English Diary 2019
Maru maa san
("It's very delicious" in Yaima islands language). Iwaki city and Okinawa prefecture are friendly because of a kind of Bon dance history. "Nenbtsu dance." "Jangara dance."
This is Tonkatsu teishoku (a set meal). (@Mifumi ya, they say like, "A butcher cooks,( so delicious)." in Tamachi, Taira, in Iwaki city. It was a crispy fried flour and juicy, and tender meat. Delicious.
Tonkatsu sounds like, "1 ton katsu" and "katsu" means, "win," so it might sound like, "A big win." To eat it would be for good luck. Therefore, I'm pretty good.
Also, I bought a set of chin up bar. There is nothing a big park around here, so I did it. Glad to chin up many times when I want to do it.
Okinawa and Fukushima are close in some sense, DNA, Nenbutsu bon dance, and America, and Chondara's history, and off limits area.
Mm.. kutsuba jinji kee. It means in Okinawan, "To use a word is as important as to use money." It's good to think about social concern matters sometimes.
Many kinds of personalities.
Welcome to Fukushima.
The winter has come in Aizu already.
It feels us like our life in those days. Mountains over Bandaisan mountain covered with snow a little. We who live in Iwaki area see the forecast of Fukushima prefecture, firstly Aizu area now, where is colder several degrees at least than Iwaki.
The photo is an onsen hotel on Higashiyama onsen in Aizuwakamatsu city the day before yesterday since we went listening to a lecture of Shiba Ryotarou by Akasaka Norio Prof. and the head of Fukushima museum.
We found an old bathtub made of stone that Ohara Shosuke san used it. Aizu's folklore song "Aizubandaisan" says, "Ohara shosuke san" who is conveyed as a player very much to drink in the moring and have the bathtub in the morning without working. But actually, Shosuke was at a high position, not a player. The folklore song is played many times in Aizu bon dances in summer.
Aizu folklore group's head Takizawa came to listen and some friends of Fukushima Book Forest, too. I continue to hear his lectures for 6 years. Then, we ate spicy vegetable ramen "Karashi yasai tanmen" at Isami. Next morning we ate pizza at "One's home." Bothe are at Aizuwakamatsu city.
We saw displays of Soma feudal domein's myoken worship (like astrology) and Buddhism Myoken and Dokyo. Also, it was great to see an old tool to put away snow at Aizu area Tadami. Then, we went a super market.
Well, marathon days again. Thanks to everyone. We live ordinary. It's fortunate. Really glad. I appreciate it. Praying for the world's peace.
One shot from Kusano Shinpei Literature Museum. Abukuma mountains. This morning, I used a vacuum cleaner, aired a set of futon, washed a car, aired cloths with my wife, cleaned a door, and cooked miso soup, and had a cup of tea that was a present from a friend. It was delicious. It was sour. Recently I marathon 10 or 15km, so not 20, because it's too cold, but I can train muscles indoor.
Beautiful Ogawa town.
Sitting Japanese style seiza for 30 minutes, I had an urushi wooden cup, which is called, "Nodate mug," of powdered green tea, which is called,"Matcha" on the wood deck in our new public housing for rent a little. The temperature was 5 degrees. Very cold, but I spent a productive time. In silence.
As you know there are lived so many people in Iwaki, where has been crowded with automobiles, who wait a register at supermarkets and convenience stores.
Several years ago one said like a small bubble economy came to Iwaki and now that I realised its meaning. Ogawa town is a commuter town or dormitory suburb of Taira, where is the center of Iwaki city.
It seems to be rare. Nationwide recession for a long time in Japan. But to finish Fukshima Daiichi and Daini nuclear power plants to decontaminate lands so many workers have come since 2011. Evacuees are getting "Returnees" or "New faces (New residents)."
The news made me happy. A boy who was 9 years old in Belgium wanted to become a medical developer to make ears or so, whose name was Laurent Simons. That reminded me, Birke Baehr who was 11 years old wanted to become a farmer because he learned food system in the world, who lives in Knoxville Tennessee (from Twitter). Each people has one's own future.
We drove to Kashima town in Iwaki city on the Kashima kaido road these two days. Bought much goods and especially curtains were expensive. We visited an Asian shop in 7 years and a half.
About my daily marathon, it has been hard time since recent days that the temperature was 4 degrees or so because I felt my stomach, shoulders and legs might be frozen. So, I'm gonna have a hand warmer "Hokkairo" and so on, but if no way, I'll take it easy.
This year will finish soon. Time flies like an arrow. How was this year? Too fast to think to myself about this year of ourselves for many days, but anyway this year would be located as a big change for us as you know. Hope you very well.
In this evening we listen to a little old Japanese rock music, Imawano Kiyoshiro or BO GUMBOS or BOOY and Tamaki Koji, Checkers, REBECCA and so on. Sometimes these are very cool like The Smiths. Now I make a living. Apples from Nagano Pre. are delicious on this season. Then finally, I'm having a relaxed time to read many books.
The photo is Ogawa town in Iwaki city. I have a fun to see many kinds of trees this small mountain. Sasa veitchii (Bamboo grass). Japanese Zelkova serrata. Miscanthus sinensis Andersson. Pines. Etc. Anyway I see SNS and News.
Chilly day. It might be 0 degrees in this morning and it was getting about 6 degrees in the daytime.
I planted an ornamental cabbage (or ornamental kale, flowering kale [first filial generation])(Brassica oleracea L.) and a gold crest (Cupressus macrocarpa). Languages of these flowers seem to be very good.
Then, put garden stones with bricks and stepping stones and bricks to walk with a pair of clean sandals. I thought my gardening was beautiful to be useful.
5 km marathon with 4kg. Instead of a long distance, almost running quickly, not jogging. Cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and my car, airing a set of futons, and learning.
Like an arrow.
Jesus seemed to speak in Aramaic, that was Persian Achaemenian's language. Aramaic gave " Kharoṣṭhī " (BC3) an influence. Brāhmī script (B.C. 5C) was given one by Phoenician.
Therefore, Phoenician was origin of Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Arabia, Latin, Cyrillic, and Brahmi and Kharosthi.
Now that Devanāgarī script has been used to express Sanskrit since around A.D.10C.
Recently my wife has been out, so I practice cooking. Tonight my dish was mabo doufu (Spicy one). And a sliced persimmon is delicous now.
Some people might think "Fukushima is misunderstood always," but I think unexpectedly others understands Fukushima, or misunderstands it very much.
However, even if one expresses political, it's 1 dollar, not million suddenly, so basically tomorrow the circumstances will be the same. That's why, it's good to share with friends, for example, "Everyone is doing well in this hard time.
Coincidence. Pope Francis said like Fukushima absolutely reconstructs. It was almost same meaning I wrote before at Fukushima prefectural museum.
It was like "We, Fukushima, will absolutely recover." in Japanese. The writing was displayed at an art work "Politician's house (Seijika no ie)" by Kaihatsu Yoshiaki and our work have been done at Fukushima prefectural museum since this Jun until March, 2020.
Some people might say like "Convey the truth!" I think, there might be the truth anywhere in this cosmos, but God only knows the truth, so it's a fact that people seek the truth.
Also, then, one might have one's subjective fact, but it might be not right. "Subjectivity" that is a thing that one thinks it is a fact. The others might have their objective fact, but it might be not right. "Objectivity" that is a thing that many people think it is a fact.
Anyway, always it might be not right. That's why, democracy needs to treasure to be modest and humble, not selfish. On the other hand, democracy needs to hear voices, not only crying own voice. Conversation will be needed in democracy.
One sometimes has a pain of "misunderstood about oneself" by many people, but I was wondering where the person had guessed their feeling and thoughts for real. It might begin to believe where to be suspicious.
I ran 5km today around 4pm after shopping at a supermarket where I visited for the first time, but a friend A greeted me, who could be in Ibaraki and he recently worked around here for reconstruction of Fukushima etc. He has been doing for a long time than me.
The day before yesterday I saw a TV about Buddha and to respect each other. Then, I learned how to put the characters of (Classical) Sanskrit.
By the way, a NHK director Mizutani made a film, but it was really disliked by many people in Fukushima because it shows radiation topics so much overly.
Mizutani director continues to be disappointed and talked with them. He is the same age as me maybe. He is from Namie town, so he could have been native, but they didn't recognise him so because he lives in Tokyo nowadays.
So to speak, he is thought as a Tokyo's voter, so many people thought him as others made a bully film. Aliens. Strangers. Terrible. They thought so. Now that Mizutani has yet to make the next one.
The goal is not to say like "There is contaminated Fukushima." The goal is for everyone to be happier than before step by step with the world.
I think it's important for me to think "The End" about each topics, for example, political issues, scientific issues, medical issues, and so on. If not, learn it by oneself. Anyway, hard time is long and happy time is short, so remember your happy memories.
Hence, to solve a Fukushima dispute like a conflict is to finish throwing one's own truth or subjective fact and have the end of the topic.
When is a happy time for human being? It's curious. It might be a time to get the sunlight into usual hole, but let's change materials for a talk.
I got a knowledge of attitude value (Einstellungswerte) by Viktor Emil Frankl on his book "Man's Search for Meaning." I thought I couldn't read it all soon, but I may read it little by little. Anyway, I think it's important to know how to think what is it happens to oneself always.
The photo is a flower at Ogawa town.
The photo is Ogawa town's Suwa shrine. Hurray. Memorable. I jogged a marathon in Ogawa town in Iwaki city for the first time today. It was 10km this time because it was harder than before. Gods of there are Takeminakatanokami and Yasakatomenokami.
Ogawa's Suwa shrine has an origin that apploximatry 700 years ago Kamakura Bakufu was suspicious to Ogawa lord, but Ogawa cleared himself of suspicion, so he put the shrine that has Kamakura Bakufu's defenders.
Here I had to do it to a low mountain for 1 round trip up and down that the elevation is 150m (I checked it based on a map by GSI, that is Geospatial Information Authority of Japan) and 5km is needed for 1 round trip, so I did 2 times. Fresh air in the mountain. Lucky.
Also, I greeted to Suwa shrine where a god comes as the Ogawa total guardianship. Okuma town has Suwa shrine, too. Henshouji temple, too. Japanese pear, too. Lots of points are the same. I greeted a staff at Kusano Shinpei Memorial literature Center, and a woman and children on the street.
Suwa shrine's origin at Okuma town is that 4-500 years ago, Suwa Yorisada put the shrine, who is a son of two, famous Daimyo (big lord) Takeda Shingen's sister and Suwa Yorishige in Nagano prefecture. Yorisada was shugensha (shugendo), so, might be asceticism.
I think I might buy a bicycle since I'd like to plan a lot of courses here. I'm gonna finish working as this winter period in some days. So, already vacation. So long. Half year.
No affordable, but I'm happy to exercise and learn a lot very much. Thank heaven. I read a manga of Nausicaa valley wind today. I boiled a ready cooked hamburg, but the taste was strong.
In any cases, I really like marathon for becoming high spirit. My engine is pretty good. My new house is literally almost new house, so it seems to me where is here every time. Thankful for a little ordinary life for the time being.
Well, having lots of things to do, but I'd like to be cool. In this case to say it with Fukushima dialect, I'd say like, "I won't be surprised even if small something happens" in Japanese (odorokaneeyo).
The photo is Okuma town, rows of golden yellow gingko trees on November when I visited there for work. Things have calmed down step by step recently.
Moving to Iwaki city tires us, working at the same time. The most difficult was driving night and day for hours. Crowded with cars in the early morning.
I didn't see the road right because of heavy rain and dazzling lights of oncoming cars at night on the thin roads in Iwaki city. Really dangerous.
Yesterday I blew a horn to a dangerous driver (maybe the one drunken) before me in Iwaki city and the one finally stopped and I was relieved because the one's life was saved clearly.
I usually drive a tractor at Okuma town for hours and commute with a car for 3 hours, so finally my wife found "Traces of a handle" on my hands. Also, I had a hand skin ache by opening boxes. It was busy time.
Our new house is comparatively far newer than before. The living room is bigger very much. My room is smaller. Also, this area has to prepare for a water disaster. I must think how to put books. I have a big storage at Okuma.
By the way, I found a big damage on our fields along the river at Okuma town. The water disaster hit our property. Disappointing. For the time being, the land is inside an off limit area, so the govern fixed it this time, but nobody knows when and the next.
Perhaps, a part of our land might be almost no useful as an agricultural land. Not radiation. Because of climate change. I understood why the river was said as a dragon and water god.
Incidentally, J-SDF's tracks run in Ogawa town because of water damaged much furniture.
Beautiful street. Scenery. Abukuma mountains. Higakure yama mountain. We begin to live in Iwaki city in Hamadori area, seeing the direction of Aizu area or Inawashiroko lake, because basically almost nobody can't go to the seashore at Okuma.
It'd take time until starting to enjoy culture of Ogawa town in Iwaki city. Let's save the best for last. I must make shelves. I don't marathon this week, but I continue to study some languages and read a book, now it occured to me, Nogi Maresuke's one, surely without a political thought.
Anyway, I'm good. And you?
7 years passed since we came here Aizuwakamatsu city. I saw the moon on our mountain Nutayama with my wife Hiroko. Today I missed our kitchen garden because I finished it finally. But we will bring a part of soil we brought up.
This year I added as my challenge on daily life, marathon, training muscles and making miso soup. Also, I'd like to add a new challenge that is to be usually off grid from SNS than daily in Aizu.
Because you know I've been here too long, so I'd like to make time and productive days, private, languages, marathon, reading, writing, publishing, editing, and so on.
Of course, and then, I hope to do lots of things, for example, to write diary in 20 languages in the near future as early as I can. It doesn't matter. I want to bask in the sun at our new garden.
What would you do, if something were to break out? This year two big typhoons attacked Japan. Victims on 11th of Mar., 2011 got the second disaster, so news call them "Double victims."
For example, one is nuclear one and the other is typhoon's. So to speak, it means, 11th of Mar., 2011 still continues as damage and people reconstruct their lives.
Anyway, I found the word, "Double victim (Nijuu hisai)." Looking at their faces on news, I thought to myself this time seems to be so quiet among the media or so.
Recent several disasters cases must become big examples not to offer welfare. It let me to think a lot. We must prepare first.
I put away very much today at the kitchen, so there is a big space except for boxes at my room.
I bought a small cup of hot coffee and would drink it at usual table inside the convenience store, but I found a warning notice to let us know "If you buy food to eat for here, you have to say it firstly before paying because this space is for here and in this case you can pay just 8% tax, but if you don't say that, you have to pay 10 % to go bra bra."
I was busy, so didn't read correctly. I didn't understand well (in Japanse though). Oh, I thought I should go out and drank it in my car. I think so many people don't know the news of new consumption tax about for here or to go. That's why media writes about it.
I'll run now.
Very glad. I got up at 6:00 a.m. this morning. Having galette bretonne and breathing Persian saharkhiz' aroma. So cool. Trains. Marathon. Languages. Every ordinary days are precious.
Preparations for moving house will be finished in several days. So many cardinal boxes. They reminded me when I was an evacuee, but I thought to myself now also. It continues 2 years and a half later.
Recently the government decided the period until finishing our off limit area (It's a part of all those areas), because of decontaminating and the radiation level is almost no problem, so very recently I might be able to have a plan to reconstruct our house at Okuma.
A journey of a thousand step begins with a single step. Photo is the mountain I really like here at 6 pm on Oct. So, I expressed it as in the evening like our days in Aizu.
I wrote 13 writings in 2 weeks on Internet. Perhaps they will be able to become half of a thin book (usual our magazine). It might be finished soon. But I'm not sure when is the next. It up to me whether I think this opportunity to think about radiation concentrately is so useful or waste time. I'm surely optimistic (I might write "positive" before, but it was my mistake). That's one of Physics. I ran 5km today with 4kg. I thought I wanted to add 1kg, but it's not easy now. I ate Taiyaki today. Taiim. Squisito. I put an old light on the ceiling. Good night.
This is our Okuma town now in Fukushima. A part of media only broadcasts it badly, but we overcome such negative images. We are busy and have productive days.
Sleeping very early, I got up at 6:00 am this morning. I was really glad to see the time. It's 7:30 now. I finished cooking miso soup (every morning), had it slowly, and made some coffee with a washable ceramic coffee mill, eating it with some chocolate. Yes, Japanese morning. What is Japanese. I think Japanese means the multiracial at these islands like an arrow for a long time. I continue to train muscles more than for three months. Well, Japanese muscles (giggle). The temperature is seven degrees. It must be cold outside, but I will marathon now and prepare to move.
Delicious! Squisito!
זה טעים。ゼ・タイーム
@"Pizzeria Da Ciro" in Aizuwakamatsu city.
A friend's reservation of several days suddenly was canseled. So I just put off our moving 10 days. Mm.. I'm posiive. I jogged 15 km marathon in the afternoon without candies or a wallet and with some water, so it was really cold. My wife Hiroko helped me by our car on the way. That was why I didn't 20 km all. Enjoyed.
Very delicious Kaki (persimmon). We were thankful for nature. Urushi bowl. I found I really liked it. Its halo reminded me a gakugeiin (Japanese style curator) Kobayashi's talk.
Welcome to Okuma town in Fukukshima. An official team of "Life Museum Network" are holding a study tour. As an advisor I cooperated with GAKUGEIIN people who are professional in Japanese style museum, so to speak, they are administrative officers, so it's not the same as oversea's private one's.
I talked with an old friend, Y kun. Wedding. In the daytime I put things into boxes to move the next month. Getting colder. Winter soon. I pray for coming merry merry season.
I phoned many times recently today was for "Internet." Moving cost is incredibly high. We had to put off 10 days additionally because of having errands to do at the actual day. It'll be late of 2 weeks in total. Also, I'll be late to work the next last period this year. It'll be colder.
The government plans to reconstruct lots of infrastructure as Building National Resilience Plan, but nobody knows whether it's sufficient or not. I think, it'd be because of climate change.
Anyway, I must prepare first about all of evacuation routes, evacuation goods, and learning local natural circumstances, and simulation and water outage and defending our car. Flooded and flooded.
About Okuma town, we have a house and agricultural lands close to the rivers, but I need to live long until after several or 10 years related to "climate change." So, it'd be fine there yet.
Better safe than sorry. In any case, no matter what it takes, we must always survive any number of times with you all. I wonder what we struggle with recently. Have a great day, everyone.
Well. I decided to use a new coffee mill which really I thought I'd use it Iwaki. However, "Now is the time" and being merry, seize the day, even if a little.
I'm not sure, anyway, moving companies now don't have a large truck to offer newly, so we put off 1 week and the business person came and estimated the cost. I was tired to phone many times for connecting the Internet at the new house and air conditioners, too. We are in Aizu. Then, a big typhoon came and we were worried about it. Many rivers are flooded in Fukushima. Some of people are evacuated in Iwaki. In Chiba seems to be more seriously. I hope everyone's safer. I found this typhoon has gone just now.
A cold wintry wind is walking outside. Persimmons change colour, which are given to the Imperial family and we look forward to have them, too. Recently we greet neighbors. An elderly man at a house, woman at another house, and we looked at each other with little talking. A new Internet construction for our new house will be late than 1 month. Today suddenly cold, so I have a little headache, but we are smiling and busy. Have a good day, everyone.
Farewell party. Friends of Fukushima museum (Prefectural administrators).
We went cleaning with a cloth at Fukushima Book Forest (Fukushima hon no mori). Then, we talked with two members of the forest at a building where is a former primary school. Firstly ate these coffee and cream puff at Michinoeki Aizu (Road's station Aizu). I really like calm Aizu. I feel I continue Aizu 33 kannon pilgrimage. I'm happy a friend gave us two chopstick rests.
"Moving from Aizu to Iwaki"
We decided to move to Iwaki city from Aizuwakamatsu city. This photo is Aizu Higashiyama onsen (There are many onsen hotels, "Ryokan"). We plan to move since the last of this month.
4 th of July, 2012, we moved to here and 7 years passed. Aizu culture is the first class in Japan. Many delicious dishes. Heartwarming scene and people. Now that I feel I am Aizu person.
Lovely Aizu, but I must go and miss there. Thank you so much for everything, everyone. We have highways, planes and Internet, so it's not so sad nowadays.
Why I move is related to my business to reconstruct Okuma where is our home. About such future, I've been anxious recently. It's our positive decision. We pray for everyone's happiness in the world.
The place we move to is Ogawa town in Iwaki city, where is famous by literature etc. Well, well, Robert Frost says, "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."
Dear Aizu,
Thank you so much.
All of people in the world must think "Time of Evacuation" as "Evacuation before a disaster happens." (See the video: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20191015/k10012132801000.html?utm_int=news-ranking_access_list-items_009&fbclid=IwAR37-jfrFFr6eoLhHmEfsK8GQPFVkNvVQc1ZBLhMNArShEBcPSjjyUBK_-o)
Especially, Japanese people tend to go to work always. I've seen on Twitter, "I must go to work now though worried." or "Maybe coming the water disaster, but I came to work." etc. Every business people must think how dangerous workers come to the office while the disaster is happening.
Surely to guard lives is important, but also legally "Evacuation before that time" is important. (See also: Japan's top court finalizes ¥1.44 billion in damages for 84 deaths at school in 3/11 tsunami KYODO Japan Times OCT11, 2019)
And then, you know a problem, "People have bad rumors and many cancels of business." Modern disasters are usually the complex disaster which has some adversarial relationships.
Getting colder these days, the sun sets early. I put many books into boxes to arrange them again. After taking the second break, I'm gonna 10 km marathon without 4kg and on the easy road where without signals. My wife cooked tempra soba. It was delicious.
By the way, many people seem to cancel their reservations in Fukushima or Chiba and so on. Business people are crying. If opening, It's no problem. Enjoy Fukushima and Chiba etc. Almost everyone lives as is usual and hope tourists to feel relaxed.
I ran 10 km just now. But there were several young drunken men who were walking on the deserted road and one of them might seem to have Yaku*a tattoo on his arm. I was scared to see it. If they tried to near to me, I would run away very fast. Of course, nothing happened. They were happily just walking there.
This was a rare matter, but it let me think it was better to do in the morning and not to drive in the night as much as I can. I'm scared to walk beside drunken strangers because I've been on the wagon for 3 years (soon). Whew. Well, as you know it's far safer than overseas though now that I feel safe to be in the house. Good night.
I'm in Aizu, but my family is in Iwaki city, so their water has been cut off since Hagibis. Today I went buying several water tanks for them, but they were sold out in Aizu W., too. Then, I ordered them on the Internet.
I think these circumstances are like a disasters tower. A member of an economical leaders group says like Japan needs 17 % consumption tax, but nobody talks about welfare.
I wore a top of long sleeved jogging suit from today, not only faster drying T shirt. It might feel me like winter. Perhaps, I should buy also water bags. Prepare first.
"Dog bear" (lol)
"Things that I thought in an evacuation spot (manga in Japanese)"
Hagibis has gone. Before 2011, Typhoons gave a damage our pear fields every year. Today I got my hair bobbed and permed a little in 3 years. However, while permed, I was having palpitations, so I ordered they stopped perming my hair. I learned it was difficult for me to do at a beauty salon. A woman staff was kind, so helpful. That was why, I fled from there (Of course, I paid all for cut and permed). Anyway, I feel dizzy a little. It's been after 11th of March., 2011. Now I'm so relieved to be at my room. That reminds me, what's become of my original house? Meanwhile, my family's area is water outage. Well, well. Per ardua ad astra. Now is the time. God bless the world.
20191013 evening
This time I got a lot of knowledge from writing them. To move anywhere safe to avoid disaster early without thinking it's OK or normalcy bias. Also, "House" itself can't flee, but "Car" is able to do.
Also, to think how to defend pets if having. Ministry of the Environment has 『災害時におけるペットの救護対策ガイドライン』(Guideline to save pets when disaster).
There are two thoughts. One is "同行避難(Doukou hinan)"。One is "同伴避難(Douhan hinan)." The latter means, owner can always with pets. The former means, not so and it depends on the evacuation spot.
Important to think of insurance, surely. Even if a typhoon, we must have food and water and so on very early.
Survey of damage in Japanese.
I must put away my room in Aizu, but didn't today and thinking of Iwaki's flooding, I came back from 15 km marathon in Aizu, seeing increased water in the river.
That reminds me, in Aizu also had happened floodings many times until around 1970 because there were thin rivers. Surely, I think Iwaki did the same as other cities, but flooding like this in Iwaki seemed to be second from seeing others' tweets.
But a big disasters happened in Fukushima as you know and it continues, so it's very difficult for everyone to endure them more and more by climate change. Now that people are waiting for what the Diet members and the Cabinet decide great ones in sides of economy and welfare.
There is a project called, "Sphere project."
Iwaki city. Flooded. Sad. (I'm safe to be in Aizu, but this place where I often visit)
How to apply for a document certifying that one is a disaster victim.
[40 seconds video]
How to make a simple lamp to prepare for blackouts by Hagibis, typhoon, in case of emergency. It's in Japanese, but I think it might be easiest to make.
This also.
Multilingual Information on Disaster Mitigation by (Japan Meteorological Agency, 气象厅, 氣象廳, 기상청, Agência Meteorológica do Japão, Agencia Meteorológica de Japón,Badan Meteorologi Jepang, Cơ quan Khí tượng, Japan Meteorological Agency, กรมอุตุนิยมวิทยาญี่ปุ่น (JMA), मौसम विज्ञान नियोग)
I see. It might be useful to know how to make a waterbag or sandbag by myself, but it seems that people can get sandbags at a public office (I'm not sure how many). In Japanese it's called, "Donou. (どのう/土のう)." Some people say like what it's helpful to make waterbags by myself. In order to prevent being flooded above floor level.
See: sandbagging demonstration on youtube in English
Life jacket. Shoes with strings, not longboots. Hand warmers (Hokkairo in Japanese). Waterproof rucksack. Valuables.
About Weather warning levels in English.
If you need a heartwarming photo.
Here by National Geographic.
