as presents from you all for good. I felt happy very much.
Scenic places. Camps. Climbing the mountain. Many stars. Blue sky. Beautiful ocean. Frisbee. Play catch. Snorkeling. Swimming. Delicious food. Movie (The Green Hornet (lol)). Dancing. Relaxing times. Photo books in English. Great beaches.
It's not so easy for me to express in English well, but anyway, under this pandemic in the world, we're always thinking "Thank you so much for helping us then." hoping everyone's days in the US are wonderful, living through the turbulent times.
For example, I begin to study environmental ethics or nature conservation etc. recently and give an actual example that there are many mountain fires in California for the climate change etc.
Also, I was wondering it was because of the recent extreme weathers, I know there are generally many rainy days in Hawaii, but I saw the news of Kaupakalua dam by torrential rain events. We really hope evacuees and residents are safe.
My wife's name is Hiroko. She and I got married. I commute my hometown where is called Okuma town on Futaba county in Fukushima by automobile from Iwaki city in Fukushima. It takes about 1 hour each way. We finally found out it was already OK to be there (It was indeed in 2019. Because firstly I didn't believe in such facts). Thanks to workers of decontamination.
I sometimes operate a tractor as a public enterprise of agri to keep the lands good, getting a license. Because the radiation level is really normalized at our small areas nowadays. Our areas are going to become "the end" as off limits area the spring of the next year 2022. Of course, we must repair or rebuild many things from now on. It'll be a far way.
Surely, it's a part of the town, not all. The other evacuees wait for the same day as us. Also, so many people have bad images about Fukushima now. There are still debris in those nuclear plants. However, we study science very much and I think it's all right to be there nowadays, fortunately. I treasure our hometown Fukushima like treasuring friends and families as the same as yours.
Yours Sincerely,
Kuniyoshi Yoshida
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I read 60 pages of that book about women's health, which says much medical knowledge. I recommend it. Today is WomensDay, but it never means just today. Japan's rank is 121th about "Gender Gap Index" by WEF. Shame. Iceland is 1st. The US is 53th. The UK is 21th. Out of 153.
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I studied plastic garbage and recycle recent conditions and found out there are many problems to solve. Anyway, from a very small step, it begins. It reminds me what I had cleaned up very much on the streets in Iwaki city in 2012.
Good morning, everyone. I'm a forced evacuee in Fukushima after that 2011 nuclear power plant's disaster, but live in Fukushima and work inside off limits area (no go zone). Because of no problem nowadays.
My name is Kuniyoshi Yoshida, who has been in Hawaii for 3 months in 2011. I hope you don't misread it as other names and you don't misunderstand Fukushima in many fakes or exaggerated expressions or old facts by political propagandists with a Geiger counter.
This monitoring post indicates 0.152μsv/h in Ogawara area in Okuma town in Fukushima. They are official figures. If you try to seek more ones, you can. But calculation of radiation exposure is comprehensively done daily, not a part of it at a specific place.
Incidentally, Ogawara area is not off limits area nowadays because the figures data is almost normalized comparatively with the world. I work at Shimonogami area in Okuma, but the off limits area is also finished soon because of decontamination is getting done.
I'd like you never to misunderstand other people from outside Fukushima as people in Fukushima. Of course, everyone in Japan has a right to express any things, but as is often the case with political activists as you know, Fukushima is a target by irresponsibility for 10 years.
They say like "Scientists are bad," but those counter or test radiation machines are made by scientists. They say like "Scientists don't try to know feelings of victims." I think, even if they not, the thing differs from whether they work as their professional knowledge of nuclear.
Therefore, a nuisance is a nuisance, although I know many people have their opinions. For example, one right information is that "Israel removes import restrictions on food products from Japan" (Mainichi newspaper on Jan., 29th in 2021).
Surely, I don't intend offensively checking other's opinion. We just have a right to become happier everyday undisturbed. Our place is never a place for political activists who wants to be famous and express a fake etc. We want to live ordinarily as the same as everyone.
Finally, however, it is also a fact that we have tasks that we must resolve for the time being. I believe in what we will overcome step by step. We are doing well. We give a welcome to anybody who likes Fukushima. Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.

I jotted down about an engine of a tractor to keep good, learning from my father while working at Okuma town's fields. We work at decontaminated areas only. After memorizing maintenance of an engine, I want to read a book about it. Then, we finished this year's work.
2020 was my year as Toshigami (Year's god) and as the first elderly celebration. The new year is my Eto year, so I'll have much energy. Anyway, surely not comparing with others, I hope, slowly, step by step, safety and to be relieved to have a day of driving etc. and to live our own life.
Well, well. Corona news reminds me memories of people's meetings were held so many to enjoy themselves two years ago. Anyway, from Fukushima, I pray for the world (Major incidents in London or so) and them that "Japan's government has declared a state of emergency for Tokyo and three neighboring prefectures in an attempt to curb the rise in coronavirus cases."(NHK)
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