English diary 2024

0721 We comparatively spent our time slowly. My wife cooked a lot of great dishes. All in life is Ichigo ichie. Thankfully I had them. I quit curtains in my room as mininalism. Those were put by my wife and I liked them very much. The light was beautiful. Actually the curtains in my original room my mother put were also. Anyway, that is why I post the photo here as my memory. 0527, 2024 Ravi is always cute. There are two kinds of his walking for the time being. One is in our garden. The other is to let him get in a pet carry bag and that I walk. Both enable us to bask in the sun. As for me I read a book of Yoro Takeshi in a while. It was interesting. He is a famous essayist and anatomist l, former professor in the faculty of medicine, Tokyo Uni. I have liked his essays for a long time. When I was a university student, I read his book at a cafe at Nakano, Tokyo. Then my minimalism is doing well. Minimalism is not only to throw things away, but choose what to have in one's own...