I will pray for your safety.
Some things go up in flames from time to time. Flaming is that many users on Internet post and tweet so many times for a short period and then nobody is interested in those topics anymore like becoming a taboo, which might be one side of a flaming, but some people could watch "after flaming." So, it's like a barren area. Of course, we should remember what some people could learn important things from flamings, but after all, it might be a kind of helpless for people to forget those issues related to the flamings. So many people are bored to see scenes, where many people continue to insult others every night. What should we do from now on? Turning off the computer, learning a lot of constructive actions and discussions, etc. Bye, flamings.
If one has a strong sense of justice, the one doesn't tend to see moderate thoughts or opinions. It's one of mechanisms for a flaming. So to speak, if one comments upon a political topic from a middle position, some people might think the one as a traitor. Or, to be tried, to be ignored. So, suspicious very much. Hence, everyone needs to know the one, who could change it, is themselves. It's up to how to think. Many people might think they themselves test others, but actually, they are tried everyday about whether believing in others or not.
There is a word, "Weather pains" or "Meteoropathy." A historical big typhoon Hagibis is coming to Japan, and how's it over at your side? I'm not pretty good, but fine. And you all? Take care of yourself. I'm having the bathtub.
At a beautiful night in Aizuwakamatsu I ran 5km. We went shopping etc. in the daytime today. Then, I read an article, which got front-page coverage.
I thought that its political decision might be for us as reconstruction workers. Ways to the station in Okuma will become like normal. Only roads. Only daytime.
The administrators will get rid of many barricades, so our works will be easier not to open and close heavy them many times and get on and off a tractor. Very helpful. Probably since next spring.
However, if so, everyone in the world can come here. https://minpo.jp/news/moredetail/2019100968330
Sometimes, some journalists might make bad images for our home. Sometimes, some people might misunderstand about our home.
But it's no useful to see them as enemies. Such history, let's finish. A person said, "Divide and conquer." Should we have always a conspiracy theory to mean "There are bad ones anywhere"? No.
Everyone might have "Divided" anything in own mind.
I visited Fukushima Museum to join in a meeting with four curators (Gakugeiin in Japanese. It's a deeper conception than curator.) about a public museum project, "Life Museum Network" by Fukushima museum.
At this time, they plan to hold a study tour to Okuma town. That was why I was one of advisors (Today only me). Everyone was kind to me and jotted down my ideas.
If they weren't in Fukushima, Fukushima didn't have such great culture. Because I continue to see their works, I'm familiar with them. Their philosophy is really reliable. Their smiles make me relaxed.
Somehow, I took a photo without a monitoring post to measure radiation level, with my mobile phone (So, I have yet to have a smartphone). It looks cool. Surely, Museum would think to storage it. I just tried to see a scene before 11th of March. It might be possible to connect before with after in some sense.
I had soba with a pumpkin croquette in the afternoon. Well, it's time to do train and study as much as I like. That reminds me, Jim Morrison said, "A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself."
Rainy. I came back to my AIzu home through the motorway.
My houses are in Aizu and Okuma, but Iwaki, too. One in Aizu is an ordinary house that is qualified as a temporal dwelling for evacuee. One in Iwaki is my parents'. One in Okuma is originally our home, but we don't live there except for during daytime because there is it in off limit area and no water, no electricity, and no gas. So, I live in three areas.
About my area in Okuma, radiation level becomes very low, as the same as other areas of Fukushima prefecture, by being decontaminated very much. However, my area is small, where is several percentage of all Okuma. The problem is what the govern thinks about other evacuees. Their lands might be high radiation yet. In that case, what the govern helps them with is important.
As you know, Japan has many problems. Debris of nuclear. The last area of off limit area. After the middle storage of radial trash. Tritium etc. water to get debris cool. Real damages as business or health etc. and avoid bad rumors for politically conflicts. To remember Fukushima, fine business and many topics.
Surely, there are problems after finishing off limit ares. This is real. There is a long long way to a lot of kinds of happy ends. We hope politicians, parties, and the Diet and the govern and all brethren and sistren and people in the world to buckle down to Fukushima. However, I'd like to be also brave. The daily bad news never make me dejected. Hence, I am the news. I am the top runner on my life. Of course, you, too.
I'd like to see this movie. When heading back, TV broadcasted it, "Far and Away."
Cloudy and cool. It smelled autumn. I finished a phase to put away at my room in Okuma. Then, I boiled Soba, eating it with a croquette at Iwaki in the afternoon. Fragrant orange colored olive. Osmanthus fragrans Lour. var. aurantiacus Makino. Well, it's time to talk with brethren and sistren on books.
The second day of working at former Japanese pear fields
Hyakusho has many kinds of works, so it means one who has many professional works. That's why, before remembering how to do each works, one has to do the next. The latter half of cutting several trees were beside a big ditch, but my father cut with a chain saw and I helped him to do that.
The thickness as one of them seemed to be about the same as four vertical hands. We put away heavy trees after cutting. His power shovel lifted a tree and made a big sound to suddenly cut it when I supported it with hands, but I was fine. Whew. A power shovel's one were like many golliras.
This work has high percentage of work accident. We were always lucky. I guessed it was because I touched these trees which saw us for more than 30 years. Surely, I didn't think I wanted to to do dangerous works again as was usual with me. The weather was very hot today, but almost finished its work (Working too much is very dangerous in this case. The devil is in the details. Originaly, "Der Teufel steckt im Detail." in German).
The saw's name was written, "Samurai." It was one of Kikori or Yamashi (both are like a lumber jack, but the latter one has different meanings. Probably, it seemed to me that it was because its form was like a Katana or quality or pioneer spirit). When heading back, went shoppig at Okawauoten (seafood) in Iwaki city. Delicious Kaisen Don.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. First I'd like to catch the hare(rabbit), if not watching a stump at Sou in the ancient continent of China. Today I cleaned with clothes, the floor, walls, doors, bathroom, windows, etc at our house in Iwaki city. I did the second cleaning some of them. I went in for cleaning to be holding up strong, getting sweaty like taking a shower though it was colder a little than recently. Cloudy and rainy a little. The photo is Chinese trumpet creeper, Campsis grandflora in Iwaki city on 29th of July. It means in the language of flowers "fame." My arms are tired, so I think I might sleep early.
The second day to put away at my houses.
The photo says like "This temporary house is for Okuma town people to have a break, not for many workers of reconstruction (guessed there are other places)" next to the police close to the town's office.
I dropped in there this morning a little. Just air conditioner, tables, chairs, bathroom and a vending machine. A public radial meter said 0.15μsv/h there outside. One mature man came in the temporal house and said hello each oher.
Another mature man plants often flowers at his fields, whose name is N san, whom I know a little because his family and I stayed at the same and first hotel for evacuation. We have come back to Okuma when that explored and one month passed or so. It was before being off limit area.
This morning I weeded at our garden for 1 hour and went to Okuma and put away books etc. at my room and swept at stairs and bumped into a very young wild boar on a street when tossing out much garbage. I was pretty good today.
Then, I cleaned the floor with a cloth at our house in Iwaki city and cleaned the bathroom. I'd like to do it again. To be optimistic as much as I can, I like to see the world not as it is, but as it could be soon as my acting results.
Putting things away at my room
The end of summer winds make people restless. Almost things were put away already though there were daily things that became trash. We had a right that a public enterprise worker about trash at this area put away trash, everyday. To be decontaminated was finished. I brought books to my room. The fact felt stranger than a book. The photo is clematis (is poisonous). When coming back, a long way as is usual. I took two breaks. Well, abdominal muscle time. Sleepy. Live in the sunshine.
Literally today was field work.
We cut trees next to our former Japanese pear fields. My father used his backhoe and his chain saw. I put them away, using a saw. Basically, the administrator was responsible about the area because it was not ours. But it'll take much time to finish it even if phoning. It was hot today. I put away books etc. at my original room, too.
I found a flower, which was called, "Hibiscus syriacus" around there. People of Cha enjoy the flower to hold a cha party in summer. They call it Mukuge, cultural flower. Shiragi, where, a part of Korea nowadays, expressed themselves as the flower's country. Hokuto city in Hokkaido thinks it as its city flower. In English, rose of sharon in old testament.
An old book for Ikebana conveys it's no good to use its flower because it's difficult to let it to keep standing. The writers decided it as an abandoned flower for ikebana. However, how to think about the flower depends on groups of ikebana. Nowadays, the reason why was Sen Soutan, who is a cha professional person, really liked it for the short period blooming as a cha thought of Ichigoichie, so Mukuge became typical at cha party in summer.
Well, well. How cute. I was lucky to meet with them beside usual main river. There are a variety of people who see and watch Okuma town, but Okuma continues to exist as itself.
I had a day off today, having a hamburg stake and some slices of carrot at a restaurant close to the forest. There were seen ornaments of sailing ships, elephants, egyptian dishes and owls etc. on the shelves, which might be related to the England, Spain, or France and so on on an old era. "Old and strong" reminded me that I found a Nissan car, which was called, "Datsun." If they remake it, they will be great again. I found a fact that Datsun ran at Okuma town in those days. I continue to cook miso soup every morning.
The third period was finished on the fourth day of the latter half. 11 days in total. Today I worked cool, safer and stable. I easily rewrote official maps on some memos to cut time to see them every time. The area where I conserved was small comparatively with all of this town though I feel I did it. Tropical climate in summer recently.
On 2nd of Sep. Torch lily. Kniphofia. The south of Africa. The name was originated from A German botanist and doctor Johann Hieronyms Kuniphof. The language of the flowers is like it's time of endurance to love. It might be like a drama.
Coming back to Iwaki, I will spend time as is usual with me. Have a good night.
The third day of the latter half of the third period of my work this year.
I found chestnuts, so felt autumn. It seemed to me that a wild boar ate them, breaking a path between rice fields. I worked stable today because I walked and checked circumstances of fields first, put away rocks as my servis for my town. Now that the rotary was good.
In the evening. I saw a friend again in five years! He paints covers of our magazine. Angway, 5 years. I didn't feel so, but it passed. Time flies like an arrow. He was cool now, too. Ah, we saw at Mashiko town in 2017 though a bit busy then!
We ate tenzarusoba and katsudon, sharing them each other, at Hattachi shokudou. It seemed like what we have done so for a long time. We played reversi (othello), but the restaurant might close then, so our game was finished as draw.
We talked about a lot of topics.
I pray for his happiness.
Well, well. Whose footprints? Guest from anywhere.
The second day of the third season as my work this year. As was usuall with Okuma town, the traffic was not light, but there has been no residents.
Not getting depopulated. Just suddenly zero in the off limit area. No water. No gas. No electricity. For 8 years. From now on, also. So, working takes time than usuall. If washing hands, I need to use a tank water with a pump to our well.
I used a middle size tractor today. After that, I cleaned the grass of the rotary, so it worked though heavy yet. Coming back to Iwaki city, I wrote an official diary with photos. Official agricultural map is complicated and difficult.
Operating a tractor always needs safety first. I got up early this morning, but already 7:30 PM. Time flies like an arrow. Studying English, German, ancient Greek and so on before sleeping.
Hey, my guest. See you again.
I restarted working at Okuma town today because sunny. Before using my tractor, surveying many points of lands on foot is important to avoid a danger.
I fixed an agricultural road where was broken by a wild boar. Some of such works took some hours. That pair of combat boots was fine.
Today's result was not sufficient, so I'm gonna bring it tomorrow. Just gasoline to commute took. So, minus in total. It was inevitable for safer work. (Checking the area, found it might be OK)
Photo is my tractor's rotary with so much grass. It smelled like forage for a cattle. I knew it when I was a really child, my family had cattles to let them to pull a plaugh like a tractor. They were like pets.
This work brought me back good old memories. For example. I entered a primary school (Shougakkou) and I was about 5 or 6 years old and first grade. A girlfriend waited for me, who had yet to do because she was 4 or 5.
BTW, this rotary didn't work right this time when the engine stopped. It might be about time to phone usual agricultural machine's company. Cleaning was done.
It seems to me that my work now is to drive for a long time. I'm not good at driving, so I need to rest sufficient. I'm gonna studying, exercising and sleeping. Many bell insects.
John Bercow
A dog
Wiki says, her name is a Spanish Christian name meaning mercy. German. Jewish. Spanish. Christian. It seems to have a deep history. Anyway, when I drive through there, I feel I come to Taira in Iwaki. It was rainy on the highway.
It was hot today, but did a half marathon with 4kg. Where did the time go? Time flew when I was having fun. The photo is a crape myrtle. I received a message from a friend in the US, about Jazz etc. I like Jazz.
We visited a restaurant, where was called, "Manmaaja" by JA in Aizuwakamatsu city and I had an organic coffee and a piece of no-bake cheesecake of homemade and some slices of an apple and heavy cream. It was 500 JPY (about 5 USD). I thought it'd be a business effort of JA. When ordering a meal, all you can eat salad. Because JA is a big company of agriculture that was related to GHQ. I think it'll be very good for Okuma town to build such a cafe restaurant in Okuma someday. I don't use a sugar stick and coffee fresh. We saw an Aizu festival (Aizu matsuri) a little.
I thought a long story about today's news, but I won't write it here for the time being. It was really delicious to eat ramen which was cooked by my wife. Rice farmers were harvesting rice, when I was jogging marathon 20 km after training muscles today. It smelled good. Gentle breeze was a little cold. The autumn has come. Well, well, than crying that topic, I'd rather think of our achievements with all friends together. Let's live long. Thank you so much.
Today good news and sad news made me mixed feelings. Everyone survives under this complicated world. I pray for all people's happiness in the world. I sewed a cloth on a cap to avoid UV in the evening. It was delicious to eat Japanese style dish which cooked by my wife. Miso baked sablefish etc. We had a fun time to see a TV drama, "The Man Who Can't Get Married" (re-broadcasting)("Kekkon Dekinai Otoko"). Abe Hiroshi and Natsukawa Yui. I learned what Abe san graduated Chuo Uni when being in the Uni. Trained muscles. I achieved quantity (about km), so I'd like to aim to continue to get quality of exercise. What a little quantity that I got results in a day, but every little helps.
I bought a pair of protective sneakers of combat boots because there has been many dangers in off limit area and others agricultural lands (on a sharp point etc). It was reasonable. About 33 USD in total. At Toraichi that they offers work fashion.
"Protective sneakers" and "Safety boots" are different. The former is certified by JSAA. The latter is done by JIS and it is strict from view points of design, materials, and so on. Modern work fashion can be also in range of folklore.
In the evening I sewed a cloth to avoid UV on a cap. Etc etc. I really like designs of high boots, too. Of course, "(Kiri) Geta," too. But it feels good to see cloths "for work" for now.
I looked forward to working for a long time. I feel I've been freedom recently though I've been tied down to my work. There might be generally seen a contradiction except for us.
Anyway, always I continue to yell out "Yoo-hoo! I'm here!" to the world from our disappeared hometown where almost people think so.
It was rainy. Having a break is important. Today is "Respect for the Aged Day" in Japan. The US has "National Grandparents Day." The UN put "International Day of Older Persons" that Wiki says, "The holiday is celebrated by raising awareness about issues affecting the elderly, such as senescence and elder abuse. It is also a day to appreciate the contributions that older people make to society." However, an old person in Chiba cried like, "I'd rather die!", on a TV news today, who was one of sufferers by a big typhoon disaster. I pray for their happiness.
Then, Birke Baehr decided to be an organic farmer. Great. - TED
My alma mater, Chuo University published my newspaper article. I'm glad to convey Fukushima. Thank you so much, Mainichi Newspaper and Chuo University. Founders of Chuo studied in The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple in London, and Germany and the US.
The name so to speak like Loyal Souls' Hall and moment for military animals (died in battle WW2 etc.) in Aizuwakamatu city. I dropped in that, praying for the peace.
Today I studied 20 languages and marathon 20 km under the sun with a backpack 4 kg, 32 degrees at most, and trained muscles, and studied folklore. I edited our magazine a little again.
It took about 5 hours. Very hot. Feeling gentle wind and running a half marathon, I realized my life. Ice cream was super delicious.
I've been in good shape more than for 2 years and half. Today I was glad to marathon 20 km with 4 kg backpack. It was like wringing my body. I felt it was a longer course of 20 km because there were many signals.
However, when I returned some small driftwoods, walking to the river, two men got off a classy car and walked to me and showed their card and said like, "We are this job (police)" and "Can you show me your driver's license?" "All right." Bra bra. Also, "Sure (body check)." I was thankful because they kept the peace.
At last we talked happily. Anyways, what I had clean hands was verified. They were plainclothes police officers by masked car. I thought it was fifth checks in my life. Well, well. I'm cleaning the bathroom and reading books. The photo is a mantis that I found today. There was also a grasshopper, but a sparrow caught it, flying.
A student of a famous university listened to my story or so today at a cafe Kura in Aizuwakamatu city. I was not sure whether I sufficiently conveyed it or not, but I knew she would write a good essay at Sociology seminar because she met with a good teacher. Modern young people are great. Then, I saw a friend and talked with him who were with a white cat. It has been a while. I'm thinking of what I'm doing marathon of 5 km because I did 5 km in this morning. However, I'm so sleepy already. What should I do. Beautiful. Ipomoea nil. Morning glory. It is sleeping now in the afternoon. Hearing Miles Davis - Cookin.
I have been calm since I arrived in Aizu two days ago, exercising good and sleeping very well. It's been a while to marathon outside. It was hard for my hips joints, so just 10 km today (20 km soon because of the comfortable weather). I continue to cook miso soup every morning. My personal reason haven't let our magazine to be published for 1 year, but I started editing again. Learning 20 languages are not re-started except for some. Anyway, persevering, high spirit.
Having a break. Our kitchen garden in Aizu. Dianthus. Nadeshiko. I like it.

We came back to Aizu home in 10 days. Ate ramen at Iippudo. A typhoon was coming at Iwaki city, but safely left Iwaki and arrived. We saw Yoshima river, which was dangerous today. All of three places are my homes. Aizu basin is a great scenery. photo hiroko
I have a day off today. We visited a restaurant of tomatoes where was called, "Wonder Farm" in Iwaki, being close to highway exit. Ate tomatoes dish very much to get lycopene, so to speak, antioxidative effect. Solanum lycopersicum. Then, reading books, studying languages, training muscles, jogging.
Holiday. My father easily saved a tractor from a ditch. I cleaned a rotary. Today a summer festival was held in front of the main Okuma public office. Unfortunately, I didn't find an acqaintance. I guessed almost everyone didn't read a public report every month.
But there were seen about 100 people in total. It was so hot. I think, people needed a lot of tents and more food. We ate shaved ice with strawberry sauce which was made at a factory (perhaps) by Okuma town. It was delicious. Young people played jazz of Lupin the third or rock music.
A photographer Nakasuji Jun visits Fukushima now. I met with a teacher in a private school in Namie and I talked with him about a recent educational scene. My wife Hiroko played a game to color paper of eight characters and quiz about Futaba county (Guessed especially Futaba town and Tomioka town).
Nakasuji, who introduced a Korean TV to me. I was used to be heard from media. I replied several questions about Fukushima. At last I spoke in Korean a little. They seemed to be glad to hear that. I was glad to see that. We became friends. Shake hands. 감사합니다。
People in Hawaii call "Soma bon dance song" "Fukushima ondo." People on Yagura of this festival played Soma bon dance (Soma bon uta). My wife joined bon dance, learning people who were dancing.
Thet reminded me what I joined a bon damce circle in Higashiyama onsen in Aizuwakamatsu city, where they gave an opportunity to hold a Soma bon uta bon dance with Aizu bon dance. The scene was that a new world has been coming (7 years ago in those days and 8 years ago in Maui in Hawaii, too).
And reminded me, I have joined a spring festival at a public space of temporal dwelligs for nuclear evacuees. Bon dance or local festivals feels me any great feeling from time to time. So to speak, "A period finished and the next is starting." Anyway, it was one of summer memories.
When I was finishing a work of this day, I made a big mistake to operate a tractor. A right back big tire stuck an irrigation ditch of a rice field. The tractor has been slanting and I stopped driving and got it off.
I was so relieved to be safe about myself. Before falling on its side. I have learned a lot. I must have firstly check up all points of lands to work more and more. I forgot so big grassess there were growing on the lands in off limit areas. I couldn't seen the ditch very much.
Also, my commute of a car in a day is about 3 hours in total. Too long. Because of it, it's not easy to drive a tractor for more than several hours. It reminds me some of professional farmers cause an accident every year when operating agricultural machines.
Yesterday I found a dangerous point in a land. Anyway, I was lucky. I must be careful. The nature is beautiful, but it has both sides. Especially, here.
I enjoyed making a mystery circle with a tractor. But today I looked at a wild small rabbit which bumped against a tractor. It was passing away. After several minutes many crows held a bird burial. Rarely wilde small mice, too.
It reminded me, to grow and get food caused to destroy nature. Cutting many grassess. Changing scene. Etc. A farmer has a side of a nature destroyer. Shiva rides on a cattle. A tractor got a part of cattles' works. The sound of a drivig tractor resembles a tank's.
Churchill in the UK let people to develop a tank from a tractor. It was in 1915. Around WW1. So to speak, a tractor first than a tank. I was so relieved to hear that. Then, Soviet, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, etc. made many tanks. Famous companies of motor cycles.
However, to pull a lot of things and cultivate were keys for a war, so a tractor was surely very important. I'm proud of conserving agricultural lands. Never for a war. I really like a peaceful world. Everyone would be so. I believe it.
Tractors and tanks can go on the bad road or so. Wet lands and so on. There are so many obstacles on my way now in Fukushima. Hence, I should use a tractor for a peaceful world. Firstly, to conserve an agricultural land.
Also, it is Tohoku area here. That reminded me a phrase by Miyazawa Kenji (Prof. Akasaka Norio spoke it before). Mukashi tatta no akuroou. Akuro means a bad condition road (but this word akuroou means bad road king and he means a head of emishi in ancient Tohoku area). Anytime, anyway, we can make it, if we believe in it.
The 4th day of my work at the 3rd period in this year. Cattles' adventure was finished already. Their master sometimes come back. Not here on the photo, BTW, today I conserved an agricultural land of a former Japanese pear farmer where there were rocks bacause of being decontaminated precious soil before, which were obstacles for my tractor's rotary, so I put away some of them and I got rid of grassess from the rotary twice than usual. If I didn't, the land might be not so easily useful for agriculture. That was why, it took time. If my tractor is broken, I foot the bill. I must really be careful to continue to keep the lands good.
Also, to use a tractor is easy, but it's dangerous sometimes if forgettig any steps to use it safe. Cattles are bos taurus in Latin. They are treated as bless ones in Hindu. Shiva rides on a cattle. In Aizu area and Fukushima pre. people call a cattle Akabeko, but having them nowadays. Many kinds of cultures. One of tractor's works was originally cattles' or horses' and thier tools to cultivate were revolution (plough, there are many types) in those days. Muscles pain. Having bathtub for a little long. Crickets and bell insects are chirping. I feel good. The autumn has comoo~
Black kites (milvus migrans)suddenly came to fields where I drove a tractor with a rotary. Big and Cool. Several wag tails and fifteen crows, too. Sparrows were zero because of their food and places to live. Many grasshoppers and so on. Birds' paradise is here. It was rainy at night yesterdy, so I used a scoop today to get rid of mud from tires on the roads though it was helpful for the weather to be cloudy in the morning and after finished this time it was rainy in the afternoon.
There were red dragonflies and blue ones(orthetrum albistylum), too. Masaoka Shiki, haiku, poet, sang about a black kite. I talked with a public offcer about my work. There were white lilies on a side of a prefectural road and purple hydrangeas on the Sanroku road. Both were beautiful. Well, time to marathon and train muscles and read books and study languages.
I went to the Okuma town public office to get a certificate, greeting and talking with friends who work there. Then, went to an agricultural land as my working place. I got a sickle to clean a rotary of a tractor (to get rid of many grassess from a rotary with it).
It was very useful. Wild boars dug sides of roads and it might be dangerous to drive on the roads in the near future. A word "Documents" reminds me that we must fill in a form to record our results every time in order that the government must read them later.
Surely, this time to wrote and printout is not including in pay. Anyway, to be sunny was helpful. It's now rainy in the evening. Well, time to read and train. I felt good to clean our house and washed our car and eat seafood sashimi donburi as dinner.
The photo is Chinese trumpet creeper. Masaoka Shiki, poet, haiku, sang about this flower. I felt lonly a little because almost nobody there was in off limit areas. Flowers, trees, and grassess are waiting for their masters or friends though I thought it was very good for everyone to be pretty good as much as everyone could after this disaster.
Also, I'd like to live productively as much as I can even if working. Take it easy. The language of the flowers is Fame. Delicious. Tapioka milk tea of Lawson.
It takes time to come, driving a car and needs a key of a heavy barricade to open and close eight times in total for a day, getting off and on a car and a tractor everytime. From this time I use a little bigger tractor. Today it was cool, so helpful very much. Many birds came around me to have insects or so every time. I'm a hero for birds(lol)(Surely I was glad to hear what farmers thank me). I was glad that an old friend of Odaka Tomioka phoned me in this morning. It was delicious to have a coconut tapioka juice at a convenient store Lawson. Well, abdominal muscle and books time. Have a good evening. Photo is Sweet viburnum for a hedge in Okuma town.
One month passed since starting training muscles. I see my abdominal and pectoral ones' shapes, not all yet. My skin gets better than usual. Better speed to grow muscles than my 20s and fine performance of jogging marathon even if very sumer and winter and when busy.
That reminds me it was fun to read a book in a convenient store seven eleven about a word "ramen" derived from what Chinese people overseas call it raamien and people started cooking it in Asakusa in early Meiji era.
Also, a word Yahho in Japanese when climbing a mountain is derived from German, Johoo. One of neighborhood passes away recently, he lived there alone , so his old house is finishing now. All roads lead to Rome. Tokugawa era for 300 years was finished.
Other neighborhood has crape myrtle that has the language of the flowers are, eloquence, charming, and careless. BTW, in the west Japan flood disaster happens. Fire insurance might have water insurance.
Since the October the government is taking 10% consumption tax. But they don't use it for welfare very much. So many people don't vote at all because of their real ignorance. I think, Japan doesn't have time to argue with other countries.
Well, well, everyday is precious, eh
Well well. Writing this diary, I'm taking a break now. It takes time for nuclear evacuees like diaspora people to get official certificates at some public offices from time to time. I learned how to use a go cart kusakarimasao that is green to cut grassess and brought and put away many books at our original house, being now relieved to select a bigger car as ours than before of Toyota's that was good. Moving, driving, and working. Delicious to have a sweet potato youkan and green tea.
People in the west and south Japan look having a big trouble by a flood disaster (For example, people in the hospitals seem to have a hard time.), but so many people are ignorant of politics for a long time. I was thinking this area might be the same water disaster every year.
BTW, I've been writing neatly on my memo diary because my grip gets better like before. For example, I made another memo which was called, "Fukushima memo" which have info such as what Okuma town's 62% is off limit area and Namie town 80% and Futaba town until the next spring is 96% also. 9 years will pass soon, but there is a long way to go. Hearing music by Oguro Maki. I hope "pocket bells" come back some day.
When a junior high school student, who knows, anyone who is famous says like you don't have to go to school, if you want to k*ll yourself because you don't want to go to school, on a newspaper. I think children don't read a newspaper very much. It'd be great for people who often have a demonstration to express it or so.
We like visiting a lake Inawashiroko, wearing a ninja teacher Kakashi's T-shirt (in Naruto) and learning shougi at a cafe LUKE (this pair of binoculars is cafe's).
I want sharingans which resembles my family crest Tomoe or so (surely to make an effort is great). I will finish the first stage to put away many books with many cardboard boxes since the spring. One month passed since when I started training muscles.
Bought a gripper Lavie 30kg and it was rigid. Surely I'm gonna use 20kg that I have, too. Bought a tennis racket and so on.
I might add a sport in my hobbies soon. It'd be because what I'm a non-smoker and on the wagon. I feel I get strength by training. Sit ups, push ups, chin ups, dumbbells, grip and marathon steadily.
Then, I threw away oversize trash, that were an almost new exercise bike and a cheap running machine (broken for several months). It was delicious to eat a miso spicy ramen cooked by my wife today. I must remember to take care of my body.
Once in a while, almost people in Japan thought if something happens at a nuclear power plant, nobody will live in "almost all of Japan."
However, everyone learned it was a misunderstanding nowadays. People could at almost areas, if decontaminating good, though almost nobody knows its fact yet.
I think, Japanese people think Fukushima is perfectly all right nowadays and people in the world think why people continue to live in Fukushima now. In my opinion, both are misunderstandings.
I'm looking forward to eating strawberries which are from Okuma in Fukushima. Surely, all food in supermarkets in Fukushima are measured radiation and ND (Not Detectable).
In Japanese, people call a strawberry "Ichigo," but in ancient era it was called, "Ichibiko (in Yamato) " or "Fukubonshi (in China)." https://www.iijan.or.jp/oishii/sp/products/fruit/post-693.php
Well, I'm absorbed in training abdominal muscles recently. It reminds me what I joined in a game among friends, when I was in high school, if one loses a toss (Janken in Japanese)(Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!), the one had a punch on his abdominal muscles.. wry smile. Definitely I never do it nowadays.
In Futaba high school baseball was famous. They were great. I learned sportsmanship was great to see their training and play. Recently, I like watching "K-1." Especially, I was glad to know that Kaito Ozawa was from Aizu in Fukushima. He is a champion of Krash. I hope he becomes a champion at K-1, too.
Takeru does many chin ups, but he is thin. So it'd be good to have thin and strong muscles, not build them bigger. Tenshin is also great. I like watching a K-1 or boxing game of a featherweight class. Because their height and weight are the same as mine. They continue to make an effort. That's encouraging for me.
Of course, having a break is important.
We played with hanabi
after several years. I felt like doing it after washing our car by myself to practice economy (Usually I buy the time of that). I wash my agricultural machine, so I thought I should do my car, too. I decided not to do chin ups too many because I learned if so many, one's body becomes like a cobra. I never need it.
In this summer, we went to visit graves of our ancestors in our hometown since it was Obon (Actually, we did it before that). I hadn't gone there until last year because I didn't know the correct radiation's numeric data or tiresome to go far on highway. Our family's graves were rebuilt newly. Our family had a trader to put a table and chairs made by stone for visitors of this place. We prayed for the repose of the souls of dead people.
Ikebana that I arranged in the afternoon after 10km marathon. A flower of a mint, a leaf which I'm not sure, and ivy's leaf.
Then finally, I did 10 chin ups at the nearby park. It was almost the same as when I was in the first year of high school, but it was not just with the strength of my arms, so to speak, using the action of my legs or so. There were three men who practiced skateboarding.
Getting back to my house, I cleaned the bathroom almost perfectly. Also, kitchen, floor, or so. By the way, some people might misunderstand about my physical strength. It's the best now, not when I was young. I couldn't run a marathon so long like now in those days.
Adversity is the best school. People all grow up anytime when you want. I just want to enjoy marathon or so. Not for competition. Well, I feel like eating some meat of lamb. Recently I especially like training abdominal muscles. Well, humid if without air conditioner. I can't wait for autumn. Thank Heaven.
It might be soon to finish the intense heat this year. One month has passed since I started doing muscle training. Sit ups, fingers, grip, 9 pounds dumbbell, now doing, also I'd like to do a chin up at the nearby park.
These are things that I can do because of quitting a pipe tobacco. My heart is good nowadays. However, I do push ups at the minimum. I'm happy to do them, feeling I'm like being in my early 20's.
I have arranged my books for several months and cleaned up my house and cooked miso soup every morning recently. Photo: Aizu Matsudaira's garden for many medicinal plants in Edo period.
We visited Inawashiroko lake this year, too. The same cafe, "Luke." The same iced tea. The same puzzled ring. However, this lake looked like light of new diamonds every time. Ate a panini. Beside a symbolic mountain, "Bandaisan."
--- (memo) "Panini" is an English word nowadays, but it's also Italian. Panino is singular. Panini is plural. Then, a word "Imbottito" is like "filled," so people call it "Panino imbottito" in Italian. But this cafe's name is "Luke." English. So, the menu says, "Panini." After all, it seems to me that this food is thought as one in English cultural area.
2012 summer in Aizu bon dance festival (Higashiyama onsen).
They said like, "Good luck, Aizu!" and "Don't be a loser, Okuma!"
We were so glad to see them.
This is my uniform. This says, "Okuma machi." I'm glad to work after a long time. Also, a blue air conditional windbraker with fans of USB battery. Its clothing design might be Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind character, "Forest people." Also, my recent work is agricultural conservationist in off limit area. So I feel I am one of themselves. But its blue one wasn't useful very much because of being too hot recently.
Also, a black cooling vest with ice packs. It's helpful very much for a short time every ice pack until melted. I challenge to run each 5km marathons outside with them now. I did two times today. I restarted muscle training indoor recently. 41 degrees 10 cm in height on the road. If I wear them, 32 degrees within clothing. Finally, I conclude it's the best to do in the very early morning. It's not so easy to sleep early in summer.
It seems to me that children of Kawakani in Brazil eat natural good food though they don't have much money. It's meaningful. Buzzfeed
Quite a tall sunflower. A friend from Okuma gave me its seeds several years ago. I was surprised to see they were blooming this year. By the roof. Yesterday I was tired of driving all day long. It was delicious to eat kashiwa mochi of Baigetsu (梅月) in front of Hisanohama Sta. I've liked since I was small.
Swam at Inawashiroko lake, playing a puzzle ring, studying Greek and having a tea, on 23rd of July in 2018 (photo: Hiroko).
Delicious at a Korean restaurant about Yakiniku in Aizubange town in Fukushima. Myeongdong is the restaurant's name, which is the same as a major city in Korea. The more Japanese TVs broadcast Korea, the more I feel like going to their restaurants. When we came out and said like it was delicious. A staff smiled. Chopsticks here are cool. Free coffee is helpful. Pulcogi seems to be a historical cuisine.
I enjoyed the cool air outdoors tonight, hearing bell ring insects in rice fields without fireflies.
We stayed at Higashiyama onsen of Aizuwakamatsu city with friends some days ago. My wife and I went an ashiyu onsen (feet onsen) in the next morning. I have heard a lady about charcoal burn or so, who lived at a former very old village close to here many years ago from a view point of folklore. Bon dance is held around here every summer. This reminds me we danced at this bon dance festival on 4th of July in 2012. Time flies like an arrow. One of the last samrai, who was called, "Toshizo Hijikata" of Shinsengumi healed here. I also hope to heal gradually. Then, I overcome myself on a new long journey. @Photo by Hiroko
from Aizuwakamatsu city are delicious now. It's a fruit that means in Japan like if you have the charm, you can live at anywhere bad. The origin of peaches is from China. The English word, "Peach" is from a meaning like, "Apple from Persia." Peaches are soft and easy to be hurt, so seem to be thought like, "A girl who is beautiful" or "Immoral woman" or "Boobs" etc. in English because Wiki says so. I'm not sure Momotaro is like Sukunahikona. When I was a child, I played a TV game, which was called, "Momotaro Dentetsu (桃太郎電鉄)" with friends. In the game we bought real estates at each station, getting on the train. It might be a story of modern bubble illusion's momotaro. I'd like to run 15 km in total today though it's very hot.
I think this is an oak has acorns. It might be a forest for wood fuel here (Ōkuma, Fukushima). I wonder which one is the messiest and idiot among those acorns like a story by Kenji M. It seemed that I found a cute tree. I remember this was used to grow shiitake (mushroom). I read two instructions of my tractor and mower to connect with it and studied agriculture at 福島県 いわき市 yesterday. Then I arrived at 会津若松市.
It was not hot today. Cloudy. I finished my work in this season. Especially shorter this time. There were seen dragonflies. There was rarely seen a blue dragonfly. I found a glasshopper, horseflies, bees, a ladybug, mayby a firefly, a cabbage butterfly that were white one and yellow one. I learned how to use an agricultural machine SS of high price. I had a manju recently at lunch (today I ate a monaka with tsubu an), was seeing miscanthus sinensis and it reminded me a short story that I talked at Mashiko town. I worked good. I shaved myself today.
Wild boars wasted some irrigation ditch in fields. We will see it. I called my tractor "Orange Beauty Lexus." I jotted down how to operate it. Especially, it's important to absolutely remember disengagement of the gear to make a U - turn at a double speed and switching on of a connection brake when driving on the road. I might come to understand the structure by taking good care of it, looking at an engine oil and pneumatic tires, washing windows, tires, and a rotary tiller. Ate jou katsuju etc with my family at dinner. Exercising and training muscles after that.
When going back to my house by tractor on a sloping road, found a yellow flower, so couldn't take a photo of it. I was sleepy little on the national road of No. 6. There were seen several spots of Orange Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva var. kwanso) at Okuma on July, which was called as like a flower to forget or remember a memory in Japanese. Wasuregusa, it must be blooming on the way of life. Otsukaresamades.
It was very hot under the blazing sun. When operating a tractor, I felt the engine was like an organic body and at one with it or the revolution speed. There might be synergy effect between an engine and a driver. Especially, abdominal muscles, trunk, and legs and hands and so on, checking all directions by looking, anyway, all parts of body. The roar was tiring my nerves, so took a break. However, felt good to work. When lunch, I forgot a pair of chopsticks, so ate salad with a hand at a ridgeway between rice fields. Water, gas, electricity have beem run out since eight years ago the frontier, because it was inside of an off limit area at Okuma. Rarely strange feeling. Having several refrigerating materials, I bought a cooler box. I felt relaxed to see a water strider and purple flower. These were white clovers (Trifolium repens)(Europian) on the center of the photo. Every little helps. The small milk pack beside a banana was soy milk. I did push ups or so at night. I'm glad to write a diary in Engliah today. Thinking much, though to enjoy life is important.
The rainy season was tiring about my work, but I finished operating my tractor about 1 ha for the time being. I'm still pretty good. I'm studying languages and reading books roht now. This tractor has a cabin with an air conditioner. It's like a Gundam. This photo is when of today' lunch at my original house. I got comparativerly good a pair of rubber boots at Tomioka. @Okuma
We went voting to the new office of Okuma town today, where a small number of evacuees went back and have lived again because certain areas have been permitted to do them since the spring of this year, and saw a friend who was a public officer. It's been a while. The House of Councillors Election, 2019. I hope many evacuees of Futaba county to go voting. Ladies and gentlemen.
20190720 Got to work as a public enterprise of my Town.
The summer has come. I have been joining in a public enterprise to work with our own modern tractor and so on for the conservation of agricultural land in Okuma town since this summer, where has yet to be big off limit areas and reconstructing ones. I always perform maintenance of a rotary of my tractor. Soil, mud, water, plants, cows and rarely walking wild boars. There are insects, birds and the sun and flowers. I talk with them. 20 th of July in 1876 is know as the original day of "Marine Day," though the day became "Land Day" for me.
Operating this tractor seems to be like riding on horseback, which is called "Lexus," for a farmer on the frontier! My commute by car is one hour. I'm not sure until when I work there, but it'll be not for a short time. I got a uniform. There has been a small number of people who live there, though still almost nobody. I'm going to inherit wisdom as my parents', ancestral and elder people' properties and would like to help revive of our home.
There are women who usually apply for books which people should read at the library. That is really helpful. I thought it when I joined in a circle to talk about a book at Fukushima book forest. Internet offers little wisdom of the world. This topic was brought back by talking with my wife. It's a key to change the world step by step.
It has been one year since I quit smoking. Where there is a will, there is a way. Time flies like an arrow. Now that I do breathe fresh air anywhere and anytime that I want. Thank heaven and everyone. Well, it's delicious to have a coffee and a kiwi fruit.
It was hard to run 15 km today because of heavy rain. Big sound of endless raining. Getting colder. Even if having an umbrella, scared. Got to realize how tiny I was for the nature. Snow, windy, and so forth.
Thanks to great teachers, I passed all lessons and a practical examination at the first go off to get a license for special large size vehicles (I think, largest). This one is needed when driving on the road. This is not an operation license (I don't need operation ones for the time being because I'm to use it at my home when I ride on a large size agricultural motor tractor or so, but I think about it a little because learning knowledge is helpful to safely control). I'm so relieved. I used this Wheel Loader. Therefore, I had a very productive day!
This kimchi which was made by myself was delicious. Mainly, I used Daikon radish this time. Well, life isn't all sweet and several difficult things that happened to me at the same day, but I like the world all the better because thanks to friends, family, and books or so. 이 김치 진짜 맛있어.
A teacher at the Drivers License School told me my aptitude test result. It was the ranked in the top 10 %. I was so relieved to hear that because I didn't do it seriously. I was wondering how many people did it confused and it meant so many people might tend to be confused easily. Some nuclear evacuees have come here to have a license before and the teacher made friends with one of them and went to Tokyo together or so. However, actually, I don't think I'm good at driving. Anyway, I finished 2 lessons for the time being. It was a little hard because I had two lessons and 2 straight hours. The school decided my schedule. Before having lessons, I ran 15 km yesterday, but the next I plan to run only 5 or so km. Two teachers were kind and I was happy and to hear Aizu dialect. The next will be soon. Everyone loves Aizu, folklore, etc.
It was windy, rainy, hot, thunder and lighting when I was running half marathon today. It was a little hard. My umbrella might break. Fortunately, no cold. Now that weather seems to be like a lie. The sunset looks beautiful in the silent sky.
10000km(Walked and ran 10000 km for 2 years)
It might be strange not to be disappointed in this world, however, I manage to live and think it's fine. I have friends, family and memories.
Not only my ability to memorize, but to think has been skyrocketing because I quit smoking and drinking. The former passes for 1 year and the latter does 2 years. I did an IQ test on a website, where is called, "memorando" and the result was 134. It seems to be within 1% out of all results. However, the measure of IQ might mislead. It's just a result to see one ability and never all ones and personality etc. I just thought it was useful to study math or so. Incidentally, some gaming website to see IQ seem to be easy to have very high score 200 or so and they are no reliable. By the way, a book about India is interesting. India's official name is Bhārat Gaṇarājya. It has snow in the north east area like Miyagi or Fukushima.
Making it a rule to jog slowly 20 km (about 12 miles), and read books and study 20 languages everyday, I've been so busy since April, but meanwhile, relieved to be productive than before, I guess so. I hope to have more focus for my steady advance. As you know, my circumstances let me think a lot usually, so I'd like to distinguish between thinking time and concentrating one. Constitution. Philosophy. Religions. Folklore. History. Essays. I wrote this Japanese post in classical Japanese.
It is important that diverse opinions there are together. The diverse opinions mean that "This person and I have a completely different opinions." I think, there would be some people who know the meaning the first time I paraphrase this way. Because it is a different opinion, it begins to be a world, society or community and it is no good for people to eliminate the other different opinions. I think, people who have ability to hear others have the right to speak their own thought.
Rainy, windy and cold. It was hard to run through 20km as was usual, but I did it, becoming chilled. And then, having the bathtub was so great. Okinawan rice seasoned and cooked with various ingredients, which was called, "Fuuchibaa juusy (ふうちばあ じゅうしい)" that including especially yomogi (mugwort) and some miso soup with kogomi (sprout of ostrich fern) my wife cooked. Firstly, the rain smelled summer, but it's after all cold.
I haven't written my diary in English and Japanese lately, because I'd like to write multilingual diary such as 5 or 10 languages.
So the frequency of my update will be less than before, but our FB page WELTGEIST FUKUSHIMA is sharing news as is usual sometimes.
Anyway, recently I spend what little time I have to study languages and reading. (About writing I finished for the time being, taking a break. The next I plan May or so, anyway, I did it! Finally! I spent 5 months.).
About SNS, I must enjoy it moderately and really hope to treasure my own time on life in order to be diligent because of my language skill.
I don't hesitate to repeat the same words when writing a diary, so readers are kind. Thank you so much.
Mint chocolate chip ice cream is delicious recently. I continuet to run 20km everyday. Well, I'm posting again soon.
I decide to write a diary in many languages, not only English.
Yes. I'm getting perfect. I got up at 7:30 AM today, too. Ran 5 km 4 times (Increased rest). Studied English, German, French, Classical Greek, modern Hebrew, 2 kinds of Japanese classics, and read Greek mythology, and continue the manuscript about Fukushima. Of course, if my condition is so so, I learn 1 language at least everyday. I put shave ice into a cup of Mashiko-Yaki, Hershey chocolate, heavy pure cream and strawberry syrup. I also made a carbonated water cream float. Well, I might be cold a little to eat them. Also, a roll of a warm water yeast (Yudane roll pan) is delicious. I'm training muscles beside a heater.
Clear sky. I got up at 7:30 AM. I ran 10 km and cleaned the floor. I wiped it with a cloth and swept with a broom. I was glad to look at it. I'll train muscles. I cooked chicken saute. Other things are usual. I cultivated my kitchen garden and planted seeds the day before yesterday. Today's handmade is heavy pure cream put it on ready-made waffle cookies.
Some people have similar values, but the others don't have them. It's important to get the quality of being harmonious. Take it easy. Some people don't know the debate's manner but pretending. A German public lawer Georg Jellinek said, "The law is nothing but the ethical minimum. (Das Recht ist nichts anderes als das ethische Minimum.)"
Great scenery. I might understand why ancient people in Aizu decided to live here. I got up at 7:30 AM. It's a beautiful day. Ran 10 km twice. Maintenance about my legs is important. Especially calves recently. It might be busy a little. I read books about classical Greek and modern Hebrew and so on. Here is a great place in Aizu. Well, peace is the best, but our circumstances are provisional than usual. Some people and writers say, nuclear disaster refugees might have "Flash forward" as to be worried about the future. There might be some people like that. I think I only have to make myself stronger. Then, editing and writing the next book. Finished writing and rereading two manuscripts about Fukushima museum, the Agency of Cultural Affairs, and an artist. Homemade shave ice of mango & milk is delicious. Cool.
The photo: apple trees.
I got up at 8:30 AM. I ran 10 km twice. Classical Gre. and modern Heb. It's the best as is usual, but my legs are tired. We collected "fukinotou" that is an edible flower bud of the fuki (Petasites japonicus) plant. Only about five. The smell increases my appetite.
My diary memo is now 33 rd and this Japanese and English diary is saved in my computer.
I got up at 7:30 AM. The Rhythm of my life is recovering in a half year. Almost tsubakis are blooming. One azalea is blooming, too. Many cardamine flexuosa are blooming.
I've been reviewing classical Greek, where I finish reading one time. I will also review modern Hebrew. And then, I'm writing (I really want to finish it early this time, only 400 letters, but it's important for me to write the next stage).
Camellia japonica seems to be rich in culture. The Dutch Trading House in Japan and the society of Jesus (Societas Iesu) are also involved once upon a time, and the history of Japanese culture is also deep in the flower's history.
Japanese name: Camellia Camellia (aka Camellia)
学名:Camellia japonica
In English: same
Today I saw one of Fugaku sanjuu rokkei, "Edo Nihonbashi." This ukiyohe is in perspective.
Cultural Heritage Online (Agency for cultural affairs)
A fb friend often posts about a historial person, so I googled and read a wikipedia of Kinoshita Naoe, who was a christian and liberal democratic activist and at the last he was absorbed in Buddhism. His father was samurai, but he had peace and anti-war ism and socialism at a website of "Shinjuku Nakamuraya" because I rarely eat Chinese steamed bun of the company at seven eleven. The company put many historical names at their website.
Vasiliy Yakovlevich Eroshenko told S Nakamuraya how to cook Borscht and the person was place to place and seems to be useful and helpful for people.
Rash Behari Bose was an Indian revolutionary leader, who told S Nakamuraya how to cook Indian curry first.
Also, Kanzo Uchimua and Takamura Kotaro are at the website.
Then, I listened to an album of Kino (Russian: Кино́).
Got up at 9 AM. Sunny and sometimes rainy and windy. It was cold. Ran 10 km twice. Almost no snow. I wore many cloths. I thought coming back, but I did it to the end. It might be dangerous if windy strong. Classical Greek and modern Hebrew. I'll reread as is usual with me and write one newly.
”Fine Wind, Clear Morning”
One of the world's famous masterpieces called "Red Fuji" or "Gaifu kaisei." Gaifu means the south wind. Kaisei means fine weather. It was sunny early morning from summer to Autumn, Fuji can dye the whole mountain red and shine. "Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849)." A woodblock prints.
See: the Agency for Cultural Affairs
Also, the word Gaifu seems to be from "The Classic of Poetry" by Confucious ("Koushi" in Japanese).
There seems to be the actual video here about that gun shooting incident. Too horrific. Internet has many horrific real videos, for example, about war and so on. A smart person said on Facebook in English, like "There is the worst news in a country, but never stop being a good person. Because of bad people." I agree with him. For example(He said this, too), some people hate even on SNS each other. I'd like to say to the world, "Don't mix up discussion, envy, the injured party and a persecution complex." Anyway, if envious, turn off the smartphone and go to the hospital. If ordinary, anyway, it's very good to turn off the smartphone and take a break. We must keep up making the more peaceful world.
Got up at 9 AM. The temperature this morning was 5 degrees. There was a little snow, so when running, feeling temperature was not high. Ran 10 km twice. It's a beautiful day. A new book of grammar of Classical Greek and modern Hebrew, and I'm reading and sleeping.
It's suddenly snowy and windy.
The height of snow looks like 20cm. I might be tired so so. I tried to run outside this morning, but it stormed snowy and I thought it was very dangerous, so returned immediately. I was so relieved to be in Aizu W. because there are many shops that I easily could be inside.
Meanwhile, to be on the Internet, some people in Japan show their own heavy neurosis everyday. I saw them sometimes. It's my mistake. I'd like to change my such lifestyle.
The future is bright and short. Today, I'll be happy to spend much time to see great ones as envirionment of us to make ourselves.
To continue seeing others sadness and to see heavy neurosis, not light ones, are different. I don't think too much. I keep up myself. And then, I'd like to think about Fukushima.
For the time being, let's put a little salt on the desk. Yoshida, me, pray and meditation.
Got up at 9 AM. I reread my manuscript and edited our new book today. Ran 10 km. To edit it takes time than I thought firstly.
A blue monster called, "BREXIT" with Netherlands Foreign Ministry.
Stef Blok
I woke up at 8:30 today. I'm coming back to be an early riser. It's been a while. 6 months. Ran half marathon, 20 km. My legs are getting tired.
Had a biscuit, called, "Cigar fry" by Kajitani. Salty seasoning. http://www.kajitani-shokuhin.co.jp/
Drizzled a little, so put up an umbrella in the daytime. Snowy a little in the night. Classical Greek. Modern Hebrew again.
"Let's go to Ibaraki" by fuuai net and Ibaraki University students
Amai Yushi gave me this booklet, who is a painter and poet and a designer of our magazine, WELTGEIST FUKUSHIMA.
He works at a cleaning company made by a person from Namie town, but he lives in Ibaraki Pre. now because you know evacuee.
They have great technologies to clean a house.
I'm happy to clean the floor of my house (temporarily dwelling) by myself. Then, writing and rereading repeatedly. Also, newly writing a short sentence for an artist, who has been active in Minamisoma city and with Fukushima museum.
Meanwhile, in the UK, people might be getting exasperated about Brexit problem. Right or left or middle? Everyone knows everyone should be happy.
By the way, in Japanese version and English one are very different these two articles.
pictures from BBC
We slept early.
We saw a friend, K san at Kura cafe in Aizuwakamatsu city. Great time.
Dry paddy field. Soon I will finish reading an easy book to learn classical Greek one time. I got up at 9 AM. Tomorrow is 11th of March as the ninth memorable day from that disaster. Nobody seems to forget. But it's important to have been sharing the time we live. I feel so. After all, so it'd be a renewal day tomorrow. Actually, one day is one ordinary day. Living and training are all in my life. Actual day, what it has special? But if it reminds me the dead for that and all friends, it feels me serious or sincere. Well! Γνῶθι σεαυτόν! It was windy at midnight.
It was very cold yesterday, but I ran 10 km twice. Today it's warm and ran 10 km and walked 10 km. I had a knee pain when I walked. I came home and ate dinner and made a pudding à la mode with a sweet my wife cooked. Veronica persica and Lamium purpureum convey spring has come. I got up at 8:50 AM this morning. I think nowadays nobody knows this kind of pudding is originated when GHQ came here.
veronica persica
Commonfield speedwell, Creeping speedweed, Iran Speedwell
Lamium purpureum
Red deadnettle
Source 1: invading ones DB
Source 2
It was freezing, rainy and windy in the afternoon when I ran 10 km firstly. And then, I had lunch and took a break, so secondly I ran 10 km in the evening just now. It was not so cold because not windy and rainy. Studied classical Greek. Today's average temperature is 5 degrees.
My wife cooked a parfait as a snack for me. She writes recently, too. The period is getting long. I will finish rereading two manuscripts at a project by LMN of Fukushima M. and Agency of C.A very tonight. Edited.
At Swindon in the UK some workers demonstrated against what HONDA's factory going back to Japan. MAY: HONDA EXIT NOT DUE TO BREXIT. https://www.nhk.or.jp/snsenglish/news/n190306.html
The news. --
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May is playing down the potential impact of a no-deal Brexit on business. She says the decision by Honda Motor to shut its U.K. plant has nothing to do with Britain's departure from the EU.
May commented on Honda's announcement during a parliamentary debate.
(Theresa May / British Prime Minister)
"The decision this week by Honda is one that is deeply disappointing. They have made absolutely clear that this is not a Brexit-related decision. This is a decision about the change that is taking place to the global car market."
Many British lawmakers say the faltering Brexit talks have undermined the trust of businesses. Japan's Panasonic has already shifted some of its British-based operations to Europe, and Sony plans to do so in April.
Honda's decision will affect some 3,500 jobs and potentially many more in the supply chain.
Well, I got up at 10 AM this morning and I went to a public meeting place to see workers of TEPCO to talk about compensation. I really wanted to be angry, but I couldn't. My compen is a little, if they pay. Suddenly. I have my daily life, though suddenly they come.
I just talked as is usual. I hate their sin and failure as a national company, but I never do human being. I love this world. I might begin to give up. They don't know a lot about many things of this world, so I must continue to tell them, if there is an opportunity. Especially, young people don't know a lot of history or so.
Ah, but, I told them, "There are many angry victims still." But it might be better to say like, "There are still many victims who are sad." And, "Of course. There is a time when I am angry. Today is not." Also, I told them our book and magazine. I thought, why they didn't know though, well, it happens. Then, I talked about political topics about Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plants.
Also, I ran 10 km twice today. Running on the way, I went to a bookstore and bumped into a friend. What a coincidence. It's been a while. Perhaps, 2 years. She is pretty good. I'm so happy.
Then, I must work as Life museum network (Fukushima museum and Agency of Cultural Affairs). 2 manuscripts and one is handwriting. And then, new book editting. Talked with Ryoichi Hoshi, who is a famous writer of history. Mailed to a company. And then, I must send our magazines to a reader. I'd like to write more, but now busy a little.
I cooked fresh heavy cream and put on a sliced banana. I'd like to make a whole cake someday. Photo: A cypress tree I like very much. Anyway, I'm wondering what my future is becoming of? Cloudy? Sunny? Snowy? Well, sigh, I'm not fussy. Just living with everyone.
It's 9 PM. I'm working until sleeping because I'm on the wagon. I might be Nietzsche's Superman.
The law of this country is thoroughly attached to the strong, so what should I have said today. Almost nothing. It'd be not so easy for them as a big company to stand by us. It'd be the same in the world.
I got up at 9:45 AM. I ran 10 km and walked 10 km. There are many local governments that need population more in Japan and there are so many refugees in the world or just ordinary people who want to come to Japan.
Recently, Japanese government begins to make new rules to receive more people, but I'm wondering when it becomes sufficient. Also, Japan doesn't have sufficient work force. Many elders. When does everyone have the same needs? It might cost to let people here to know much information and wisdom.
Today I worked to see manuscript from Agency for Cultural Affairs and Fukushima Museum and arrangemented orders from readers of our magazine and edited our new book and wrote an article to let people to know a cameraman photographor Tanaka because his photos and jokes are so great.
Also, MOYAI Art festival is held in Kanazawa in Ishikawa prefecture, by the world latest 14 artists about Fukushima nuclear accident. I am a part of their works, so honoured. Thank you so much. Nakasuji Jun and everyone. Katagiri Atsunobu is so cool.
By the way, Carlos Ghosn offered bail of 1 billion yen. How. Anyway, he must be tired. Also, about BREXIT in the UK, factories are closed. Toyota in Swindon and Nissan in Sunderland, where is the north. That's too bad. Economical refugees.
We will see it. Also, I found out a video, a dog saved a small dog (here). https://jp.sputniknews.com/videoclub/201903055998992/?fbclid=IwAR2PFJ9hszsCX-4HBKfBLA1cip4GT7fMvBosQ5QXITvDSFoOHvK45xheB0c
Also, NHK began broadcast their channels on Internet, too. Helpful. How about E tele? I guess the next work of the Diet will be about the library. Then, that reminds me what I bought a booster for antenna to see TV clearly recently.
So sleepy. Take care, everyone. It's been getting good temparature. I can't wait for spring, but time flies like an arrow. Make haste slowly. Good night.
(NHK in Japanese)
Glutinous barley Udon is delicious, my wife cooked.
Today we, my wife and me, talked with Shunsuke Hirose, who is a teacher and scholar. He listened to my thinking or so and I am so glad. My wife asked his experience and we listened to him. It was a very good time at a cafe.
I edited our new book. I got up late. Even if I walked 8000 km, running is the other action. After half marathon, I have some muscle pain, so I walked and ran lightly by machine and re-read my manuscript. Also, I continue to communicate with conservative people, too. Since long time ago. Anyway, I have my own mind and thought.
I got up at 10 AM and ran 10 km. I might be tired. Attending a lecture meeting by Aizu folklore group, and came back to my home and walked 10 km. A little cold and rainy. Studied classic Greek. In modern Greek, the flower is "Luludhi (Το λουλούδι)," but in classic Greek it is "Anthos (τὸ ἄνθος)." What s this difference based on? It seems like, anthos means the flower of fruits. I found out how to type classic Greek keyboard. Modern one is simple, but classical is complicated. Doughnuts and curry were delicious today.
Yesterday I got up at 10 AM and did at 8 AM this morning. It has been a while to do this since last summer. 3 degrees. Cloudy. I had a cup of zosui soup. Seeing TV, I want to a sweet called cigare, but I'll buy different one. TEPCO phoned to see me. Super late. Tired. Well, running. I train and enjoy everyday. Life is short. Life is one time. Cherry blossoms waiting, cloudy sky, plum flower's hill (Sakuramatsu kumorinosorani umegasaki). While writing this, it's raining. So, in the house.
Well, learning classical Greek. I'm glad to get up earlier today. It was rainy a little, so I didn't think I'd have run 20 km. It's because I had a rest yesterday. My first outdoor running 5 km on February 21th, so in one week since I started outdoor. It's early. Getting back on my feet. Happy bathtub time. Happy eating time. Good night.
Warm winter but cloudy today. I ought to renew my driver's lisence and I forgot it. My lisence was overdue of 10 days, but I only ought to pay about 1600 JPY than usual. About 5000 JPY in total. My wife took me there in our car. This pond is called, "Bijoike." it means like, "Beautiful woman's pond" because a daughter of a noble whose name was, "Shizuka gozen" drowned herself in the pond. She loves Yoshitsune, who is a very famous Genji that is like a family name given from the emperror in those days, Heian era. It might be like a story of tragedy. There were many drivers in the lisence center. I feel refleshed to renew it since it takes all day long. The tutor said like bycycle's rules are stricter than before, about dangerous driving. About 400 drunken drivers are arrested in Fukushima every year. Oh.. dangerous. Maybe Saturday or so. I'd like to convey to them, "Never driving after drinking." Just in case it happens, it'd be a real tragedy. This Bijoike's story reminds me a woman's name, who is called, "Ohelia" in Hamlet.
The top photo is Bandaisan Mt. The next is Bijoike pond.
Today it was windy, but I ran 5 km and walked 5 km outside and ran 5 km in the house. Thinking and thinking, bumping into the latest social problem and then running through it. After that, I have my daily life. So, frothing up some heavy cream. Listening to Rock.
Today I ran 5 km and walked 5 km. I had a knee pain. I found out later, my pace was 8 km /h today. It might be too fast now. Yesterday I might do too much. I studied classical Greek, it was the 3rd day.
I frothed up some heavy fresh cream from Hokkaido, by "Megmilk Snow Brand". I remember it was about 400 JPY. I put cream on a sliced banana in a bowl of pottery made in Mashiko in Tochigi, where is famous among some people in the UK for Bernard Howell Leach.
I'd like to write their potteries some day. Well, well, well done.
Come on. I ran 5 km twice and walked 5 km twice, so 20 km in total. 10 km running spontaneously was for the first time in my life. I did it. I read an easy book to learn ancient Greek. My running speed seems to be about from 6 km / hour to 7.5 km / hour. 5 km, 40 minutes. 5 km, 50 minutes. Anyway, if running fast, I'd be tired earlier. It's important to do at my own pace. Running seems to be better for my knees than walking.
I slept more than all day long. For 30 hours. I got well.
I dreamed for 12 hours that my legs had been going to be strong like a dragon. I guessed it was because I ran and walked outside yesterday, "Outside" was for the first time this year.
Today 5km ran and 5km walked. It took about 2 hours in total. I ran 5 km in about 40 minutes, so it was very slow.
Perhaps, my running in a long way was for the first time on my life, 38 years. Well, let's think optimistic. However, running is busy than walking.
I might give up to be a half marathon runner and I want to aim for 10 km marathon from now on. And the rest 10km will walk and enjoy the scenery. I hope to have a hobby to enjoy through all my life.
I began to learn ancient Greek this year, surely, and I continue to do modern one, too. I ran 5km outside for the first time this year, in addition to walking 5km. So, 10 in total. My breath kept. But my some points of legs were tired. It was very cold to do with sweat. Running machine seems to be not able to train some points of legs. It needs to have a slope. I'm not fussy whether walking or running. But thinking. For the time being it might be good to run 5km and the rest walking. It'll take a time to do 20 in total.
At Fukunishi honten, we enjoyed a woodblock artist, "Saito Kiyoshi." and his curator, "Ito Tamaki" from the Saito Kiyoshi museum. The Fukunishi honten's constructure is very traditional and amazing in architectural beauty and history. We heard about another woodblock artist Matsuda Matsuo from an Origami artist Hanzawa Masato. I thought about "The Starry Picture." A Tokyo's person thought its sky looks like snowy and people in AIzu thought "No, it was starry night." It'd be true because when snowing, the sky is grey basially. But if it was in Aizuwakamatsu city, where was the center of villages snowy very much, it'd be possible that a little snow come to Aizuwakamatsu city in the starry sky. And a paint of his looked like a deer dance because the branches like antlers, surely, it was like a candle of Hanukah, too. I was glad to see many friends, it was "Long time no see."
When taking a break, I have read an easy booklet about Markus Gabriel, who is the same age as me and a worldwide philosopher in Germany. He says, why the world doesn't exist and what Japan continue to have an Americanized culture and Germany began to have the other system. Ran 15 km. Chai tea is delicious. Chicken saute was delicious, that is domestic production. Needless to day, small changes may lead to larger changes someday. Every little helps. I'm not good at English, but that's why, I should continue to write a diary in English. I must and hope to study English more. I tried to look at the Moor Sheffield street on Google map today, but the connection level on Internet was very low and almost no did it. Though I contracted the best speed.
Trying to run outside for the first time this year, I had a terrible time in the blizzard for 15 minutes. It was twenty minutes ago. It was not so cold because 3 degrees outside, but immediately cloudy and snowy and windy a little. I felt very cold. Especially around my head. I thought about in case of cerebral hemorrhage because of my previous habit to smoke a cigarette for a long time, so returned to home quickly. It'd be take a long time to cure my blood vessels very much. I'm not so young nowadays and was on the safe side. Also, it seems to me it's not so easy to run at a very slow pace not to get out of breath. I need to think of breathing techniques. This year is warmer than the average year, though it's still too cold to run outside. Maybe I could do in the morning.
The latter half)
Today I read a little about a location, where is Sheffield in Yorkshire, in the central England, and saw the scenery a little by Google. There is a place called, "Peace garden," and it was originally a garden of the church, but the church was demolished, and it is said that it was named a peace garden because countries had the Munich Agreement and so on. There is a cafe/ restaurant nearby is "Blend Kitchen" on Pinstone St. and they offer fish dishes, and their twitter account. https://twitter.com/blendsheffield Sheffield has the oldest soccer club, "Sheffield FC." Bessemer process, knives and folks are also famous. The population is about 520000. It's about 1/4 times of Fukushima and 70 times of The Golden State in the US, where the top administrator, whose name is, "Gavin Newsom," is on the news about Trump President's politics. He has advanced politics. Meanwhile, the UK's problem, "No deal better than a bad deal," and just "Brexit." So many workers. So many products and companies. Currency stability. Japanese companies are 1000 in the UK. A big financial market. Immigrants. Divided public opinion. It must be challenging. We will see it.
And then, Yumi Nagashima's comedy was fun. (best savage moments 2018) Personally, I think it's fun, but wondering how some too strict people think about her comedy though I'm not sure the perfect English meanings from a view point of culture in English.
I got up late again. Ran 20 km yesterday. I read Skanda ran quickly and took back stolen Buddha's ashes. The piano sounds great.
I got up at 8 AM, so glad to see the sun and look at our garden snowed a little at night. Well, I should get back to work. Cleaned the floor. Mabo doufu is delicious.
I ran 20 km today in total. I might become a marathon runner someday. But I have got up late for a half year, so want to get up earlier tomorrow. Good night.
Sunny and cloudy. I got my hair cut. We had yakiniku and went shopping. Today is the national foundation day (BC 660).
Once a million flames are like a dream nowadays. The summer grass- It is all that's left of ancient warriors dreams - Basho Matsuo. The country is destroyed; yet mountains and rivers remain - Toho. It'll pass 10 years since when that time 11 of March in 2011, but this year starts and we continue to live.
I ran 20 km yesterday. I ran about 15 km today and several km walked. I do them in several times, so it's distance in total. Now I need to get some rest. Today I ate a piece of chocolate cake of Suzupan and a pretzel of Matador in Aizuwakamatsu. Also we ate yakisoba my wife cooked. And I write a long script for my new book. I always think, I should have done 1 or 2 years ago, but life is not so easy. Anyway, I'd like to do so from the next. Yes.
Ran 15 km yesterday. Today. Delicious. Some bread in the daytime. Whole wheat flour, tomato based, pasta with green habanero in the evening.
20 km ran yesterday. Chickpea curry was delicious. The temperature is getting lower.
I overslept today. It would have been tired of being running. I wonder whether I sleep early or not. 20 km in total yesterday. Sunny today. In January, almost days were sunny. It's getting cold since February 5th. A friend in the US told me a heartwarming story of Jews and Japanese person. Sugihara Chiune. I think some people in Japan know it because TV channnel broadcasts every it several years. Shalom.
I got up at 1 A.M. It was too early to sleep and wake up. I made a script of my speech. I came back an early bird to get the worm. Well, I thought a lot about radiation, so will take a break for a long time to do that until the next. I ran 10 km yesterday. BTW, some people pass away recently. I have yet to receive their wisdom or nice stories, so I think always, don't go to the heaven easily. Let's long live, everyone.
It's not cold
Seeing snow
Samukunaku nagameteirunoha tsumoruyuki
Suddenly snowing. It might be much.
"Don't forget January"
It might say it by snow.
Mutsuki matsu wasureru nakare to yuki ga huru
Took a nap. I feel relaxed very well comparatively with 3 years ago. Because I've been on the wagon for 2 years and quit smoking 6 months ago. My feeling is very stable. But if I see a lot of types people's posts, it might be what I am sick and tired, especially, of "Fukushima will be sick!" or "Fukushima contaminated!" If people from or in Fukushima say so, I really understand. BUT if they are others, I don't want to see them because it has usually a mis-understanding in a lot of points. So, it'd be my mistake to see. I have to stop following them easily, not to think it. It's important for me to make a fresh start. I need zen meditation, running.
Finally I got up very early at 5 A.M. in the end of January after I was up burning the mid night oil since I must lecture and forum at Fukushima museum as a work of Agency for Cultural Affairs and Fukushima museum at 3rd of February and communicate with speakers for their each actions, for example, "To presve culture at off limit area," "To communicate with evacuees with a stuffed bear like our town Okuma" and "To lecture of history of the fifth of Fukuryumaru as victims of a nuclear weapon test" on 2nd. And I as a writer and the chief editor of our magazine from an evacuee.
I made a tanka. It's important for me to sing it first before it's correct or not because I'd like to sing.
First icicles this year
Happy Year of the Pig (wild boar piglets)
Running faster at an earthly paradise
Than people to catch up
(Hatsu tsurara rakuen tanoshi uribou no kakeashi hayaku hito oitsukanu)
Ran 20 km. Surely, I continue to write a long script for the next book. No holidays. I made a Japanese poem, Waka, "Chouka" that means like, "long waka." It repeats 5, 7 more than three times and the last is additionally 7. Kastera to coohii(coffee) ga au shitatsuzumi porutogaru made itta kibun ya fooku(fork) wo nagameru danbo no oto. (Castella and coffee are delicious. I feel like coming Portugal, seeing the fork with the sound of the heater. )
Ran 20 km in total. Living. It was wonderful today's sun. I sang a haiku. "Yuki bare no sora ni shita taru shizuku kana." (There was seen a drop in the blue sky after snowy. ) A friend, "Y・I" san gave me one. "Miageru wareno kokoro wo utsusu." (That means, the drop was a mirror of your heart.) Thankful.
It's snowing. I feel relaxed. Running.
Snowy a little after cloudy. I made small 8 cardboard boxes to hope a honeycomb structue in our warehouse. Ran 10 km. Every ordinary day I live as is usual with me, I'm really thankful for everything. I continue to write a diary, leaning English. Every little helps. I hope that there is a bigger space on the table, not leaving anything as much as I can. "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." - Søren Kierkegaard Today we had a lecture of literature at Fukushima museum. Jotaro Wakamatsu is a poet, that Arthur Binard talks with him. That reminds me what I talked with Arthur at Oma, who gave me a book of them. Thankful. Good poems. Akasaka Prof. taught me Wakamatsu's typical book, so I bought it. I thought, something might happen at this area in the near future, in those days, since small earthquakes happened many times 2010. Wakamatsu thought something might happen at Fukushima long time ago to see Chernobyl.
oday it was cloudy and rainy. 10km jogging for 1 hour in all. I hoped to manage to put away many books again. Not perfect yet. I talked with Takizawa, who was the chief of Aizu folklore circle. He wants to continue to study about Aoki mountain this year. The first chief studied the same mountain. The next's Takizawa has the same point. And we have studied about the same mountain. It might be getting traditional. I went to Fukushima museum to have chores to do. Takizawa saw my room, that I put away and re-arrange my many books, and he said to me like, "What will you do in the near future?" talking with NHK broadcased a story, "Fukushima timelapse," where we were. I answered amviguous, but said like this place Aizu is precious for me because many friends we have here. And then, some news reminded me an old era, for example, a babble era at a disco, 80s or so. And talked with a friend and ate outside.
It's warm recently under the sun. It's 3 degrees. Without snow. I drove a long way yesterday. I wrote another script for Fukushima museumu today.
BTW, Etsuko Ichihara passed away recently, who was a defender of our constitution. I was glad to hear that and saw a movie of Momotaro story on Youtube, from Kagawa prefecture. But, what the heck this story (lol)
Momotaro is sleeping always and he doesn't work at all, but one day he went to a mountain and got rid of a big tree with his hands and put it on his house. His grandfather and mother were died of the tree. And he found a wooden tub and he rode it on the ocean to an island of ogres.
Two ogres did like a sumo. One was defeated by another.
Momotaro laughed at a red orge and a red orge said like, "Hey, I give you this bean, so shut up." About another orge, Momotaro did the same and the blue orge did the same.
And two orges fell down together and Momotaro did the same. Two orges tried to attack Momotaro, but Momotaro throw them away and Momotaro got much property.
A TV broadcasted like that Iitate village (Almost of the place had been off limit area) was re-constructed, but some evacuees said like their hometown had a side of sadness and they must broadcast its side, too. Meanwhile, Namie town's evacuees said like the same as some evacuees of Iitate village. Hence, everyone has the same topic like, "What should we do from now on? What should people see about Fukushima off limit area?" I thought, it was right that people who went back to there and they wanted to celebrate it. At the same time, I know some evacuees want to critic a kind of mass-media's way. Everyone feels sad, even if where they live. We have enormous problems, but must overcome this obstruction step by step.
I cleaned my room very well. I put away and re-arranged a lot of my books on bookshelves. Since I will be 38 years old this month. I want my house to be tidy. A little lonely because many books have gone here. But life is sometimes, life might be to feel miss this world as own past. Anyway, I'm going to feel better and relax.
A person says like, "Primitive lives can exist there" on the frozen super earth 6 light years away. Ah, today I ran 5km, so it'd be soon if I'm runing forever, but I have more muscle pain today and walked 10 km. Well, well. Altogether 15km. Having the bathtub slowly two times, praying for social peace. Peace and peace.
I ran for 1 hour and a half altogether yesterday. Probably I cariculated its distance was about 15 km. Today I have a little muscle pain, but I ran 5 km right now, hoping 10 in all. It seems to be the best for me to use a running machine well for a short time. If long time I use it, it smells terribly. Hence I can't walk on it for long time once. Writing is getting stable little by little. A part of Twitter is noisy, but I hope people's serious voices reach to the world. Winter. Missing warm weather. We don't have much snow this year.
30 min. 5 km. First jogging. Oh, my Gosh. So happy. I guess I'm going to have to go to the torch relay at the 2020 Olympic games on Fukushima street. I hope to jog again now. I did it once again.
Being bothered, I continue to walk and bike to excersise indoor. It was delicious to eat some bread at Matadoru. I'm likely to finish one very short script for our new book. The next of mine is very long. Thinking of some news, same-sex 10 couples have suited for a violence of the constitution of the law on marriage. It'd been probably based on a fact that the equality under the law of the Constitution 14 was violented. Also, I think they would say like, the constitution 24 thinks same sex marriage is all right. Pray for the happiness of the people. On the other hand, the UK has a big problem, which is to negotiate with EU, to leave from them since the end of March, and they have challenging problems about their border, trade, immigration and agriculture. Saying "Border and immigration," everyone might think it is also the US, but President Trump might announce emergency. In my memory, Democratic party won at Congress, so importance would be about the budget and people's public opinion and so on. Both countries might be tired.
I was really writing very much. I was contented. In my mind, I talked with a great writer of EU, reading a lot. A TV drama, "Gibo to musume no blues"(Blues of mother in law and daughter) was fun.
Today, about a book of Mr. Tsukamoto Toraji, there is a consideration about a person's big misfortune and God. It's a question, whether people should think own disaster as a present from God or not? I think Buddhism also has such question, but anyway, the Bibles thought is very meaningful to us to learn people's great culture. It's important how people live and so on. Because one cann't know all without books. Then, I will take a break to read his books until my book is finished to edit writers's writing and mine.
By the way, bad news made me sad, which young person terribly attacked 9 people by car at a Tokyo's very famous street, called, "Takeshita street" in Harajuku area to express anti-the death penalty, perhaps, he might think if saying so, he might be easily killed by this nation, but no way, and it's almost a terrorist. And then, a policeman killed himself with a gun. What the hell on the earth? So sorry. I think, policemen need a vacation.
Happy new year! We're having the new year in Aizuwakamatsu city. Thanks to people's kindness and friendship, we live safely everyday. We wish you all the best in the world. Today I visited a small shrine where we could walk easily. Yesterday I saw a TV channel, NHK, for example, a children's hero who is called, "Kamen raida" by Ishinomori Shotaro, who is a great mangaka.
Maru maa san
("It's very delicious" in Yaima islands language). Iwaki city and Okinawa prefecture are friendly because of a kind of Bon dance history. "Nenbtsu dance." "Jangara dance."
This is Tonkatsu teishoku (a set meal). (@Mifumi ya, they say like, "A butcher cooks,( so delicious)." in Tamachi, Taira, in Iwaki city. It was a crispy fried flour and juicy, and tender meat. Delicious.
Tonkatsu sounds like, "1 ton katsu" and "katsu" means, "win," so it might sound like, "A big win." To eat it would be for good luck. Therefore, I'm pretty good.
Also, I bought a set of chin up bar. There is nothing a big park around here, so I did it. Glad to chin up many times when I want to do it.
Okinawa and Fukushima are close in some sense, DNA, Nenbutsu bon dance, and America, and Chondara's history, and off limits area.
Mm.. kutsuba jinji kee. It means in Okinawan, "To use a word is as important as to use money." It's good to think about social concern matters sometimes.
Many kinds of personalities.
Welcome to Fukushima.
The winter has come in Aizu already.
It feels us like our life in those days. Mountains over Bandaisan mountain covered with snow a little. We who live in Iwaki area see the forecast of Fukushima prefecture, firstly Aizu area now, where is colder several degrees at least than Iwaki.
The photo is an onsen hotel on Higashiyama onsen in Aizuwakamatsu city the day before yesterday since we went listening to a lecture of Shiba Ryotarou by Akasaka Norio Prof. and the head of Fukushima museum.
We found an old bathtub made of stone that Ohara Shosuke san used it. Aizu's folklore song "Aizubandaisan" says, "Ohara shosuke san" who is conveyed as a player very much to drink in the moring and have the bathtub in the morning without working. But actually, Shosuke was at a high position, not a player. The folklore song is played many times in Aizu bon dances in summer.
Aizu folklore group's head Takizawa came to listen and some friends of Fukushima Book Forest, too. I continue to hear his lectures for 6 years. Then, we ate spicy vegetable ramen "Karashi yasai tanmen" at Isami. Next morning we ate pizza at "One's home." Bothe are at Aizuwakamatsu city.
We saw displays of Soma feudal domein's myoken worship (like astrology) and Buddhism Myoken and Dokyo. Also, it was great to see an old tool to put away snow at Aizu area Tadami. Then, we went a super market.
Well, marathon days again. Thanks to everyone. We live ordinary. It's fortunate. Really glad. I appreciate it. Praying for the world's peace.
One shot from Kusano Shinpei Literature Museum. Abukuma mountains. This morning, I used a vacuum cleaner, aired a set of futon, washed a car, aired cloths with my wife, cleaned a door, and cooked miso soup, and had a cup of tea that was a present from a friend. It was delicious. It was sour. Recently I marathon 10 or 15km, so not 20, because it's too cold, but I can train muscles indoor.
Beautiful Ogawa town.
Sitting Japanese style seiza for 30 minutes, I had an urushi wooden cup, which is called, "Nodate mug," of powdered green tea, which is called,"Matcha" on the wood deck in our new public housing for rent a little. The temperature was 5 degrees. Very cold, but I spent a productive time. In silence.
As you know there are lived so many people in Iwaki, where has been crowded with automobiles, who wait a register at supermarkets and convenience stores.
Several years ago one said like a small bubble economy came to Iwaki and now that I realised its meaning. Ogawa town is a commuter town or dormitory suburb of Taira, where is the center of Iwaki city.
It seems to be rare. Nationwide recession for a long time in Japan. But to finish Fukshima Daiichi and Daini nuclear power plants to decontaminate lands so many workers have come since 2011. Evacuees are getting "Returnees" or "New faces (New residents)."
The news made me happy. A boy who was 9 years old in Belgium wanted to become a medical developer to make ears or so, whose name was Laurent Simons. That reminded me, Birke Baehr who was 11 years old wanted to become a farmer because he learned food system in the world, who lives in Knoxville Tennessee (from Twitter). Each people has one's own future.
We drove to Kashima town in Iwaki city on the Kashima kaido road these two days. Bought much goods and especially curtains were expensive. We visited an Asian shop in 7 years and a half.
About my daily marathon, it has been hard time since recent days that the temperature was 4 degrees or so because I felt my stomach, shoulders and legs might be frozen. So, I'm gonna have a hand warmer "Hokkairo" and so on, but if no way, I'll take it easy.
This year will finish soon. Time flies like an arrow. How was this year? Too fast to think to myself about this year of ourselves for many days, but anyway this year would be located as a big change for us as you know. Hope you very well.
In this evening we listen to a little old Japanese rock music, Imawano Kiyoshiro or BO GUMBOS or BOOY and Tamaki Koji, Checkers, REBECCA and so on. Sometimes these are very cool like The Smiths. Now I make a living. Apples from Nagano Pre. are delicious on this season. Then finally, I'm having a relaxed time to read many books.
The photo is Ogawa town in Iwaki city. I have a fun to see many kinds of trees this small mountain. Sasa veitchii (Bamboo grass). Japanese Zelkova serrata. Miscanthus sinensis Andersson. Pines. Etc. Anyway I see SNS and News.
Chilly day. It might be 0 degrees in this morning and it was getting about 6 degrees in the daytime.
I planted an ornamental cabbage (or ornamental kale, flowering kale [first filial generation])(Brassica oleracea L.) and a gold crest (Cupressus macrocarpa). Languages of these flowers seem to be very good.
Then, put garden stones with bricks and stepping stones and bricks to walk with a pair of clean sandals. I thought my gardening was beautiful to be useful.
5 km marathon with 4kg. Instead of a long distance, almost running quickly, not jogging. Cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and my car, airing a set of futons, and learning.
Like an arrow.
Jesus seemed to speak in Aramaic, that was Persian Achaemenian's language. Aramaic gave " Kharoṣṭhī " (BC3) an influence. Brāhmī script (B.C. 5C) was given one by Phoenician.
Therefore, Phoenician was origin of Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Arabia, Latin, Cyrillic, and Brahmi and Kharosthi.
Now that Devanāgarī script has been used to express Sanskrit since around A.D.10C.
Recently my wife has been out, so I practice cooking. Tonight my dish was mabo doufu (Spicy one). And a sliced persimmon is delicous now.
Some people might think "Fukushima is misunderstood always," but I think unexpectedly others understands Fukushima, or misunderstands it very much.
However, even if one expresses political, it's 1 dollar, not million suddenly, so basically tomorrow the circumstances will be the same. That's why, it's good to share with friends, for example, "Everyone is doing well in this hard time.
Coincidence. Pope Francis said like Fukushima absolutely reconstructs. It was almost same meaning I wrote before at Fukushima prefectural museum.
It was like "We, Fukushima, will absolutely recover." in Japanese. The writing was displayed at an art work "Politician's house (Seijika no ie)" by Kaihatsu Yoshiaki and our work have been done at Fukushima prefectural museum since this Jun until March, 2020.
Some people might say like "Convey the truth!" I think, there might be the truth anywhere in this cosmos, but God only knows the truth, so it's a fact that people seek the truth.
Also, then, one might have one's subjective fact, but it might be not right. "Subjectivity" that is a thing that one thinks it is a fact. The others might have their objective fact, but it might be not right. "Objectivity" that is a thing that many people think it is a fact.
Anyway, always it might be not right. That's why, democracy needs to treasure to be modest and humble, not selfish. On the other hand, democracy needs to hear voices, not only crying own voice. Conversation will be needed in democracy.
One sometimes has a pain of "misunderstood about oneself" by many people, but I was wondering where the person had guessed their feeling and thoughts for real. It might begin to believe where to be suspicious.
I ran 5km today around 4pm after shopping at a supermarket where I visited for the first time, but a friend A greeted me, who could be in Ibaraki and he recently worked around here for reconstruction of Fukushima etc. He has been doing for a long time than me.
The day before yesterday I saw a TV about Buddha and to respect each other. Then, I learned how to put the characters of (Classical) Sanskrit.
By the way, a NHK director Mizutani made a film, but it was really disliked by many people in Fukushima because it shows radiation topics so much overly.
Mizutani director continues to be disappointed and talked with them. He is the same age as me maybe. He is from Namie town, so he could have been native, but they didn't recognise him so because he lives in Tokyo nowadays.
So to speak, he is thought as a Tokyo's voter, so many people thought him as others made a bully film. Aliens. Strangers. Terrible. They thought so. Now that Mizutani has yet to make the next one.
The goal is not to say like "There is contaminated Fukushima." The goal is for everyone to be happier than before step by step with the world.
I think it's important for me to think "The End" about each topics, for example, political issues, scientific issues, medical issues, and so on. If not, learn it by oneself. Anyway, hard time is long and happy time is short, so remember your happy memories.
Hence, to solve a Fukushima dispute like a conflict is to finish throwing one's own truth or subjective fact and have the end of the topic.
When is a happy time for human being? It's curious. It might be a time to get the sunlight into usual hole, but let's change materials for a talk.
I got a knowledge of attitude value (Einstellungswerte) by Viktor Emil Frankl on his book "Man's Search for Meaning." I thought I couldn't read it all soon, but I may read it little by little. Anyway, I think it's important to know how to think what is it happens to oneself always.
The photo is a flower at Ogawa town.
The photo is Ogawa town's Suwa shrine. Hurray. Memorable. I jogged a marathon in Ogawa town in Iwaki city for the first time today. It was 10km this time because it was harder than before. Gods of there are Takeminakatanokami and Yasakatomenokami.
Ogawa's Suwa shrine has an origin that apploximatry 700 years ago Kamakura Bakufu was suspicious to Ogawa lord, but Ogawa cleared himself of suspicion, so he put the shrine that has Kamakura Bakufu's defenders.
Here I had to do it to a low mountain for 1 round trip up and down that the elevation is 150m (I checked it based on a map by GSI, that is Geospatial Information Authority of Japan) and 5km is needed for 1 round trip, so I did 2 times. Fresh air in the mountain. Lucky.
Also, I greeted to Suwa shrine where a god comes as the Ogawa total guardianship. Okuma town has Suwa shrine, too. Henshouji temple, too. Japanese pear, too. Lots of points are the same. I greeted a staff at Kusano Shinpei Memorial literature Center, and a woman and children on the street.
Suwa shrine's origin at Okuma town is that 4-500 years ago, Suwa Yorisada put the shrine, who is a son of two, famous Daimyo (big lord) Takeda Shingen's sister and Suwa Yorishige in Nagano prefecture. Yorisada was shugensha (shugendo), so, might be asceticism.
I think I might buy a bicycle since I'd like to plan a lot of courses here. I'm gonna finish working as this winter period in some days. So, already vacation. So long. Half year.
No affordable, but I'm happy to exercise and learn a lot very much. Thank heaven. I read a manga of Nausicaa valley wind today. I boiled a ready cooked hamburg, but the taste was strong.
In any cases, I really like marathon for becoming high spirit. My engine is pretty good. My new house is literally almost new house, so it seems to me where is here every time. Thankful for a little ordinary life for the time being.
Well, having lots of things to do, but I'd like to be cool. In this case to say it with Fukushima dialect, I'd say like, "I won't be surprised even if small something happens" in Japanese (odorokaneeyo).
The photo is Okuma town, rows of golden yellow gingko trees on November when I visited there for work. Things have calmed down step by step recently.
Moving to Iwaki city tires us, working at the same time. The most difficult was driving night and day for hours. Crowded with cars in the early morning.
I didn't see the road right because of heavy rain and dazzling lights of oncoming cars at night on the thin roads in Iwaki city. Really dangerous.
Yesterday I blew a horn to a dangerous driver (maybe the one drunken) before me in Iwaki city and the one finally stopped and I was relieved because the one's life was saved clearly.
I usually drive a tractor at Okuma town for hours and commute with a car for 3 hours, so finally my wife found "Traces of a handle" on my hands. Also, I had a hand skin ache by opening boxes. It was busy time.
Our new house is comparatively far newer than before. The living room is bigger very much. My room is smaller. Also, this area has to prepare for a water disaster. I must think how to put books. I have a big storage at Okuma.
By the way, I found a big damage on our fields along the river at Okuma town. The water disaster hit our property. Disappointing. For the time being, the land is inside an off limit area, so the govern fixed it this time, but nobody knows when and the next.
Perhaps, a part of our land might be almost no useful as an agricultural land. Not radiation. Because of climate change. I understood why the river was said as a dragon and water god.
Incidentally, J-SDF's tracks run in Ogawa town because of water damaged much furniture.
Beautiful street. Scenery. Abukuma mountains. Higakure yama mountain. We begin to live in Iwaki city in Hamadori area, seeing the direction of Aizu area or Inawashiroko lake, because basically almost nobody can't go to the seashore at Okuma.
It'd take time until starting to enjoy culture of Ogawa town in Iwaki city. Let's save the best for last. I must make shelves. I don't marathon this week, but I continue to study some languages and read a book, now it occured to me, Nogi Maresuke's one, surely without a political thought.
Anyway, I'm good. And you?
7 years passed since we came here Aizuwakamatsu city. I saw the moon on our mountain Nutayama with my wife Hiroko. Today I missed our kitchen garden because I finished it finally. But we will bring a part of soil we brought up.
This year I added as my challenge on daily life, marathon, training muscles and making miso soup. Also, I'd like to add a new challenge that is to be usually off grid from SNS than daily in Aizu.
Because you know I've been here too long, so I'd like to make time and productive days, private, languages, marathon, reading, writing, publishing, editing, and so on.
Of course, and then, I hope to do lots of things, for example, to write diary in 20 languages in the near future as early as I can. It doesn't matter. I want to bask in the sun at our new garden.
What would you do, if something were to break out? This year two big typhoons attacked Japan. Victims on 11th of Mar., 2011 got the second disaster, so news call them "Double victims."
For example, one is nuclear one and the other is typhoon's. So to speak, it means, 11th of Mar., 2011 still continues as damage and people reconstruct their lives.
Anyway, I found the word, "Double victim (Nijuu hisai)." Looking at their faces on news, I thought to myself this time seems to be so quiet among the media or so.
Recent several disasters cases must become big examples not to offer welfare. It let me to think a lot. We must prepare first.
I put away very much today at the kitchen, so there is a big space except for boxes at my room.
I bought a small cup of hot coffee and would drink it at usual table inside the convenience store, but I found a warning notice to let us know "If you buy food to eat for here, you have to say it firstly before paying because this space is for here and in this case you can pay just 8% tax, but if you don't say that, you have to pay 10 % to go bra bra."
I was busy, so didn't read correctly. I didn't understand well (in Japanse though). Oh, I thought I should go out and drank it in my car. I think so many people don't know the news of new consumption tax about for here or to go. That's why media writes about it.
I'll run now.
Very glad. I got up at 6:00 a.m. this morning. Having galette bretonne and breathing Persian saharkhiz' aroma. So cool. Trains. Marathon. Languages. Every ordinary days are precious.
Preparations for moving house will be finished in several days. So many cardinal boxes. They reminded me when I was an evacuee, but I thought to myself now also. It continues 2 years and a half later.
Recently the government decided the period until finishing our off limit area (It's a part of all those areas), because of decontaminating and the radiation level is almost no problem, so very recently I might be able to have a plan to reconstruct our house at Okuma.
A journey of a thousand step begins with a single step. Photo is the mountain I really like here at 6 pm on Oct. So, I expressed it as in the evening like our days in Aizu.
I wrote 13 writings in 2 weeks on Internet. Perhaps they will be able to become half of a thin book (usual our magazine). It might be finished soon. But I'm not sure when is the next. It up to me whether I think this opportunity to think about radiation concentrately is so useful or waste time. I'm surely optimistic (I might write "positive" before, but it was my mistake). That's one of Physics. I ran 5km today with 4kg. I thought I wanted to add 1kg, but it's not easy now. I ate Taiyaki today. Taiim. Squisito. I put an old light on the ceiling. Good night.
This is our Okuma town now in Fukushima. A part of media only broadcasts it badly, but we overcome such negative images. We are busy and have productive days.
Sleeping very early, I got up at 6:00 am this morning. I was really glad to see the time. It's 7:30 now. I finished cooking miso soup (every morning), had it slowly, and made some coffee with a washable ceramic coffee mill, eating it with some chocolate. Yes, Japanese morning. What is Japanese. I think Japanese means the multiracial at these islands like an arrow for a long time. I continue to train muscles more than for three months. Well, Japanese muscles (giggle). The temperature is seven degrees. It must be cold outside, but I will marathon now and prepare to move.
Delicious! Squisito!
זה טעים。ゼ・タイーム
@"Pizzeria Da Ciro" in Aizuwakamatsu city.
A friend's reservation of several days suddenly was canseled. So I just put off our moving 10 days. Mm.. I'm posiive. I jogged 15 km marathon in the afternoon without candies or a wallet and with some water, so it was really cold. My wife Hiroko helped me by our car on the way. That was why I didn't 20 km all. Enjoyed.
Very delicious Kaki (persimmon). We were thankful for nature. Urushi bowl. I found I really liked it. Its halo reminded me a gakugeiin (Japanese style curator) Kobayashi's talk.
Welcome to Okuma town in Fukukshima. An official team of "Life Museum Network" are holding a study tour. As an advisor I cooperated with GAKUGEIIN people who are professional in Japanese style museum, so to speak, they are administrative officers, so it's not the same as oversea's private one's.
I talked with an old friend, Y kun. Wedding. In the daytime I put things into boxes to move the next month. Getting colder. Winter soon. I pray for coming merry merry season.
I phoned many times recently today was for "Internet." Moving cost is incredibly high. We had to put off 10 days additionally because of having errands to do at the actual day. It'll be late of 2 weeks in total. Also, I'll be late to work the next last period this year. It'll be colder.
The government plans to reconstruct lots of infrastructure as Building National Resilience Plan, but nobody knows whether it's sufficient or not. I think, it'd be because of climate change.
Anyway, I must prepare first about all of evacuation routes, evacuation goods, and learning local natural circumstances, and simulation and water outage and defending our car. Flooded and flooded.
About Okuma town, we have a house and agricultural lands close to the rivers, but I need to live long until after several or 10 years related to "climate change." So, it'd be fine there yet.
Better safe than sorry. In any case, no matter what it takes, we must always survive any number of times with you all. I wonder what we struggle with recently. Have a great day, everyone.
Well. I decided to use a new coffee mill which really I thought I'd use it Iwaki. However, "Now is the time" and being merry, seize the day, even if a little.
I'm not sure, anyway, moving companies now don't have a large truck to offer newly, so we put off 1 week and the business person came and estimated the cost. I was tired to phone many times for connecting the Internet at the new house and air conditioners, too. We are in Aizu. Then, a big typhoon came and we were worried about it. Many rivers are flooded in Fukushima. Some of people are evacuated in Iwaki. In Chiba seems to be more seriously. I hope everyone's safer. I found this typhoon has gone just now.
A cold wintry wind is walking outside. Persimmons change colour, which are given to the Imperial family and we look forward to have them, too. Recently we greet neighbors. An elderly man at a house, woman at another house, and we looked at each other with little talking. A new Internet construction for our new house will be late than 1 month. Today suddenly cold, so I have a little headache, but we are smiling and busy. Have a good day, everyone.
Farewell party. Friends of Fukushima museum (Prefectural administrators).
We went cleaning with a cloth at Fukushima Book Forest (Fukushima hon no mori). Then, we talked with two members of the forest at a building where is a former primary school. Firstly ate these coffee and cream puff at Michinoeki Aizu (Road's station Aizu). I really like calm Aizu. I feel I continue Aizu 33 kannon pilgrimage. I'm happy a friend gave us two chopstick rests.
"Moving from Aizu to Iwaki"
We decided to move to Iwaki city from Aizuwakamatsu city. This photo is Aizu Higashiyama onsen (There are many onsen hotels, "Ryokan"). We plan to move since the last of this month.
4 th of July, 2012, we moved to here and 7 years passed. Aizu culture is the first class in Japan. Many delicious dishes. Heartwarming scene and people. Now that I feel I am Aizu person.
Lovely Aizu, but I must go and miss there. Thank you so much for everything, everyone. We have highways, planes and Internet, so it's not so sad nowadays.
Why I move is related to my business to reconstruct Okuma where is our home. About such future, I've been anxious recently. It's our positive decision. We pray for everyone's happiness in the world.
The place we move to is Ogawa town in Iwaki city, where is famous by literature etc. Well, well, Robert Frost says, "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."
Dear Aizu,
Thank you so much.
All of people in the world must think "Time of Evacuation" as "Evacuation before a disaster happens." (See the video: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20191015/k10012132801000.html?utm_int=news-ranking_access_list-items_009&fbclid=IwAR37-jfrFFr6eoLhHmEfsK8GQPFVkNvVQc1ZBLhMNArShEBcPSjjyUBK_-o)
Especially, Japanese people tend to go to work always. I've seen on Twitter, "I must go to work now though worried." or "Maybe coming the water disaster, but I came to work." etc. Every business people must think how dangerous workers come to the office while the disaster is happening.
Surely to guard lives is important, but also legally "Evacuation before that time" is important. (See also: Japan's top court finalizes ¥1.44 billion in damages for 84 deaths at school in 3/11 tsunami KYODO Japan Times OCT11, 2019)
And then, you know a problem, "People have bad rumors and many cancels of business." Modern disasters are usually the complex disaster which has some adversarial relationships.
Getting colder these days, the sun sets early. I put many books into boxes to arrange them again. After taking the second break, I'm gonna 10 km marathon without 4kg and on the easy road where without signals. My wife cooked tempra soba. It was delicious.
By the way, many people seem to cancel their reservations in Fukushima or Chiba and so on. Business people are crying. If opening, It's no problem. Enjoy Fukushima and Chiba etc. Almost everyone lives as is usual and hope tourists to feel relaxed.
I ran 10 km just now. But there were several young drunken men who were walking on the deserted road and one of them might seem to have Yaku*a tattoo on his arm. I was scared to see it. If they tried to near to me, I would run away very fast. Of course, nothing happened. They were happily just walking there.
This was a rare matter, but it let me think it was better to do in the morning and not to drive in the night as much as I can. I'm scared to walk beside drunken strangers because I've been on the wagon for 3 years (soon). Whew. Well, as you know it's far safer than overseas though now that I feel safe to be in the house. Good night.
I'm in Aizu, but my family is in Iwaki city, so their water has been cut off since Hagibis. Today I went buying several water tanks for them, but they were sold out in Aizu W., too. Then, I ordered them on the Internet.
I think these circumstances are like a disasters tower. A member of an economical leaders group says like Japan needs 17 % consumption tax, but nobody talks about welfare.
I wore a top of long sleeved jogging suit from today, not only faster drying T shirt. It might feel me like winter. Perhaps, I should buy also water bags. Prepare first.
"Dog bear" (lol)
"Things that I thought in an evacuation spot (manga in Japanese)"
Hagibis has gone. Before 2011, Typhoons gave a damage our pear fields every year. Today I got my hair bobbed and permed a little in 3 years. However, while permed, I was having palpitations, so I ordered they stopped perming my hair. I learned it was difficult for me to do at a beauty salon. A woman staff was kind, so helpful. That was why, I fled from there (Of course, I paid all for cut and permed). Anyway, I feel dizzy a little. It's been after 11th of March., 2011. Now I'm so relieved to be at my room. That reminds me, what's become of my original house? Meanwhile, my family's area is water outage. Well, well. Per ardua ad astra. Now is the time. God bless the world.
20191013 evening
This time I got a lot of knowledge from writing them. To move anywhere safe to avoid disaster early without thinking it's OK or normalcy bias. Also, "House" itself can't flee, but "Car" is able to do.
Also, to think how to defend pets if having. Ministry of the Environment has 『災害時におけるペットの救護対策ガイドライン』(Guideline to save pets when disaster).
There are two thoughts. One is "同行避難(Doukou hinan)"。One is "同伴避難(Douhan hinan)." The latter means, owner can always with pets. The former means, not so and it depends on the evacuation spot.
Important to think of insurance, surely. Even if a typhoon, we must have food and water and so on very early.
Survey of damage in Japanese.
I must put away my room in Aizu, but didn't today and thinking of Iwaki's flooding, I came back from 15 km marathon in Aizu, seeing increased water in the river.
That reminds me, in Aizu also had happened floodings many times until around 1970 because there were thin rivers. Surely, I think Iwaki did the same as other cities, but flooding like this in Iwaki seemed to be second from seeing others' tweets.
But a big disasters happened in Fukushima as you know and it continues, so it's very difficult for everyone to endure them more and more by climate change. Now that people are waiting for what the Diet members and the Cabinet decide great ones in sides of economy and welfare.
Odabashi bridge in Aizu W. Yukawa river. Today.
There is a project called, "Sphere project."
Iwaki city. Flooded. Sad. (I'm safe to be in Aizu, but this place where I often visit)
How to apply for a document certifying that one is a disaster victim.
[40 seconds video]
How to make a simple lamp to prepare for blackouts by Hagibis, typhoon, in case of emergency. It's in Japanese, but I think it might be easiest to make.
This also.
Multilingual Information on Disaster Mitigation by (Japan Meteorological Agency, 气象厅, 氣象廳, 기상청, Agência Meteorológica do Japão, Agencia Meteorológica de Japón,Badan Meteorologi Jepang, Cơ quan Khí tượng, Japan Meteorological Agency, กรมอุตุนิยมวิทยาญี่ปุ่น (JMA), मौसम विज्ञान नियोग)
I see. It might be useful to know how to make a waterbag or sandbag by myself, but it seems that people can get sandbags at a public office (I'm not sure how many). In Japanese it's called, "Donou. (どのう/土のう)." Some people say like what it's helpful to make waterbags by myself. In order to prevent being flooded above floor level.
See: sandbagging demonstration on youtube in English
A tornado was coming. So sorry.
Life jacket. Shoes with strings, not longboots. Hand warmers (Hokkairo in Japanese). Waterproof rucksack. Valuables.
About Weather warning levels in English.
If you need a heartwarming photo.
Here by National Geographic.
Sunny photo in Fukushima
Anyway, have a good day.I will pray for your safety.
Some things go up in flames from time to time. Flaming is that many users on Internet post and tweet so many times for a short period and then nobody is interested in those topics anymore like becoming a taboo, which might be one side of a flaming, but some people could watch "after flaming." So, it's like a barren area. Of course, we should remember what some people could learn important things from flamings, but after all, it might be a kind of helpless for people to forget those issues related to the flamings. So many people are bored to see scenes, where many people continue to insult others every night. What should we do from now on? Turning off the computer, learning a lot of constructive actions and discussions, etc. Bye, flamings.
If one has a strong sense of justice, the one doesn't tend to see moderate thoughts or opinions. It's one of mechanisms for a flaming. So to speak, if one comments upon a political topic from a middle position, some people might think the one as a traitor. Or, to be tried, to be ignored. So, suspicious very much. Hence, everyone needs to know the one, who could change it, is themselves. It's up to how to think. Many people might think they themselves test others, but actually, they are tried everyday about whether believing in others or not.
There is a word, "Weather pains" or "Meteoropathy." A historical big typhoon Hagibis is coming to Japan, and how's it over at your side? I'm not pretty good, but fine. And you all? Take care of yourself. I'm having the bathtub.
At a beautiful night in Aizuwakamatsu I ran 5km. We went shopping etc. in the daytime today. Then, I read an article, which got front-page coverage.
I thought that its political decision might be for us as reconstruction workers. Ways to the station in Okuma will become like normal. Only roads. Only daytime.
The administrators will get rid of many barricades, so our works will be easier not to open and close heavy them many times and get on and off a tractor. Very helpful. Probably since next spring.
However, if so, everyone in the world can come here. https://minpo.jp/news/moredetail/2019100968330
Sometimes, some journalists might make bad images for our home. Sometimes, some people might misunderstand about our home.
But it's no useful to see them as enemies. Such history, let's finish. A person said, "Divide and conquer." Should we have always a conspiracy theory to mean "There are bad ones anywhere"? No.
Everyone might have "Divided" anything in own mind.
I visited Fukushima Museum to join in a meeting with four curators (Gakugeiin in Japanese. It's a deeper conception than curator.) about a public museum project, "Life Museum Network" by Fukushima museum.
At this time, they plan to hold a study tour to Okuma town. That was why I was one of advisors (Today only me). Everyone was kind to me and jotted down my ideas.
If they weren't in Fukushima, Fukushima didn't have such great culture. Because I continue to see their works, I'm familiar with them. Their philosophy is really reliable. Their smiles make me relaxed.
Somehow, I took a photo without a monitoring post to measure radiation level, with my mobile phone (So, I have yet to have a smartphone). It looks cool. Surely, Museum would think to storage it. I just tried to see a scene before 11th of March. It might be possible to connect before with after in some sense.
I had soba with a pumpkin croquette in the afternoon. Well, it's time to do train and study as much as I like. That reminds me, Jim Morrison said, "A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself."
Rainy. I came back to my AIzu home through the motorway.
My houses are in Aizu and Okuma, but Iwaki, too. One in Aizu is an ordinary house that is qualified as a temporal dwelling for evacuee. One in Iwaki is my parents'. One in Okuma is originally our home, but we don't live there except for during daytime because there is it in off limit area and no water, no electricity, and no gas. So, I live in three areas.
About my area in Okuma, radiation level becomes very low, as the same as other areas of Fukushima prefecture, by being decontaminated very much. However, my area is small, where is several percentage of all Okuma. The problem is what the govern thinks about other evacuees. Their lands might be high radiation yet. In that case, what the govern helps them with is important.
As you know, Japan has many problems. Debris of nuclear. The last area of off limit area. After the middle storage of radial trash. Tritium etc. water to get debris cool. Real damages as business or health etc. and avoid bad rumors for politically conflicts. To remember Fukushima, fine business and many topics.
Surely, there are problems after finishing off limit ares. This is real. There is a long long way to a lot of kinds of happy ends. We hope politicians, parties, and the Diet and the govern and all brethren and sistren and people in the world to buckle down to Fukushima. However, I'd like to be also brave. The daily bad news never make me dejected. Hence, I am the news. I am the top runner on my life. Of course, you, too.
I'd like to see this movie. When heading back, TV broadcasted it, "Far and Away."
Cloudy and cool. It smelled autumn. I finished a phase to put away at my room in Okuma. Then, I boiled Soba, eating it with a croquette at Iwaki in the afternoon. Fragrant orange colored olive. Osmanthus fragrans Lour. var. aurantiacus Makino. Well, it's time to talk with brethren and sistren on books.
The second day of working at former Japanese pear fields
Hyakusho has many kinds of works, so it means one who has many professional works. That's why, before remembering how to do each works, one has to do the next. The latter half of cutting several trees were beside a big ditch, but my father cut with a chain saw and I helped him to do that.
The thickness as one of them seemed to be about the same as four vertical hands. We put away heavy trees after cutting. His power shovel lifted a tree and made a big sound to suddenly cut it when I supported it with hands, but I was fine. Whew. A power shovel's one were like many golliras.
This work has high percentage of work accident. We were always lucky. I guessed it was because I touched these trees which saw us for more than 30 years. Surely, I didn't think I wanted to to do dangerous works again as was usual with me. The weather was very hot today, but almost finished its work (Working too much is very dangerous in this case. The devil is in the details. Originaly, "Der Teufel steckt im Detail." in German).
The saw's name was written, "Samurai." It was one of Kikori or Yamashi (both are like a lumber jack, but the latter one has different meanings. Probably, it seemed to me that it was because its form was like a Katana or quality or pioneer spirit). When heading back, went shoppig at Okawauoten (seafood) in Iwaki city. Delicious Kaisen Don.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. First I'd like to catch the hare(rabbit), if not watching a stump at Sou in the ancient continent of China. Today I cleaned with clothes, the floor, walls, doors, bathroom, windows, etc at our house in Iwaki city. I did the second cleaning some of them. I went in for cleaning to be holding up strong, getting sweaty like taking a shower though it was colder a little than recently. Cloudy and rainy a little. The photo is Chinese trumpet creeper, Campsis grandflora in Iwaki city on 29th of July. It means in the language of flowers "fame." My arms are tired, so I think I might sleep early.
The second day to put away at my houses.
The photo says like "This temporary house is for Okuma town people to have a break, not for many workers of reconstruction (guessed there are other places)" next to the police close to the town's office.
I dropped in there this morning a little. Just air conditioner, tables, chairs, bathroom and a vending machine. A public radial meter said 0.15μsv/h there outside. One mature man came in the temporal house and said hello each oher.
Another mature man plants often flowers at his fields, whose name is N san, whom I know a little because his family and I stayed at the same and first hotel for evacuation. We have come back to Okuma when that explored and one month passed or so. It was before being off limit area.
This morning I weeded at our garden for 1 hour and went to Okuma and put away books etc. at my room and swept at stairs and bumped into a very young wild boar on a street when tossing out much garbage. I was pretty good today.
Then, I cleaned the floor with a cloth at our house in Iwaki city and cleaned the bathroom. I'd like to do it again. To be optimistic as much as I can, I like to see the world not as it is, but as it could be soon as my acting results.
Putting things away at my room
The end of summer winds make people restless. Almost things were put away already though there were daily things that became trash. We had a right that a public enterprise worker about trash at this area put away trash, everyday. To be decontaminated was finished. I brought books to my room. The fact felt stranger than a book. The photo is clematis (is poisonous). When coming back, a long way as is usual. I took two breaks. Well, abdominal muscle time. Sleepy. Live in the sunshine.
Literally today was field work.
We cut trees next to our former Japanese pear fields. My father used his backhoe and his chain saw. I put them away, using a saw. Basically, the administrator was responsible about the area because it was not ours. But it'll take much time to finish it even if phoning. It was hot today. I put away books etc. at my original room, too.
I found a flower, which was called, "Hibiscus syriacus" around there. People of Cha enjoy the flower to hold a cha party in summer. They call it Mukuge, cultural flower. Shiragi, where, a part of Korea nowadays, expressed themselves as the flower's country. Hokuto city in Hokkaido thinks it as its city flower. In English, rose of sharon in old testament.
An old book for Ikebana conveys it's no good to use its flower because it's difficult to let it to keep standing. The writers decided it as an abandoned flower for ikebana. However, how to think about the flower depends on groups of ikebana. Nowadays, the reason why was Sen Soutan, who is a cha professional person, really liked it for the short period blooming as a cha thought of Ichigoichie, so Mukuge became typical at cha party in summer.
Well, well. How cute. I was lucky to meet with them beside usual main river. There are a variety of people who see and watch Okuma town, but Okuma continues to exist as itself.
I had a day off today, having a hamburg stake and some slices of carrot at a restaurant close to the forest. There were seen ornaments of sailing ships, elephants, egyptian dishes and owls etc. on the shelves, which might be related to the England, Spain, or France and so on on an old era. "Old and strong" reminded me that I found a Nissan car, which was called, "Datsun." If they remake it, they will be great again. I found a fact that Datsun ran at Okuma town in those days. I continue to cook miso soup every morning.
The third period was finished on the fourth day of the latter half. 11 days in total. Today I worked cool, safer and stable. I easily rewrote official maps on some memos to cut time to see them every time. The area where I conserved was small comparatively with all of this town though I feel I did it. Tropical climate in summer recently.
On 2nd of Sep. Torch lily. Kniphofia. The south of Africa. The name was originated from A German botanist and doctor Johann Hieronyms Kuniphof. The language of the flowers is like it's time of endurance to love. It might be like a drama.
Coming back to Iwaki, I will spend time as is usual with me. Have a good night.
The third day of the latter half of the third period of my work this year.
I found chestnuts, so felt autumn. It seemed to me that a wild boar ate them, breaking a path between rice fields. I worked stable today because I walked and checked circumstances of fields first, put away rocks as my servis for my town. Now that the rotary was good.
In the evening. I saw a friend again in five years! He paints covers of our magazine. Angway, 5 years. I didn't feel so, but it passed. Time flies like an arrow. He was cool now, too. Ah, we saw at Mashiko town in 2017 though a bit busy then!
We ate tenzarusoba and katsudon, sharing them each other, at Hattachi shokudou. It seemed like what we have done so for a long time. We played reversi (othello), but the restaurant might close then, so our game was finished as draw.
We talked about a lot of topics.
I pray for his happiness.
Well, well. Whose footprints? Guest from anywhere.
The second day of the third season as my work this year. As was usuall with Okuma town, the traffic was not light, but there has been no residents.
Not getting depopulated. Just suddenly zero in the off limit area. No water. No gas. No electricity. For 8 years. From now on, also. So, working takes time than usuall. If washing hands, I need to use a tank water with a pump to our well.
I used a middle size tractor today. After that, I cleaned the grass of the rotary, so it worked though heavy yet. Coming back to Iwaki city, I wrote an official diary with photos. Official agricultural map is complicated and difficult.
Operating a tractor always needs safety first. I got up early this morning, but already 7:30 PM. Time flies like an arrow. Studying English, German, ancient Greek and so on before sleeping.
Hey, my guest. See you again.
I restarted working at Okuma town today because sunny. Before using my tractor, surveying many points of lands on foot is important to avoid a danger.
I fixed an agricultural road where was broken by a wild boar. Some of such works took some hours. That pair of combat boots was fine.
Today's result was not sufficient, so I'm gonna bring it tomorrow. Just gasoline to commute took. So, minus in total. It was inevitable for safer work. (Checking the area, found it might be OK)
Photo is my tractor's rotary with so much grass. It smelled like forage for a cattle. I knew it when I was a really child, my family had cattles to let them to pull a plaugh like a tractor. They were like pets.
This work brought me back good old memories. For example. I entered a primary school (Shougakkou) and I was about 5 or 6 years old and first grade. A girlfriend waited for me, who had yet to do because she was 4 or 5.
BTW, this rotary didn't work right this time when the engine stopped. It might be about time to phone usual agricultural machine's company. Cleaning was done.
It seems to me that my work now is to drive for a long time. I'm not good at driving, so I need to rest sufficient. I'm gonna studying, exercising and sleeping. Many bell insects.
John Bercow
A dog
Wiki says, her name is a Spanish Christian name meaning mercy. German. Jewish. Spanish. Christian. It seems to have a deep history. Anyway, when I drive through there, I feel I come to Taira in Iwaki. It was rainy on the highway.
It was hot today, but did a half marathon with 4kg. Where did the time go? Time flew when I was having fun. The photo is a crape myrtle. I received a message from a friend in the US, about Jazz etc. I like Jazz.
We visited a restaurant, where was called, "Manmaaja" by JA in Aizuwakamatsu city and I had an organic coffee and a piece of no-bake cheesecake of homemade and some slices of an apple and heavy cream. It was 500 JPY (about 5 USD). I thought it'd be a business effort of JA. When ordering a meal, all you can eat salad. Because JA is a big company of agriculture that was related to GHQ. I think it'll be very good for Okuma town to build such a cafe restaurant in Okuma someday. I don't use a sugar stick and coffee fresh. We saw an Aizu festival (Aizu matsuri) a little.
I thought a long story about today's news, but I won't write it here for the time being. It was really delicious to eat ramen which was cooked by my wife. Rice farmers were harvesting rice, when I was jogging marathon 20 km after training muscles today. It smelled good. Gentle breeze was a little cold. The autumn has come. Well, well, than crying that topic, I'd rather think of our achievements with all friends together. Let's live long. Thank you so much.
Today good news and sad news made me mixed feelings. Everyone survives under this complicated world. I pray for all people's happiness in the world. I sewed a cloth on a cap to avoid UV in the evening. It was delicious to eat Japanese style dish which cooked by my wife. Miso baked sablefish etc. We had a fun time to see a TV drama, "The Man Who Can't Get Married" (re-broadcasting)("Kekkon Dekinai Otoko"). Abe Hiroshi and Natsukawa Yui. I learned what Abe san graduated Chuo Uni when being in the Uni. Trained muscles. I achieved quantity (about km), so I'd like to aim to continue to get quality of exercise. What a little quantity that I got results in a day, but every little helps.
I bought a pair of protective sneakers of combat boots because there has been many dangers in off limit area and others agricultural lands (on a sharp point etc). It was reasonable. About 33 USD in total. At Toraichi that they offers work fashion.
"Protective sneakers" and "Safety boots" are different. The former is certified by JSAA. The latter is done by JIS and it is strict from view points of design, materials, and so on. Modern work fashion can be also in range of folklore.
In the evening I sewed a cloth to avoid UV on a cap. Etc etc. I really like designs of high boots, too. Of course, "(Kiri) Geta," too. But it feels good to see cloths "for work" for now.
I looked forward to working for a long time. I feel I've been freedom recently though I've been tied down to my work. There might be generally seen a contradiction except for us.
Anyway, always I continue to yell out "Yoo-hoo! I'm here!" to the world from our disappeared hometown where almost people think so.
It was rainy. Having a break is important. Today is "Respect for the Aged Day" in Japan. The US has "National Grandparents Day." The UN put "International Day of Older Persons" that Wiki says, "The holiday is celebrated by raising awareness about issues affecting the elderly, such as senescence and elder abuse. It is also a day to appreciate the contributions that older people make to society." However, an old person in Chiba cried like, "I'd rather die!", on a TV news today, who was one of sufferers by a big typhoon disaster. I pray for their happiness.
Then, Birke Baehr decided to be an organic farmer. Great. - TED
My alma mater, Chuo University published my newspaper article. I'm glad to convey Fukushima. Thank you so much, Mainichi Newspaper and Chuo University. Founders of Chuo studied in The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple in London, and Germany and the US.
The name so to speak like Loyal Souls' Hall and moment for military animals (died in battle WW2 etc.) in Aizuwakamatu city. I dropped in that, praying for the peace.
Today I studied 20 languages and marathon 20 km under the sun with a backpack 4 kg, 32 degrees at most, and trained muscles, and studied folklore. I edited our magazine a little again.
It took about 5 hours. Very hot. Feeling gentle wind and running a half marathon, I realized my life. Ice cream was super delicious.
I've been in good shape more than for 2 years and half. Today I was glad to marathon 20 km with 4 kg backpack. It was like wringing my body. I felt it was a longer course of 20 km because there were many signals.
However, when I returned some small driftwoods, walking to the river, two men got off a classy car and walked to me and showed their card and said like, "We are this job (police)" and "Can you show me your driver's license?" "All right." Bra bra. Also, "Sure (body check)." I was thankful because they kept the peace.
At last we talked happily. Anyways, what I had clean hands was verified. They were plainclothes police officers by masked car. I thought it was fifth checks in my life. Well, well. I'm cleaning the bathroom and reading books. The photo is a mantis that I found today. There was also a grasshopper, but a sparrow caught it, flying.
A student of a famous university listened to my story or so today at a cafe Kura in Aizuwakamatu city. I was not sure whether I sufficiently conveyed it or not, but I knew she would write a good essay at Sociology seminar because she met with a good teacher. Modern young people are great. Then, I saw a friend and talked with him who were with a white cat. It has been a while. I'm thinking of what I'm doing marathon of 5 km because I did 5 km in this morning. However, I'm so sleepy already. What should I do. Beautiful. Ipomoea nil. Morning glory. It is sleeping now in the afternoon. Hearing Miles Davis - Cookin.
I have been calm since I arrived in Aizu two days ago, exercising good and sleeping very well. It's been a while to marathon outside. It was hard for my hips joints, so just 10 km today (20 km soon because of the comfortable weather). I continue to cook miso soup every morning. My personal reason haven't let our magazine to be published for 1 year, but I started editing again. Learning 20 languages are not re-started except for some. Anyway, persevering, high spirit.
Having a break. Our kitchen garden in Aizu. Dianthus. Nadeshiko. I like it.

We came back to Aizu home in 10 days. Ate ramen at Iippudo. A typhoon was coming at Iwaki city, but safely left Iwaki and arrived. We saw Yoshima river, which was dangerous today. All of three places are my homes. Aizu basin is a great scenery. photo hiroko
I have a day off today. We visited a restaurant of tomatoes where was called, "Wonder Farm" in Iwaki, being close to highway exit. Ate tomatoes dish very much to get lycopene, so to speak, antioxidative effect. Solanum lycopersicum. Then, reading books, studying languages, training muscles, jogging.
Holiday. My father easily saved a tractor from a ditch. I cleaned a rotary. Today a summer festival was held in front of the main Okuma public office. Unfortunately, I didn't find an acqaintance. I guessed almost everyone didn't read a public report every month.
But there were seen about 100 people in total. It was so hot. I think, people needed a lot of tents and more food. We ate shaved ice with strawberry sauce which was made at a factory (perhaps) by Okuma town. It was delicious. Young people played jazz of Lupin the third or rock music.
A photographer Nakasuji Jun visits Fukushima now. I met with a teacher in a private school in Namie and I talked with him about a recent educational scene. My wife Hiroko played a game to color paper of eight characters and quiz about Futaba county (Guessed especially Futaba town and Tomioka town).
Nakasuji, who introduced a Korean TV to me. I was used to be heard from media. I replied several questions about Fukushima. At last I spoke in Korean a little. They seemed to be glad to hear that. I was glad to see that. We became friends. Shake hands. 감사합니다。
People in Hawaii call "Soma bon dance song" "Fukushima ondo." People on Yagura of this festival played Soma bon dance (Soma bon uta). My wife joined bon dance, learning people who were dancing.
Thet reminded me what I joined a bon damce circle in Higashiyama onsen in Aizuwakamatsu city, where they gave an opportunity to hold a Soma bon uta bon dance with Aizu bon dance. The scene was that a new world has been coming (7 years ago in those days and 8 years ago in Maui in Hawaii, too).
And reminded me, I have joined a spring festival at a public space of temporal dwelligs for nuclear evacuees. Bon dance or local festivals feels me any great feeling from time to time. So to speak, "A period finished and the next is starting." Anyway, it was one of summer memories.
When I was finishing a work of this day, I made a big mistake to operate a tractor. A right back big tire stuck an irrigation ditch of a rice field. The tractor has been slanting and I stopped driving and got it off.
I was so relieved to be safe about myself. Before falling on its side. I have learned a lot. I must have firstly check up all points of lands to work more and more. I forgot so big grassess there were growing on the lands in off limit areas. I couldn't seen the ditch very much.
Also, my commute of a car in a day is about 3 hours in total. Too long. Because of it, it's not easy to drive a tractor for more than several hours. It reminds me some of professional farmers cause an accident every year when operating agricultural machines.
Yesterday I found a dangerous point in a land. Anyway, I was lucky. I must be careful. The nature is beautiful, but it has both sides. Especially, here.
I enjoyed making a mystery circle with a tractor. But today I looked at a wild small rabbit which bumped against a tractor. It was passing away. After several minutes many crows held a bird burial. Rarely wilde small mice, too.
It reminded me, to grow and get food caused to destroy nature. Cutting many grassess. Changing scene. Etc. A farmer has a side of a nature destroyer. Shiva rides on a cattle. A tractor got a part of cattles' works. The sound of a drivig tractor resembles a tank's.
Churchill in the UK let people to develop a tank from a tractor. It was in 1915. Around WW1. So to speak, a tractor first than a tank. I was so relieved to hear that. Then, Soviet, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, etc. made many tanks. Famous companies of motor cycles.
However, to pull a lot of things and cultivate were keys for a war, so a tractor was surely very important. I'm proud of conserving agricultural lands. Never for a war. I really like a peaceful world. Everyone would be so. I believe it.
Tractors and tanks can go on the bad road or so. Wet lands and so on. There are so many obstacles on my way now in Fukushima. Hence, I should use a tractor for a peaceful world. Firstly, to conserve an agricultural land.
Also, it is Tohoku area here. That reminded me a phrase by Miyazawa Kenji (Prof. Akasaka Norio spoke it before). Mukashi tatta no akuroou. Akuro means a bad condition road (but this word akuroou means bad road king and he means a head of emishi in ancient Tohoku area). Anytime, anyway, we can make it, if we believe in it.
The 4th day of my work at the 3rd period in this year. Cattles' adventure was finished already. Their master sometimes come back. Not here on the photo, BTW, today I conserved an agricultural land of a former Japanese pear farmer where there were rocks bacause of being decontaminated precious soil before, which were obstacles for my tractor's rotary, so I put away some of them and I got rid of grassess from the rotary twice than usual. If I didn't, the land might be not so easily useful for agriculture. That was why, it took time. If my tractor is broken, I foot the bill. I must really be careful to continue to keep the lands good.
Also, to use a tractor is easy, but it's dangerous sometimes if forgettig any steps to use it safe. Cattles are bos taurus in Latin. They are treated as bless ones in Hindu. Shiva rides on a cattle. In Aizu area and Fukushima pre. people call a cattle Akabeko, but having them nowadays. Many kinds of cultures. One of tractor's works was originally cattles' or horses' and thier tools to cultivate were revolution (plough, there are many types) in those days. Muscles pain. Having bathtub for a little long. Crickets and bell insects are chirping. I feel good. The autumn has comoo~
Black kites (milvus migrans)suddenly came to fields where I drove a tractor with a rotary. Big and Cool. Several wag tails and fifteen crows, too. Sparrows were zero because of their food and places to live. Many grasshoppers and so on. Birds' paradise is here. It was rainy at night yesterdy, so I used a scoop today to get rid of mud from tires on the roads though it was helpful for the weather to be cloudy in the morning and after finished this time it was rainy in the afternoon.
There were red dragonflies and blue ones(orthetrum albistylum), too. Masaoka Shiki, haiku, poet, sang about a black kite. I talked with a public offcer about my work. There were white lilies on a side of a prefectural road and purple hydrangeas on the Sanroku road. Both were beautiful. Well, time to marathon and train muscles and read books and study languages.
I went to the Okuma town public office to get a certificate, greeting and talking with friends who work there. Then, went to an agricultural land as my working place. I got a sickle to clean a rotary of a tractor (to get rid of many grassess from a rotary with it).
It was very useful. Wild boars dug sides of roads and it might be dangerous to drive on the roads in the near future. A word "Documents" reminds me that we must fill in a form to record our results every time in order that the government must read them later.
Surely, this time to wrote and printout is not including in pay. Anyway, to be sunny was helpful. It's now rainy in the evening. Well, time to read and train. I felt good to clean our house and washed our car and eat seafood sashimi donburi as dinner.
The photo is Chinese trumpet creeper. Masaoka Shiki, poet, haiku, sang about this flower. I felt lonly a little because almost nobody there was in off limit areas. Flowers, trees, and grassess are waiting for their masters or friends though I thought it was very good for everyone to be pretty good as much as everyone could after this disaster.
Also, I'd like to live productively as much as I can even if working. Take it easy. The language of the flowers is Fame. Delicious. Tapioka milk tea of Lawson.
It takes time to come, driving a car and needs a key of a heavy barricade to open and close eight times in total for a day, getting off and on a car and a tractor everytime. From this time I use a little bigger tractor. Today it was cool, so helpful very much. Many birds came around me to have insects or so every time. I'm a hero for birds(lol)(Surely I was glad to hear what farmers thank me). I was glad that an old friend of Odaka Tomioka phoned me in this morning. It was delicious to have a coconut tapioka juice at a convenient store Lawson. Well, abdominal muscle and books time. Have a good evening. Photo is Sweet viburnum for a hedge in Okuma town.
One month passed since starting training muscles. I see my abdominal and pectoral ones' shapes, not all yet. My skin gets better than usual. Better speed to grow muscles than my 20s and fine performance of jogging marathon even if very sumer and winter and when busy.
That reminds me it was fun to read a book in a convenient store seven eleven about a word "ramen" derived from what Chinese people overseas call it raamien and people started cooking it in Asakusa in early Meiji era.
Also, a word Yahho in Japanese when climbing a mountain is derived from German, Johoo. One of neighborhood passes away recently, he lived there alone , so his old house is finishing now. All roads lead to Rome. Tokugawa era for 300 years was finished.
Other neighborhood has crape myrtle that has the language of the flowers are, eloquence, charming, and careless. BTW, in the west Japan flood disaster happens. Fire insurance might have water insurance.
Since the October the government is taking 10% consumption tax. But they don't use it for welfare very much. So many people don't vote at all because of their real ignorance. I think, Japan doesn't have time to argue with other countries.
Well, well, everyday is precious, eh
Well well. Writing this diary, I'm taking a break now. It takes time for nuclear evacuees like diaspora people to get official certificates at some public offices from time to time. I learned how to use a go cart kusakarimasao that is green to cut grassess and brought and put away many books at our original house, being now relieved to select a bigger car as ours than before of Toyota's that was good. Moving, driving, and working. Delicious to have a sweet potato youkan and green tea.
People in the west and south Japan look having a big trouble by a flood disaster (For example, people in the hospitals seem to have a hard time.), but so many people are ignorant of politics for a long time. I was thinking this area might be the same water disaster every year.
BTW, I've been writing neatly on my memo diary because my grip gets better like before. For example, I made another memo which was called, "Fukushima memo" which have info such as what Okuma town's 62% is off limit area and Namie town 80% and Futaba town until the next spring is 96% also. 9 years will pass soon, but there is a long way to go. Hearing music by Oguro Maki. I hope "pocket bells" come back some day.
When a junior high school student, who knows, anyone who is famous says like you don't have to go to school, if you want to k*ll yourself because you don't want to go to school, on a newspaper. I think children don't read a newspaper very much. It'd be great for people who often have a demonstration to express it or so.
We like visiting a lake Inawashiroko, wearing a ninja teacher Kakashi's T-shirt (in Naruto) and learning shougi at a cafe LUKE (this pair of binoculars is cafe's).
I want sharingans which resembles my family crest Tomoe or so (surely to make an effort is great). I will finish the first stage to put away many books with many cardboard boxes since the spring. One month passed since when I started training muscles.
Bought a gripper Lavie 30kg and it was rigid. Surely I'm gonna use 20kg that I have, too. Bought a tennis racket and so on.
I might add a sport in my hobbies soon. It'd be because what I'm a non-smoker and on the wagon. I feel I get strength by training. Sit ups, push ups, chin ups, dumbbells, grip and marathon steadily.
Then, I threw away oversize trash, that were an almost new exercise bike and a cheap running machine (broken for several months). It was delicious to eat a miso spicy ramen cooked by my wife today. I must remember to take care of my body.
Once in a while, almost people in Japan thought if something happens at a nuclear power plant, nobody will live in "almost all of Japan."
However, everyone learned it was a misunderstanding nowadays. People could at almost areas, if decontaminating good, though almost nobody knows its fact yet.
I think, Japanese people think Fukushima is perfectly all right nowadays and people in the world think why people continue to live in Fukushima now. In my opinion, both are misunderstandings.
I'm looking forward to eating strawberries which are from Okuma in Fukushima. Surely, all food in supermarkets in Fukushima are measured radiation and ND (Not Detectable).
In Japanese, people call a strawberry "Ichigo," but in ancient era it was called, "Ichibiko (in Yamato) " or "Fukubonshi (in China)." https://www.iijan.or.jp/oishii/sp/products/fruit/post-693.php
Well, I'm absorbed in training abdominal muscles recently. It reminds me what I joined in a game among friends, when I was in high school, if one loses a toss (Janken in Japanese)(Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!), the one had a punch on his abdominal muscles.. wry smile. Definitely I never do it nowadays.
In Futaba high school baseball was famous. They were great. I learned sportsmanship was great to see their training and play. Recently, I like watching "K-1." Especially, I was glad to know that Kaito Ozawa was from Aizu in Fukushima. He is a champion of Krash. I hope he becomes a champion at K-1, too.
Takeru does many chin ups, but he is thin. So it'd be good to have thin and strong muscles, not build them bigger. Tenshin is also great. I like watching a K-1 or boxing game of a featherweight class. Because their height and weight are the same as mine. They continue to make an effort. That's encouraging for me.
Of course, having a break is important.
We played with hanabi
after several years. I felt like doing it after washing our car by myself to practice economy (Usually I buy the time of that). I wash my agricultural machine, so I thought I should do my car, too. I decided not to do chin ups too many because I learned if so many, one's body becomes like a cobra. I never need it.
In this summer, we went to visit graves of our ancestors in our hometown since it was Obon (Actually, we did it before that). I hadn't gone there until last year because I didn't know the correct radiation's numeric data or tiresome to go far on highway. Our family's graves were rebuilt newly. Our family had a trader to put a table and chairs made by stone for visitors of this place. We prayed for the repose of the souls of dead people.
Ikebana that I arranged in the afternoon after 10km marathon. A flower of a mint, a leaf which I'm not sure, and ivy's leaf.
Then finally, I did 10 chin ups at the nearby park. It was almost the same as when I was in the first year of high school, but it was not just with the strength of my arms, so to speak, using the action of my legs or so. There were three men who practiced skateboarding.
Getting back to my house, I cleaned the bathroom almost perfectly. Also, kitchen, floor, or so. By the way, some people might misunderstand about my physical strength. It's the best now, not when I was young. I couldn't run a marathon so long like now in those days.
Adversity is the best school. People all grow up anytime when you want. I just want to enjoy marathon or so. Not for competition. Well, I feel like eating some meat of lamb. Recently I especially like training abdominal muscles. Well, humid if without air conditioner. I can't wait for autumn. Thank Heaven.
It might be soon to finish the intense heat this year. One month has passed since I started doing muscle training. Sit ups, fingers, grip, 9 pounds dumbbell, now doing, also I'd like to do a chin up at the nearby park.
These are things that I can do because of quitting a pipe tobacco. My heart is good nowadays. However, I do push ups at the minimum. I'm happy to do them, feeling I'm like being in my early 20's.
I have arranged my books for several months and cleaned up my house and cooked miso soup every morning recently. Photo: Aizu Matsudaira's garden for many medicinal plants in Edo period.
We visited Inawashiroko lake this year, too. The same cafe, "Luke." The same iced tea. The same puzzled ring. However, this lake looked like light of new diamonds every time. Ate a panini. Beside a symbolic mountain, "Bandaisan."
--- (memo) "Panini" is an English word nowadays, but it's also Italian. Panino is singular. Panini is plural. Then, a word "Imbottito" is like "filled," so people call it "Panino imbottito" in Italian. But this cafe's name is "Luke." English. So, the menu says, "Panini." After all, it seems to me that this food is thought as one in English cultural area.
2012 summer in Aizu bon dance festival (Higashiyama onsen).
They said like, "Good luck, Aizu!" and "Don't be a loser, Okuma!"
We were so glad to see them.
This is my uniform. This says, "Okuma machi." I'm glad to work after a long time. Also, a blue air conditional windbraker with fans of USB battery. Its clothing design might be Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind character, "Forest people." Also, my recent work is agricultural conservationist in off limit area. So I feel I am one of themselves. But its blue one wasn't useful very much because of being too hot recently.
Also, a black cooling vest with ice packs. It's helpful very much for a short time every ice pack until melted. I challenge to run each 5km marathons outside with them now. I did two times today. I restarted muscle training indoor recently. 41 degrees 10 cm in height on the road. If I wear them, 32 degrees within clothing. Finally, I conclude it's the best to do in the very early morning. It's not so easy to sleep early in summer.
It seems to me that children of Kawakani in Brazil eat natural good food though they don't have much money. It's meaningful. Buzzfeed
Quite a tall sunflower. A friend from Okuma gave me its seeds several years ago. I was surprised to see they were blooming this year. By the roof. Yesterday I was tired of driving all day long. It was delicious to eat kashiwa mochi of Baigetsu (梅月) in front of Hisanohama Sta. I've liked since I was small.
Swam at Inawashiroko lake, playing a puzzle ring, studying Greek and having a tea, on 23rd of July in 2018 (photo: Hiroko).
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Yoshida Kuniyoshi at Inawashiroko lake. |
Delicious at a Korean restaurant about Yakiniku in Aizubange town in Fukushima. Myeongdong is the restaurant's name, which is the same as a major city in Korea. The more Japanese TVs broadcast Korea, the more I feel like going to their restaurants. When we came out and said like it was delicious. A staff smiled. Chopsticks here are cool. Free coffee is helpful. Pulcogi seems to be a historical cuisine.
I enjoyed the cool air outdoors tonight, hearing bell ring insects in rice fields without fireflies.
We stayed at Higashiyama onsen of Aizuwakamatsu city with friends some days ago. My wife and I went an ashiyu onsen (feet onsen) in the next morning. I have heard a lady about charcoal burn or so, who lived at a former very old village close to here many years ago from a view point of folklore. Bon dance is held around here every summer. This reminds me we danced at this bon dance festival on 4th of July in 2012. Time flies like an arrow. One of the last samrai, who was called, "Toshizo Hijikata" of Shinsengumi healed here. I also hope to heal gradually. Then, I overcome myself on a new long journey. @Photo by Hiroko
from Aizuwakamatsu city are delicious now. It's a fruit that means in Japan like if you have the charm, you can live at anywhere bad. The origin of peaches is from China. The English word, "Peach" is from a meaning like, "Apple from Persia." Peaches are soft and easy to be hurt, so seem to be thought like, "A girl who is beautiful" or "Immoral woman" or "Boobs" etc. in English because Wiki says so. I'm not sure Momotaro is like Sukunahikona. When I was a child, I played a TV game, which was called, "Momotaro Dentetsu (桃太郎電鉄)" with friends. In the game we bought real estates at each station, getting on the train. It might be a story of modern bubble illusion's momotaro. I'd like to run 15 km in total today though it's very hot.
It was the first time for me to learn almost all of how to use a brushcutter of shoulder type with a U - handle, which was called like, "Mower" but there are types of self-running and riding, so to distinguish them.
Surely, I'm still not good at using one. Safety is firstly important to avoid doing a near miss or kickback. I watched a movie of Maruyama's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O38wvVI97mU Zenoa's also great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oJRr-DwAv0
Safer to cut grasses just when moving a brushcutter in the left direction. Just in case using for hours, there is sold a pair of gloves to control vibration and protect from HAV syndrome (or VWF).
Also, I'd like to remember the official names of it (brushcutter) and a mower for a tractor and riding mower and another brushcutter for a slope.
Then today it was delicious to eat two kinds of cheese, which were blue Stilton from Cambridgeshire and Asiago Vecchio from Italy and olives from Sicily (Sicilia) and pistachios from Iran and the US and cheese from Aizu, learning folklore (Yanagita Kunio and Akasaka Norio) and after jogging.
I hope to study Soil science, Botany and Physics in the near future. I've been on the wagon, so running out until going to bed. I get much time to read or so, but I've been busier than before.
It occurred to me that Tohoku (North East area of Japan) was defeated countries 150 years ago and one thousand ago also and then, 75 years ago surely and 8 years ago the biggest disaster. Well, every people must survive.
It was the first time for me to learn almost all of how to use a brushcutter of shoulder type with a U - handle, which was called like, "Mower" but there are types of self-running and riding, so to distinguish them.
Surely, I'm still not good at using one. Safety is firstly important to avoid doing a near miss or kickback. I watched a movie of Maruyama's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O38wvVI97mU Zenoa's also great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oJRr-DwAv0
Safer to cut grasses just when moving a brushcutter in the left direction. Just in case using for hours, there is sold a pair of gloves to control vibration and protect from HAV syndrome (or VWF).
Also, I'd like to remember the official names of it (brushcutter) and a mower for a tractor and riding mower and another brushcutter for a slope.
Then today it was delicious to eat two kinds of cheese, which were blue Stilton from Cambridgeshire and Asiago Vecchio from Italy and olives from Sicily (Sicilia) and pistachios from Iran and the US and cheese from Aizu, learning folklore (Yanagita Kunio and Akasaka Norio) and after jogging.
I hope to study Soil science, Botany and Physics in the near future. I've been on the wagon, so running out until going to bed. I get much time to read or so, but I've been busier than before.
It occurred to me that Tohoku (North East area of Japan) was defeated countries 150 years ago and one thousand ago also and then, 75 years ago surely and 8 years ago the biggest disaster. Well, every people must survive.
I think this is an oak has acorns. It might be a forest for wood fuel here (Ōkuma, Fukushima). I wonder which one is the messiest and idiot among those acorns like a story by Kenji M. It seemed that I found a cute tree. I remember this was used to grow shiitake (mushroom). I read two instructions of my tractor and mower to connect with it and studied agriculture at 福島県 いわき市 yesterday. Then I arrived at 会津若松市.
It was not hot today. Cloudy. I finished my work in this season. Especially shorter this time. There were seen dragonflies. There was rarely seen a blue dragonfly. I found a glasshopper, horseflies, bees, a ladybug, mayby a firefly, a cabbage butterfly that were white one and yellow one. I learned how to use an agricultural machine SS of high price. I had a manju recently at lunch (today I ate a monaka with tsubu an), was seeing miscanthus sinensis and it reminded me a short story that I talked at Mashiko town. I worked good. I shaved myself today.
Wild boars wasted some irrigation ditch in fields. We will see it. I called my tractor "Orange Beauty Lexus." I jotted down how to operate it. Especially, it's important to absolutely remember disengagement of the gear to make a U - turn at a double speed and switching on of a connection brake when driving on the road. I might come to understand the structure by taking good care of it, looking at an engine oil and pneumatic tires, washing windows, tires, and a rotary tiller. Ate jou katsuju etc with my family at dinner. Exercising and training muscles after that.
When going back to my house by tractor on a sloping road, found a yellow flower, so couldn't take a photo of it. I was sleepy little on the national road of No. 6. There were seen several spots of Orange Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva var. kwanso) at Okuma on July, which was called as like a flower to forget or remember a memory in Japanese. Wasuregusa, it must be blooming on the way of life. Otsukaresamades.
It was very hot under the blazing sun. When operating a tractor, I felt the engine was like an organic body and at one with it or the revolution speed. There might be synergy effect between an engine and a driver. Especially, abdominal muscles, trunk, and legs and hands and so on, checking all directions by looking, anyway, all parts of body. The roar was tiring my nerves, so took a break. However, felt good to work. When lunch, I forgot a pair of chopsticks, so ate salad with a hand at a ridgeway between rice fields. Water, gas, electricity have beem run out since eight years ago the frontier, because it was inside of an off limit area at Okuma. Rarely strange feeling. Having several refrigerating materials, I bought a cooler box. I felt relaxed to see a water strider and purple flower. These were white clovers (Trifolium repens)(Europian) on the center of the photo. Every little helps. The small milk pack beside a banana was soy milk. I did push ups or so at night. I'm glad to write a diary in Engliah today. Thinking much, though to enjoy life is important.
The rainy season was tiring about my work, but I finished operating my tractor about 1 ha for the time being. I'm still pretty good. I'm studying languages and reading books roht now. This tractor has a cabin with an air conditioner. It's like a Gundam. This photo is when of today' lunch at my original house. I got comparativerly good a pair of rubber boots at Tomioka. @Okuma
We went voting to the new office of Okuma town today, where a small number of evacuees went back and have lived again because certain areas have been permitted to do them since the spring of this year, and saw a friend who was a public officer. It's been a while. The House of Councillors Election, 2019. I hope many evacuees of Futaba county to go voting. Ladies and gentlemen.
20190720 Got to work as a public enterprise of my Town.
The summer has come. I have been joining in a public enterprise to work with our own modern tractor and so on for the conservation of agricultural land in Okuma town since this summer, where has yet to be big off limit areas and reconstructing ones. I always perform maintenance of a rotary of my tractor. Soil, mud, water, plants, cows and rarely walking wild boars. There are insects, birds and the sun and flowers. I talk with them. 20 th of July in 1876 is know as the original day of "Marine Day," though the day became "Land Day" for me.
Operating this tractor seems to be like riding on horseback, which is called "Lexus," for a farmer on the frontier! My commute by car is one hour. I'm not sure until when I work there, but it'll be not for a short time. I got a uniform. There has been a small number of people who live there, though still almost nobody. I'm going to inherit wisdom as my parents', ancestral and elder people' properties and would like to help revive of our home.
There are women who usually apply for books which people should read at the library. That is really helpful. I thought it when I joined in a circle to talk about a book at Fukushima book forest. Internet offers little wisdom of the world. This topic was brought back by talking with my wife. It's a key to change the world step by step.
It has been one year since I quit smoking. Where there is a will, there is a way. Time flies like an arrow. Now that I do breathe fresh air anywhere and anytime that I want. Thank heaven and everyone. Well, it's delicious to have a coffee and a kiwi fruit.
It was hard to run 15 km today because of heavy rain. Big sound of endless raining. Getting colder. Even if having an umbrella, scared. Got to realize how tiny I was for the nature. Snow, windy, and so forth.
Thanks to great teachers, I passed all lessons and a practical examination at the first go off to get a license for special large size vehicles (I think, largest). This one is needed when driving on the road. This is not an operation license (I don't need operation ones for the time being because I'm to use it at my home when I ride on a large size agricultural motor tractor or so, but I think about it a little because learning knowledge is helpful to safely control). I'm so relieved. I used this Wheel Loader. Therefore, I had a very productive day!
This kimchi which was made by myself was delicious. Mainly, I used Daikon radish this time. Well, life isn't all sweet and several difficult things that happened to me at the same day, but I like the world all the better because thanks to friends, family, and books or so. 이 김치 진짜 맛있어.
A teacher at the Drivers License School told me my aptitude test result. It was the ranked in the top 10 %. I was so relieved to hear that because I didn't do it seriously. I was wondering how many people did it confused and it meant so many people might tend to be confused easily. Some nuclear evacuees have come here to have a license before and the teacher made friends with one of them and went to Tokyo together or so. However, actually, I don't think I'm good at driving. Anyway, I finished 2 lessons for the time being. It was a little hard because I had two lessons and 2 straight hours. The school decided my schedule. Before having lessons, I ran 15 km yesterday, but the next I plan to run only 5 or so km. Two teachers were kind and I was happy and to hear Aizu dialect. The next will be soon. Everyone loves Aizu, folklore, etc.
It was windy, rainy, hot, thunder and lighting when I was running half marathon today. It was a little hard. My umbrella might break. Fortunately, no cold. Now that weather seems to be like a lie. The sunset looks beautiful in the silent sky.
10000km(Walked and ran 10000 km for 2 years)
It might be strange not to be disappointed in this world, however, I manage to live and think it's fine. I have friends, family and memories.
Not only my ability to memorize, but to think has been skyrocketing because I quit smoking and drinking. The former passes for 1 year and the latter does 2 years. I did an IQ test on a website, where is called, "memorando" and the result was 134. It seems to be within 1% out of all results. However, the measure of IQ might mislead. It's just a result to see one ability and never all ones and personality etc. I just thought it was useful to study math or so. Incidentally, some gaming website to see IQ seem to be easy to have very high score 200 or so and they are no reliable. By the way, a book about India is interesting. India's official name is Bhārat Gaṇarājya. It has snow in the north east area like Miyagi or Fukushima.
Making it a rule to jog slowly 20 km (about 12 miles), and read books and study 20 languages everyday, I've been so busy since April, but meanwhile, relieved to be productive than before, I guess so. I hope to have more focus for my steady advance. As you know, my circumstances let me think a lot usually, so I'd like to distinguish between thinking time and concentrating one. Constitution. Philosophy. Religions. Folklore. History. Essays. I wrote this Japanese post in classical Japanese.
It is important that diverse opinions there are together. The diverse opinions mean that "This person and I have a completely different opinions." I think, there would be some people who know the meaning the first time I paraphrase this way. Because it is a different opinion, it begins to be a world, society or community and it is no good for people to eliminate the other different opinions. I think, people who have ability to hear others have the right to speak their own thought.
Rainy, windy and cold. It was hard to run through 20km as was usual, but I did it, becoming chilled. And then, having the bathtub was so great. Okinawan rice seasoned and cooked with various ingredients, which was called, "Fuuchibaa juusy (ふうちばあ じゅうしい)" that including especially yomogi (mugwort) and some miso soup with kogomi (sprout of ostrich fern) my wife cooked. Firstly, the rain smelled summer, but it's after all cold.
I haven't written my diary in English and Japanese lately, because I'd like to write multilingual diary such as 5 or 10 languages.
So the frequency of my update will be less than before, but our FB page WELTGEIST FUKUSHIMA is sharing news as is usual sometimes.
Anyway, recently I spend what little time I have to study languages and reading. (About writing I finished for the time being, taking a break. The next I plan May or so, anyway, I did it! Finally! I spent 5 months.).
About SNS, I must enjoy it moderately and really hope to treasure my own time on life in order to be diligent because of my language skill.
I don't hesitate to repeat the same words when writing a diary, so readers are kind. Thank you so much.
Mint chocolate chip ice cream is delicious recently. I continuet to run 20km everyday. Well, I'm posting again soon.
I decide to write a diary in many languages, not only English.
Yes. I'm getting perfect. I got up at 7:30 AM today, too. Ran 5 km 4 times (Increased rest). Studied English, German, French, Classical Greek, modern Hebrew, 2 kinds of Japanese classics, and read Greek mythology, and continue the manuscript about Fukushima. Of course, if my condition is so so, I learn 1 language at least everyday. I put shave ice into a cup of Mashiko-Yaki, Hershey chocolate, heavy pure cream and strawberry syrup. I also made a carbonated water cream float. Well, I might be cold a little to eat them. Also, a roll of a warm water yeast (Yudane roll pan) is delicious. I'm training muscles beside a heater.
Clear sky. I got up at 7:30 AM. I ran 10 km and cleaned the floor. I wiped it with a cloth and swept with a broom. I was glad to look at it. I'll train muscles. I cooked chicken saute. Other things are usual. I cultivated my kitchen garden and planted seeds the day before yesterday. Today's handmade is heavy pure cream put it on ready-made waffle cookies.
Some people have similar values, but the others don't have them. It's important to get the quality of being harmonious. Take it easy. Some people don't know the debate's manner but pretending. A German public lawer Georg Jellinek said, "The law is nothing but the ethical minimum. (Das Recht ist nichts anderes als das ethische Minimum.)"
Great scenery. I might understand why ancient people in Aizu decided to live here. I got up at 7:30 AM. It's a beautiful day. Ran 10 km twice. Maintenance about my legs is important. Especially calves recently. It might be busy a little. I read books about classical Greek and modern Hebrew and so on. Here is a great place in Aizu. Well, peace is the best, but our circumstances are provisional than usual. Some people and writers say, nuclear disaster refugees might have "Flash forward" as to be worried about the future. There might be some people like that. I think I only have to make myself stronger. Then, editing and writing the next book. Finished writing and rereading two manuscripts about Fukushima museum, the Agency of Cultural Affairs, and an artist. Homemade shave ice of mango & milk is delicious. Cool.
The photo: apple trees.
I got up at 8:30 AM. I ran 10 km twice. Classical Gre. and modern Heb. It's the best as is usual, but my legs are tired. We collected "fukinotou" that is an edible flower bud of the fuki (Petasites japonicus) plant. Only about five. The smell increases my appetite.
My diary memo is now 33 rd and this Japanese and English diary is saved in my computer.
I got up at 7:30 AM. The Rhythm of my life is recovering in a half year. Almost tsubakis are blooming. One azalea is blooming, too. Many cardamine flexuosa are blooming.
I've been reviewing classical Greek, where I finish reading one time. I will also review modern Hebrew. And then, I'm writing (I really want to finish it early this time, only 400 letters, but it's important for me to write the next stage).
Camellia japonica seems to be rich in culture. The Dutch Trading House in Japan and the society of Jesus (Societas Iesu) are also involved once upon a time, and the history of Japanese culture is also deep in the flower's history.
Japanese name: Camellia Camellia (aka Camellia)
学名:Camellia japonica
In English: same
Today I saw one of Fugaku sanjuu rokkei, "Edo Nihonbashi." This ukiyohe is in perspective.
Cultural Heritage Online (Agency for cultural affairs)
A fb friend often posts about a historial person, so I googled and read a wikipedia of Kinoshita Naoe, who was a christian and liberal democratic activist and at the last he was absorbed in Buddhism. His father was samurai, but he had peace and anti-war ism and socialism at a website of "Shinjuku Nakamuraya" because I rarely eat Chinese steamed bun of the company at seven eleven. The company put many historical names at their website.
Vasiliy Yakovlevich Eroshenko told S Nakamuraya how to cook Borscht and the person was place to place and seems to be useful and helpful for people.
Rash Behari Bose was an Indian revolutionary leader, who told S Nakamuraya how to cook Indian curry first.
Also, Kanzo Uchimua and Takamura Kotaro are at the website.
Then, I listened to an album of Kino (Russian: Кино́).
Got up at 9 AM. Sunny and sometimes rainy and windy. It was cold. Ran 10 km twice. Almost no snow. I wore many cloths. I thought coming back, but I did it to the end. It might be dangerous if windy strong. Classical Greek and modern Hebrew. I'll reread as is usual with me and write one newly.
”Fine Wind, Clear Morning”
One of the world's famous masterpieces called "Red Fuji" or "Gaifu kaisei." Gaifu means the south wind. Kaisei means fine weather. It was sunny early morning from summer to Autumn, Fuji can dye the whole mountain red and shine. "Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849)." A woodblock prints.
See: the Agency for Cultural Affairs
Also, the word Gaifu seems to be from "The Classic of Poetry" by Confucious ("Koushi" in Japanese).
There seems to be the actual video here about that gun shooting incident. Too horrific. Internet has many horrific real videos, for example, about war and so on. A smart person said on Facebook in English, like "There is the worst news in a country, but never stop being a good person. Because of bad people." I agree with him. For example(He said this, too), some people hate even on SNS each other. I'd like to say to the world, "Don't mix up discussion, envy, the injured party and a persecution complex." Anyway, if envious, turn off the smartphone and go to the hospital. If ordinary, anyway, it's very good to turn off the smartphone and take a break. We must keep up making the more peaceful world.
Got up at 9 AM. The temperature this morning was 5 degrees. There was a little snow, so when running, feeling temperature was not high. Ran 10 km twice. It's a beautiful day. A new book of grammar of Classical Greek and modern Hebrew, and I'm reading and sleeping.
It's suddenly snowy and windy.
The height of snow looks like 20cm. I might be tired so so. I tried to run outside this morning, but it stormed snowy and I thought it was very dangerous, so returned immediately. I was so relieved to be in Aizu W. because there are many shops that I easily could be inside.
Meanwhile, to be on the Internet, some people in Japan show their own heavy neurosis everyday. I saw them sometimes. It's my mistake. I'd like to change my such lifestyle.
The future is bright and short. Today, I'll be happy to spend much time to see great ones as envirionment of us to make ourselves.
To continue seeing others sadness and to see heavy neurosis, not light ones, are different. I don't think too much. I keep up myself. And then, I'd like to think about Fukushima.
For the time being, let's put a little salt on the desk. Yoshida, me, pray and meditation.
Got up at 9 AM. I reread my manuscript and edited our new book today. Ran 10 km. To edit it takes time than I thought firstly.
A blue monster called, "BREXIT" with Netherlands Foreign Ministry.
Stef Blok
I woke up at 8:30 today. I'm coming back to be an early riser. It's been a while. 6 months. Ran half marathon, 20 km. My legs are getting tired.
Had a biscuit, called, "Cigar fry" by Kajitani. Salty seasoning. http://www.kajitani-shokuhin.co.jp/
Drizzled a little, so put up an umbrella in the daytime. Snowy a little in the night. Classical Greek. Modern Hebrew again.
"Let's go to Ibaraki" by fuuai net and Ibaraki University students
Amai Yushi gave me this booklet, who is a painter and poet and a designer of our magazine, WELTGEIST FUKUSHIMA.
He works at a cleaning company made by a person from Namie town, but he lives in Ibaraki Pre. now because you know evacuee.
They have great technologies to clean a house.
I'm happy to clean the floor of my house (temporarily dwelling) by myself. Then, writing and rereading repeatedly. Also, newly writing a short sentence for an artist, who has been active in Minamisoma city and with Fukushima museum.
Meanwhile, in the UK, people might be getting exasperated about Brexit problem. Right or left or middle? Everyone knows everyone should be happy.
By the way, in Japanese version and English one are very different these two articles.
pictures from BBC
We slept early.
We saw a friend, K san at Kura cafe in Aizuwakamatsu city. Great time.
Dry paddy field. Soon I will finish reading an easy book to learn classical Greek one time. I got up at 9 AM. Tomorrow is 11th of March as the ninth memorable day from that disaster. Nobody seems to forget. But it's important to have been sharing the time we live. I feel so. After all, so it'd be a renewal day tomorrow. Actually, one day is one ordinary day. Living and training are all in my life. Actual day, what it has special? But if it reminds me the dead for that and all friends, it feels me serious or sincere. Well! Γνῶθι σεαυτόν! It was windy at midnight.
It was very cold yesterday, but I ran 10 km twice. Today it's warm and ran 10 km and walked 10 km. I had a knee pain when I walked. I came home and ate dinner and made a pudding à la mode with a sweet my wife cooked. Veronica persica and Lamium purpureum convey spring has come. I got up at 8:50 AM this morning. I think nowadays nobody knows this kind of pudding is originated when GHQ came here.
veronica persica
Commonfield speedwell, Creeping speedweed, Iran Speedwell
Lamium purpureum
Red deadnettle
Source 1: invading ones DB
Source 2
Well, I think about how it's seen.
It was freezing, rainy and windy in the afternoon when I ran 10 km firstly. And then, I had lunch and took a break, so secondly I ran 10 km in the evening just now. It was not so cold because not windy and rainy. Studied classical Greek. Today's average temperature is 5 degrees.
My wife cooked a parfait as a snack for me. She writes recently, too. The period is getting long. I will finish rereading two manuscripts at a project by LMN of Fukushima M. and Agency of C.A very tonight. Edited.
At Swindon in the UK some workers demonstrated against what HONDA's factory going back to Japan. MAY: HONDA EXIT NOT DUE TO BREXIT. https://www.nhk.or.jp/snsenglish/news/n190306.html
The news. --
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May is playing down the potential impact of a no-deal Brexit on business. She says the decision by Honda Motor to shut its U.K. plant has nothing to do with Britain's departure from the EU.
May commented on Honda's announcement during a parliamentary debate.
(Theresa May / British Prime Minister)
"The decision this week by Honda is one that is deeply disappointing. They have made absolutely clear that this is not a Brexit-related decision. This is a decision about the change that is taking place to the global car market."
Many British lawmakers say the faltering Brexit talks have undermined the trust of businesses. Japan's Panasonic has already shifted some of its British-based operations to Europe, and Sony plans to do so in April.
Honda's decision will affect some 3,500 jobs and potentially many more in the supply chain.
Well, I got up at 10 AM this morning and I went to a public meeting place to see workers of TEPCO to talk about compensation. I really wanted to be angry, but I couldn't. My compen is a little, if they pay. Suddenly. I have my daily life, though suddenly they come.
I just talked as is usual. I hate their sin and failure as a national company, but I never do human being. I love this world. I might begin to give up. They don't know a lot about many things of this world, so I must continue to tell them, if there is an opportunity. Especially, young people don't know a lot of history or so.
Ah, but, I told them, "There are many angry victims still." But it might be better to say like, "There are still many victims who are sad." And, "Of course. There is a time when I am angry. Today is not." Also, I told them our book and magazine. I thought, why they didn't know though, well, it happens. Then, I talked about political topics about Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plants.
Also, I ran 10 km twice today. Running on the way, I went to a bookstore and bumped into a friend. What a coincidence. It's been a while. Perhaps, 2 years. She is pretty good. I'm so happy.
Then, I must work as Life museum network (Fukushima museum and Agency of Cultural Affairs). 2 manuscripts and one is handwriting. And then, new book editting. Talked with Ryoichi Hoshi, who is a famous writer of history. Mailed to a company. And then, I must send our magazines to a reader. I'd like to write more, but now busy a little.
I cooked fresh heavy cream and put on a sliced banana. I'd like to make a whole cake someday. Photo: A cypress tree I like very much. Anyway, I'm wondering what my future is becoming of? Cloudy? Sunny? Snowy? Well, sigh, I'm not fussy. Just living with everyone.
It's 9 PM. I'm working until sleeping because I'm on the wagon. I might be Nietzsche's Superman.
The law of this country is thoroughly attached to the strong, so what should I have said today. Almost nothing. It'd be not so easy for them as a big company to stand by us. It'd be the same in the world.
I got up at 9:45 AM. I ran 10 km and walked 10 km. There are many local governments that need population more in Japan and there are so many refugees in the world or just ordinary people who want to come to Japan.
Recently, Japanese government begins to make new rules to receive more people, but I'm wondering when it becomes sufficient. Also, Japan doesn't have sufficient work force. Many elders. When does everyone have the same needs? It might cost to let people here to know much information and wisdom.
Today I worked to see manuscript from Agency for Cultural Affairs and Fukushima Museum and arrangemented orders from readers of our magazine and edited our new book and wrote an article to let people to know a cameraman photographor Tanaka because his photos and jokes are so great.
Also, MOYAI Art festival is held in Kanazawa in Ishikawa prefecture, by the world latest 14 artists about Fukushima nuclear accident. I am a part of their works, so honoured. Thank you so much. Nakasuji Jun and everyone. Katagiri Atsunobu is so cool.
By the way, Carlos Ghosn offered bail of 1 billion yen. How. Anyway, he must be tired. Also, about BREXIT in the UK, factories are closed. Toyota in Swindon and Nissan in Sunderland, where is the north. That's too bad. Economical refugees.
We will see it. Also, I found out a video, a dog saved a small dog (here). https://jp.sputniknews.com/videoclub/201903055998992/?fbclid=IwAR2PFJ9hszsCX-4HBKfBLA1cip4GT7fMvBosQ5QXITvDSFoOHvK45xheB0c
Also, NHK began broadcast their channels on Internet, too. Helpful. How about E tele? I guess the next work of the Diet will be about the library. Then, that reminds me what I bought a booster for antenna to see TV clearly recently.
So sleepy. Take care, everyone. It's been getting good temparature. I can't wait for spring, but time flies like an arrow. Make haste slowly. Good night.
(NHK in Japanese)
Glutinous barley Udon is delicious, my wife cooked.
Today we, my wife and me, talked with Shunsuke Hirose, who is a teacher and scholar. He listened to my thinking or so and I am so glad. My wife asked his experience and we listened to him. It was a very good time at a cafe.
I edited our new book. I got up late. Even if I walked 8000 km, running is the other action. After half marathon, I have some muscle pain, so I walked and ran lightly by machine and re-read my manuscript. Also, I continue to communicate with conservative people, too. Since long time ago. Anyway, I have my own mind and thought.
I got up at 10 AM and ran 10 km. I might be tired. Attending a lecture meeting by Aizu folklore group, and came back to my home and walked 10 km. A little cold and rainy. Studied classic Greek. In modern Greek, the flower is "Luludhi (Το λουλούδι)," but in classic Greek it is "Anthos (τὸ ἄνθος)." What s this difference based on? It seems like, anthos means the flower of fruits. I found out how to type classic Greek keyboard. Modern one is simple, but classical is complicated. Doughnuts and curry were delicious today.
Yesterday I got up at 10 AM and did at 8 AM this morning. It has been a while to do this since last summer. 3 degrees. Cloudy. I had a cup of zosui soup. Seeing TV, I want to a sweet called cigare, but I'll buy different one. TEPCO phoned to see me. Super late. Tired. Well, running. I train and enjoy everyday. Life is short. Life is one time. Cherry blossoms waiting, cloudy sky, plum flower's hill (Sakuramatsu kumorinosorani umegasaki). While writing this, it's raining. So, in the house.
Well, learning classical Greek. I'm glad to get up earlier today. It was rainy a little, so I didn't think I'd have run 20 km. It's because I had a rest yesterday. My first outdoor running 5 km on February 21th, so in one week since I started outdoor. It's early. Getting back on my feet. Happy bathtub time. Happy eating time. Good night.
Warm winter but cloudy today. I ought to renew my driver's lisence and I forgot it. My lisence was overdue of 10 days, but I only ought to pay about 1600 JPY than usual. About 5000 JPY in total. My wife took me there in our car. This pond is called, "Bijoike." it means like, "Beautiful woman's pond" because a daughter of a noble whose name was, "Shizuka gozen" drowned herself in the pond. She loves Yoshitsune, who is a very famous Genji that is like a family name given from the emperror in those days, Heian era. It might be like a story of tragedy. There were many drivers in the lisence center. I feel refleshed to renew it since it takes all day long. The tutor said like bycycle's rules are stricter than before, about dangerous driving. About 400 drunken drivers are arrested in Fukushima every year. Oh.. dangerous. Maybe Saturday or so. I'd like to convey to them, "Never driving after drinking." Just in case it happens, it'd be a real tragedy. This Bijoike's story reminds me a woman's name, who is called, "Ohelia" in Hamlet.
The top photo is Bandaisan Mt. The next is Bijoike pond.
Today it was windy, but I ran 5 km and walked 5 km outside and ran 5 km in the house. Thinking and thinking, bumping into the latest social problem and then running through it. After that, I have my daily life. So, frothing up some heavy cream. Listening to Rock.
Today I ran 5 km and walked 5 km. I had a knee pain. I found out later, my pace was 8 km /h today. It might be too fast now. Yesterday I might do too much. I studied classical Greek, it was the 3rd day.
I frothed up some heavy fresh cream from Hokkaido, by "Megmilk Snow Brand". I remember it was about 400 JPY. I put cream on a sliced banana in a bowl of pottery made in Mashiko in Tochigi, where is famous among some people in the UK for Bernard Howell Leach.
I'd like to write their potteries some day. Well, well, well done.
Come on. I ran 5 km twice and walked 5 km twice, so 20 km in total. 10 km running spontaneously was for the first time in my life. I did it. I read an easy book to learn ancient Greek. My running speed seems to be about from 6 km / hour to 7.5 km / hour. 5 km, 40 minutes. 5 km, 50 minutes. Anyway, if running fast, I'd be tired earlier. It's important to do at my own pace. Running seems to be better for my knees than walking.
I slept more than all day long. For 30 hours. I got well.
I dreamed for 12 hours that my legs had been going to be strong like a dragon. I guessed it was because I ran and walked outside yesterday, "Outside" was for the first time this year.
Today 5km ran and 5km walked. It took about 2 hours in total. I ran 5 km in about 40 minutes, so it was very slow.
Perhaps, my running in a long way was for the first time on my life, 38 years. Well, let's think optimistic. However, running is busy than walking.
I might give up to be a half marathon runner and I want to aim for 10 km marathon from now on. And the rest 10km will walk and enjoy the scenery. I hope to have a hobby to enjoy through all my life.
I began to learn ancient Greek this year, surely, and I continue to do modern one, too. I ran 5km outside for the first time this year, in addition to walking 5km. So, 10 in total. My breath kept. But my some points of legs were tired. It was very cold to do with sweat. Running machine seems to be not able to train some points of legs. It needs to have a slope. I'm not fussy whether walking or running. But thinking. For the time being it might be good to run 5km and the rest walking. It'll take a time to do 20 in total.
At Fukunishi honten, we enjoyed a woodblock artist, "Saito Kiyoshi." and his curator, "Ito Tamaki" from the Saito Kiyoshi museum. The Fukunishi honten's constructure is very traditional and amazing in architectural beauty and history. We heard about another woodblock artist Matsuda Matsuo from an Origami artist Hanzawa Masato. I thought about "The Starry Picture." A Tokyo's person thought its sky looks like snowy and people in AIzu thought "No, it was starry night." It'd be true because when snowing, the sky is grey basially. But if it was in Aizuwakamatsu city, where was the center of villages snowy very much, it'd be possible that a little snow come to Aizuwakamatsu city in the starry sky. And a paint of his looked like a deer dance because the branches like antlers, surely, it was like a candle of Hanukah, too. I was glad to see many friends, it was "Long time no see."
When taking a break, I have read an easy booklet about Markus Gabriel, who is the same age as me and a worldwide philosopher in Germany. He says, why the world doesn't exist and what Japan continue to have an Americanized culture and Germany began to have the other system. Ran 15 km. Chai tea is delicious. Chicken saute was delicious, that is domestic production. Needless to day, small changes may lead to larger changes someday. Every little helps. I'm not good at English, but that's why, I should continue to write a diary in English. I must and hope to study English more. I tried to look at the Moor Sheffield street on Google map today, but the connection level on Internet was very low and almost no did it. Though I contracted the best speed.
Trying to run outside for the first time this year, I had a terrible time in the blizzard for 15 minutes. It was twenty minutes ago. It was not so cold because 3 degrees outside, but immediately cloudy and snowy and windy a little. I felt very cold. Especially around my head. I thought about in case of cerebral hemorrhage because of my previous habit to smoke a cigarette for a long time, so returned to home quickly. It'd be take a long time to cure my blood vessels very much. I'm not so young nowadays and was on the safe side. Also, it seems to me it's not so easy to run at a very slow pace not to get out of breath. I need to think of breathing techniques. This year is warmer than the average year, though it's still too cold to run outside. Maybe I could do in the morning.
The latter half)
Today I read a little about a location, where is Sheffield in Yorkshire, in the central England, and saw the scenery a little by Google. There is a place called, "Peace garden," and it was originally a garden of the church, but the church was demolished, and it is said that it was named a peace garden because countries had the Munich Agreement and so on. There is a cafe/ restaurant nearby is "Blend Kitchen" on Pinstone St. and they offer fish dishes, and their twitter account. https://twitter.com/blendsheffield Sheffield has the oldest soccer club, "Sheffield FC." Bessemer process, knives and folks are also famous. The population is about 520000. It's about 1/4 times of Fukushima and 70 times of The Golden State in the US, where the top administrator, whose name is, "Gavin Newsom," is on the news about Trump President's politics. He has advanced politics. Meanwhile, the UK's problem, "No deal better than a bad deal," and just "Brexit." So many workers. So many products and companies. Currency stability. Japanese companies are 1000 in the UK. A big financial market. Immigrants. Divided public opinion. It must be challenging. We will see it.
And then, Yumi Nagashima's comedy was fun. (best savage moments 2018) Personally, I think it's fun, but wondering how some too strict people think about her comedy though I'm not sure the perfect English meanings from a view point of culture in English.
I got up late again. Ran 20 km yesterday. I read Skanda ran quickly and took back stolen Buddha's ashes. The piano sounds great.
I got up at 8 AM, so glad to see the sun and look at our garden snowed a little at night. Well, I should get back to work. Cleaned the floor. Mabo doufu is delicious.
I ran 20 km today in total. I might become a marathon runner someday. But I have got up late for a half year, so want to get up earlier tomorrow. Good night.
Sunny and cloudy. I got my hair cut. We had yakiniku and went shopping. Today is the national foundation day (BC 660).
Once a million flames are like a dream nowadays. The summer grass- It is all that's left of ancient warriors dreams - Basho Matsuo. The country is destroyed; yet mountains and rivers remain - Toho. It'll pass 10 years since when that time 11 of March in 2011, but this year starts and we continue to live.
I ran 20 km yesterday. I ran about 15 km today and several km walked. I do them in several times, so it's distance in total. Now I need to get some rest. Today I ate a piece of chocolate cake of Suzupan and a pretzel of Matador in Aizuwakamatsu. Also we ate yakisoba my wife cooked. And I write a long script for my new book. I always think, I should have done 1 or 2 years ago, but life is not so easy. Anyway, I'd like to do so from the next. Yes.
Ran 15 km yesterday. Today. Delicious. Some bread in the daytime. Whole wheat flour, tomato based, pasta with green habanero in the evening.
20 km ran yesterday. Chickpea curry was delicious. The temperature is getting lower.
I overslept today. It would have been tired of being running. I wonder whether I sleep early or not. 20 km in total yesterday. Sunny today. In January, almost days were sunny. It's getting cold since February 5th. A friend in the US told me a heartwarming story of Jews and Japanese person. Sugihara Chiune. I think some people in Japan know it because TV channnel broadcasts every it several years. Shalom.
I got up at 1 A.M. It was too early to sleep and wake up. I made a script of my speech. I came back an early bird to get the worm. Well, I thought a lot about radiation, so will take a break for a long time to do that until the next. I ran 10 km yesterday. BTW, some people pass away recently. I have yet to receive their wisdom or nice stories, so I think always, don't go to the heaven easily. Let's long live, everyone.
It's not cold
Seeing snow
Samukunaku nagameteirunoha tsumoruyuki
Suddenly snowing. It might be much.
"Don't forget January"
It might say it by snow.
Mutsuki matsu wasureru nakare to yuki ga huru
Took a nap. I feel relaxed very well comparatively with 3 years ago. Because I've been on the wagon for 2 years and quit smoking 6 months ago. My feeling is very stable. But if I see a lot of types people's posts, it might be what I am sick and tired, especially, of "Fukushima will be sick!" or "Fukushima contaminated!" If people from or in Fukushima say so, I really understand. BUT if they are others, I don't want to see them because it has usually a mis-understanding in a lot of points. So, it'd be my mistake to see. I have to stop following them easily, not to think it. It's important for me to make a fresh start. I need zen meditation, running.
Finally I got up very early at 5 A.M. in the end of January after I was up burning the mid night oil since I must lecture and forum at Fukushima museum as a work of Agency for Cultural Affairs and Fukushima museum at 3rd of February and communicate with speakers for their each actions, for example, "To presve culture at off limit area," "To communicate with evacuees with a stuffed bear like our town Okuma" and "To lecture of history of the fifth of Fukuryumaru as victims of a nuclear weapon test" on 2nd. And I as a writer and the chief editor of our magazine from an evacuee.
I made a tanka. It's important for me to sing it first before it's correct or not because I'd like to sing.
First icicles this year
Happy Year of the Pig (wild boar piglets)
Running faster at an earthly paradise
Than people to catch up
(Hatsu tsurara rakuen tanoshi uribou no kakeashi hayaku hito oitsukanu)
Ran 20 km. Surely, I continue to write a long script for the next book. No holidays. I made a Japanese poem, Waka, "Chouka" that means like, "long waka." It repeats 5, 7 more than three times and the last is additionally 7. Kastera to coohii(coffee) ga au shitatsuzumi porutogaru made itta kibun ya fooku(fork) wo nagameru danbo no oto. (Castella and coffee are delicious. I feel like coming Portugal, seeing the fork with the sound of the heater. )
Ran 20 km in total. Living. It was wonderful today's sun. I sang a haiku. "Yuki bare no sora ni shita taru shizuku kana." (There was seen a drop in the blue sky after snowy. ) A friend, "Y・I" san gave me one. "Miageru wareno kokoro wo utsusu." (That means, the drop was a mirror of your heart.) Thankful.
It's snowing. I feel relaxed. Running.
Snowy a little after cloudy. I made small 8 cardboard boxes to hope a honeycomb structue in our warehouse. Ran 10 km. Every ordinary day I live as is usual with me, I'm really thankful for everything. I continue to write a diary, leaning English. Every little helps. I hope that there is a bigger space on the table, not leaving anything as much as I can. "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." - Søren Kierkegaard Today we had a lecture of literature at Fukushima museum. Jotaro Wakamatsu is a poet, that Arthur Binard talks with him. That reminds me what I talked with Arthur at Oma, who gave me a book of them. Thankful. Good poems. Akasaka Prof. taught me Wakamatsu's typical book, so I bought it. I thought, something might happen at this area in the near future, in those days, since small earthquakes happened many times 2010. Wakamatsu thought something might happen at Fukushima long time ago to see Chernobyl.
oday it was cloudy and rainy. 10km jogging for 1 hour in all. I hoped to manage to put away many books again. Not perfect yet. I talked with Takizawa, who was the chief of Aizu folklore circle. He wants to continue to study about Aoki mountain this year. The first chief studied the same mountain. The next's Takizawa has the same point. And we have studied about the same mountain. It might be getting traditional. I went to Fukushima museum to have chores to do. Takizawa saw my room, that I put away and re-arrange my many books, and he said to me like, "What will you do in the near future?" talking with NHK broadcased a story, "Fukushima timelapse," where we were. I answered amviguous, but said like this place Aizu is precious for me because many friends we have here. And then, some news reminded me an old era, for example, a babble era at a disco, 80s or so. And talked with a friend and ate outside.
It's warm recently under the sun. It's 3 degrees. Without snow. I drove a long way yesterday. I wrote another script for Fukushima museumu today.
BTW, Etsuko Ichihara passed away recently, who was a defender of our constitution. I was glad to hear that and saw a movie of Momotaro story on Youtube, from Kagawa prefecture. But, what the heck this story (lol)
Momotaro is sleeping always and he doesn't work at all, but one day he went to a mountain and got rid of a big tree with his hands and put it on his house. His grandfather and mother were died of the tree. And he found a wooden tub and he rode it on the ocean to an island of ogres.
Two ogres did like a sumo. One was defeated by another.
Momotaro laughed at a red orge and a red orge said like, "Hey, I give you this bean, so shut up." About another orge, Momotaro did the same and the blue orge did the same.
And two orges fell down together and Momotaro did the same. Two orges tried to attack Momotaro, but Momotaro throw them away and Momotaro got much property.
A TV broadcasted like that Iitate village (Almost of the place had been off limit area) was re-constructed, but some evacuees said like their hometown had a side of sadness and they must broadcast its side, too. Meanwhile, Namie town's evacuees said like the same as some evacuees of Iitate village. Hence, everyone has the same topic like, "What should we do from now on? What should people see about Fukushima off limit area?" I thought, it was right that people who went back to there and they wanted to celebrate it. At the same time, I know some evacuees want to critic a kind of mass-media's way. Everyone feels sad, even if where they live. We have enormous problems, but must overcome this obstruction step by step.
I cleaned my room very well. I put away and re-arranged a lot of my books on bookshelves. Since I will be 38 years old this month. I want my house to be tidy. A little lonely because many books have gone here. But life is sometimes, life might be to feel miss this world as own past. Anyway, I'm going to feel better and relax.
A person says like, "Primitive lives can exist there" on the frozen super earth 6 light years away. Ah, today I ran 5km, so it'd be soon if I'm runing forever, but I have more muscle pain today and walked 10 km. Well, well. Altogether 15km. Having the bathtub slowly two times, praying for social peace. Peace and peace.
I ran for 1 hour and a half altogether yesterday. Probably I cariculated its distance was about 15 km. Today I have a little muscle pain, but I ran 5 km right now, hoping 10 in all. It seems to be the best for me to use a running machine well for a short time. If long time I use it, it smells terribly. Hence I can't walk on it for long time once. Writing is getting stable little by little. A part of Twitter is noisy, but I hope people's serious voices reach to the world. Winter. Missing warm weather. We don't have much snow this year.
30 min. 5 km. First jogging. Oh, my Gosh. So happy. I guess I'm going to have to go to the torch relay at the 2020 Olympic games on Fukushima street. I hope to jog again now. I did it once again.
Being bothered, I continue to walk and bike to excersise indoor. It was delicious to eat some bread at Matadoru. I'm likely to finish one very short script for our new book. The next of mine is very long. Thinking of some news, same-sex 10 couples have suited for a violence of the constitution of the law on marriage. It'd been probably based on a fact that the equality under the law of the Constitution 14 was violented. Also, I think they would say like, the constitution 24 thinks same sex marriage is all right. Pray for the happiness of the people. On the other hand, the UK has a big problem, which is to negotiate with EU, to leave from them since the end of March, and they have challenging problems about their border, trade, immigration and agriculture. Saying "Border and immigration," everyone might think it is also the US, but President Trump might announce emergency. In my memory, Democratic party won at Congress, so importance would be about the budget and people's public opinion and so on. Both countries might be tired.
I was really writing very much. I was contented. In my mind, I talked with a great writer of EU, reading a lot. A TV drama, "Gibo to musume no blues"(Blues of mother in law and daughter) was fun.
Today, about a book of Mr. Tsukamoto Toraji, there is a consideration about a person's big misfortune and God. It's a question, whether people should think own disaster as a present from God or not? I think Buddhism also has such question, but anyway, the Bibles thought is very meaningful to us to learn people's great culture. It's important how people live and so on. Because one cann't know all without books. Then, I will take a break to read his books until my book is finished to edit writers's writing and mine.
By the way, bad news made me sad, which young person terribly attacked 9 people by car at a Tokyo's very famous street, called, "Takeshita street" in Harajuku area to express anti-the death penalty, perhaps, he might think if saying so, he might be easily killed by this nation, but no way, and it's almost a terrorist. And then, a policeman killed himself with a gun. What the hell on the earth? So sorry. I think, policemen need a vacation.
Happy new year! We're having the new year in Aizuwakamatsu city. Thanks to people's kindness and friendship, we live safely everyday. We wish you all the best in the world. Today I visited a small shrine where we could walk easily. Yesterday I saw a TV channel, NHK, for example, a children's hero who is called, "Kamen raida" by Ishinomori Shotaro, who is a great mangaka.